Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION Universities and colleges — Continued Africa Achimota 916.6 Canada Holiday at school 378 China Front line democracy Great Britain Cambridge 378 Near East Outposts of American education Scotland Scottish universities UNIVERSITY AND THE WAR, OhioStU 1942 22min sd loan A documentary film which shows the role of the university in World war II, using Ohio State University as an example University extension Learning for living UNIVERSITY IN TRANSITION. OhioStU 1947 27min sd loan Shows the postwar problems of an American university swamped with veterans University libraries. See Libraries, University and college University of Alberta. See Alberta. University UNIVERSITY OF FLYING. BIS 1948 17min sd $47.50, rent $2.50 629.13 University of Illinois, See Illinois. University University of Kentucky. See Kentucky. University University of IVIichigan. See Michigan, University UNMERCIFUL SERVANT. Loyola 1947 20min sd rent $6 Produced by Cathedral Films, Inc. Edited for Catholic use UNSEEN GUARDIANS. TFC llmin sd (Passing parade) apply 339.4 UNTAMED BLUEBLOOD. GtLakesMink 1948 21min sd color $160, loan Produced by Kottcamp & Young, Chicago, at West Coast Sound Studios, New York The complete story of how a ranch mink garment is produced; from the selection and breeding of animal strains, thru their care on the mink ranches, to the workrooms where the pelts are worked and the finished garment Is designed and manufactured UNTO THYSELF BE TRUE. FamilyFlm 1949 20min sd $120, rent $6 Produced by S. M. Hershey The story evolves about serious Implications rooted from a lie, and lack of parental understanding UNUSUAL MOLLUSCS. LibraryFlm 1936 lOmin sd (Struggle to live ser) $25 594 UNVEILING ALGERIA. TFC lOmin sd (Columbia tours) apply 916,5 UP FROM THE EARTH. Co-op 1945 50min sd color $275, rent $5 Shows cooperative activities of midwest farmers in the field of oil production and distribution URBAN DWELLERS IN TEMPERATE COUNTRIES. EPS 1939 9min sd $30, rent $1.50 Also available in a silent version ($22.50, rent $1) Study of growth and problems of urban centers in all parts of the world whose Industries owe their existence to the produce of rural areas Urinary organs Kidneys, ureters and bladder 611 Urinary system URINARY SYSTEM. Bray 1939 15min si (Human body ser) $28, rent $1.50 The filtering plant of the body for the elimination of waste products is clarified by the actual dissection of the entire system, the kidneys, ureter and bladder Uruguay Uruguay Young Uruguay URUGUAY. Castle 20min sd $24.99 Produced by the U.S. government Describes the agriculture, economic wellbeing, and life of the people of Uruguay; and compares It with the United States USE AND CARE OF HAND FILES. Handy 1942 20min sd $66 680 Use arid care of hand tools (Plomb) Chisels 694 Hacksaws 680 Hammers 680 Pliers and screwdrivers 680 Punches, drifts and bars 680 Wrenches 680 USE OF FORESTS. Coronet 1949 llmin sd (Social studies) $45; also color $90 Great forest areas of our country are visited and the most important and valuable types of trees are seen. Numerous uses of wood itself and of Its products are shown USE OF THE MICROSCOPE. Scientific 1949 22min sd color $170, rent $25 Sponsored by the University of Illinois Designed for teaching the elementary or advanced biology student the correct use of the microscope as a precision optical Instrument In order to obtain the fullest value from microscopic study USEFUL KNOTS. Castle 1943 24min sd $30.14 677.7 USES UNLIMITED. Rev. ed. MicroSwitch 1948 35min sd color loan 621.317 USING A BORING BAR BETWEEN CEN TERS. Castle 1944 22min sd $33.60 621.9 USING A FOLLOWER REST. Castle 1944 21mln sd $32.87 621.9 USING A PORTABLE SPRAY GUN. Castle 26min sd $38.75 Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying filmstrip $1 Shows how to use a spray gun In finishing an airplane USING A SHELL END MILL. Castle 1944 21mln sd $32.87 621.9 USING A STEADY REST. Castle 1944 25mln sd $37.32 621.9 USING A STEADY REST WHEN BORING. Castle 1944 21min sd $32.87 621.9 USING THE BANK. EBF 1947 lOmin sd * (Arithmetic ser) $45, rent $2.50 332.1 USING THE CLASSROOM FILM, EBF 1946 * 22min sd (Teacher training ser) $85, rent 15 371.33 USING VISUAL AIDS IN TRAINING. Castle 1944 14min sd (Problems of supervision) $25.71 371.33 Utah Adventure bound 917.92 Erosion by wind and water 551.3 Land of the crimson cliffs Northwestern states 917.8 Salt Lake City 917.92 Ski chase This is the place Utah 917.92 Capital ^"^^M-.^^^^^y 1947 sd (This land of ours) $28.50; also color $85 917.92 Utilities, Public. See Public utilities Utrillo, Maurice Art survives the times 759.4 285