Educational film guide ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE WATER CYCLE. EBF 1947 lOmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 551.4 Water flow. See Hydraulics WATER FOR A THIRSTY LAND (SOUTHWESTERN U. S.) UWF 1949 20min sd (Earth and its peoples) $100, rent $6 628.1 Water fowl. See Water birds WATER IN THE AIR. Films 1949 lOmln sd (Elementary physical science ser) $40 Produced by Instructional-Radford Two boys caught in a sudden summer shower learn from their own experience the mechanics and meaning of the water cycle Water insects. See Aquatic insects WATER OF LIFE. Youth 1948 40min sd color (Scenic psalm worship services) rent $10 Captures the beauty of the world's wondrous streams, lakes, rivers, waterfalls and oceans. Many of the scenes reflect the quality of serenity so inherent to our more placid waters, while others show the turbulence of madly rushing rivers and waterfalls WATER ON THE LAND. Instlnter-AmAffairs 1947 9min sd color $40 Creates an interest in Irrigation by showing the value of it and demonstrating some simple irrigation methods Water pollution. See Water — Pollution Water power Colorado river 917.91 Conservation of natural resources 333 Energy in our rivers 621.2 Mighty Columbia river 627 Mississippi river (upper river) 917.7 Niagara falls 917.47 Niagara the powerful Rivers of the Pacific slope 917.9 Water power (EBF-sd) 621.2 Water power (EBF-si) Watersheds and power 628.1 See also Dams WATER POWER. EBF 1937 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 621.2 WATER POWER. EBF 1928 15min si $24 Various methods of developing and harnessing water power Water power electric plants Bright path 621.312 Electric power in the southern Appalachians Energy in our rivers 621.2 Power from Shipshaw 621.312 Power valley Romance of a river 621.312 Water power (EBF-sd) 621.2 Water purification. See Water — Purification Water sports. See Aquatic sports WATER SPORTS. TFC lOmIn sd (Sports parade) apply 797 Also available in a silent version for $8.75 Water supply Building a pond City water supply 628.1 Colorado river 917.91 New Yoric water supply Next step Our water supply 628.1 Rivers of the Pacific slope 917.9 Running water on the farm 631.3 Sanitation and the rural home Soil and water conservation 631.4 Water (CanNFB) 628.1 Water (Castle) 551.4 Water and the city Water conditioning: Water for a thirsty land (Southwestern U. S.) 628.1 Water supply 628.1 Watersheds and power 628.1 See <also Aqueducts; Dams; Irrigation; Water— Pollution; Water— Purification; Wells WATER SUPPLY. Academy 1947 llmin sd $45, rent $2.50; also color $90, rent $5 628.1 Water supply and forests. See Forest influences WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE. Am CyanamidlonExchDiv 23min sd color loan Since its development in the late thirties, the ion -exchange process has become Increasingly important as a means of producing the low cost chemical equivalent of distilled water. The film Is devoted to an explanation of what Ionexchange resins are, how they work, and what advantages demlnerallzation by ion exchange offers in various Industries WATER WORKS FOR US. YoungAmerica 1949 lOmin sd (Elementary science ser) $40 Produced by Leonard Peck Productions Explains the basic principle of water pressure, and the many ways in which water works for us Waterloo, Battle of Iron duke WATERSHEDS AND POWER. Filmsets 1947 8min si $12.50 628.1 Waterways Mississippi river (lower river) 917.6 Mississippi river (upper river) 917.7 See also Canals; Inland navigation; Lakes; Rivers Waterworks. See Water supply WATSON WAKES UP. PFC or A.ssn Flm 1946 18min sd loan Available only in New York state A fllm with a serious message, played with a realistic and humorous touch, to interest all ages in thrift thru regular saving WATTS IN GLASS. Fiberglas 1947 26min sd color loan Illustrates the unique characteristics of fiberglas base electrical insulations when used in electrical equipment under both normal and adverse operating conditions Watussi Giant people 916.76 WATUSSI OF AFRICA. See Giant people 916.76 THE WAVE. Brandon 1937 68min sd (International fllm classics) rent $25 917.2 Waves Wearing away of the land 551.3 Wax Beauty for keeps 665.2 WAY BACK HOME. Schnatz 90mln sd $133, rent $12.50 Produced by RKO Bette Davis and Frank Albertson In a simple story about folks living in Maine 'WAY BACK WHEN. Eastin 1948 45min sd (Variety programs) rent $4 An entertainment program of five short subjects, including "The Great Train Robbery," the first movie made by Edison in 1903 and a Charlie Chaplin comedy, "In the Park" WAY IN THE WILDERNESS. TFC lOV^min sd (Passing parade) apply 616.9 A WAY OF LIFE. IntHarvester 25min sd color loan Tells the complete story of the community school at Beaverton, Michigan Way of life series (LibraryFlm) Mayaland today 917.26 Zapotecan potters — Mexico 970.1 WAY OF PEACE. RFA 1947 18min sd color rent $8 172.4 WAY OF SALVATION. RFA 1939 25min sd (Episodes In the life ofi St Paul) $125, rent $6 225 WAY TO A MAN'S HEART. Castle 1944 30min sd loan 613.2 292