Educational film guide ()

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Educational Film Guide 1949 Edition Part 2. Classified List Titles selected from Part 1 and arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification. 000 GENERAL WORKS 020 Library Science FIND THE INFORMATION. Coronet 1948 ♦ lOmin sd $45; also color $90 020 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: John J. DeBoer, professor of education, University of Illinois Teaches students how to find reliable information quickly thru this study of many widely used indexes, including the Readers' guide, Who's who in America and the World almanac "The preparation of an index on atomic energy by a junior high school class is made an example project. The boys go to the school library, are shown what facilities are generally available and how to use them. The material, treated simply and clearly, makes a very good lesson in the use of a library and the fundamentals of research. Though designed primarily for school use, many study groups might use it profitably as the opening for a season's work." Nat. bd. of review FOUND IN A BOOK. UWF 1936 20min si $50, rent $2 020 jh-sh-c Produced by the Administration Class of the University of Illinois Library School Shows how to use the card catalog, magazine indexes and other library tools, thru a story of two freshmen, one of whom completes the writing of a theme easily thru the use of the library, while the other misguidedly depends upon his own resources "Amateur but shows value in correct library use for research writing." Collaborator KNOW YOUR LIBRARY. Coronet 1946 lOmln sd $45; also color $90 020 el-jh-sh-c-ad From this film students will learn something of the over-all organization of a typical high school library, how to use the card catalog, the principles of the Dewey decimal system, and how to use the encyclopedia, the Readers' guide and the vertical file Originally titled "How to Use a Library" THE LIBRARIAN. Mahnke 1947 llmln sd ♦ (Your life work) $50 020 Jh-sh-c Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films I Shows the work of all kinds of librarians. Also points out that librarians must like both people and books in order to bring them together 021 Library extension BOOKS AND PEOPLE; THE WEALTH WITHIN. ALA 1947 14min sd color $110 021 sh-c-ad-forum Produced for the Alabama Public Library Service Division by the Southern Educational Film Production Service "Shows a state (Alabama) library extension agency in action and how it helps local communities in establishing county library service. It also portrays the services of the county library to its people and is unusually successful in showing the many types of people served and the many uses they make of books and other materials. Services to both races are shown and very naturally handled. Nearly everyone who has seen the film speaks of ita high human interest element." ALA BOOKWARD HOI General 1947 $37."50; also color $67.50 llmln sd 021 el-Jh-sh-ad Sponsored by the Rural Teachers Club, Polk County, Iowa and the Iowa Pupils' Reading Circle, a service of the Iowa State Education Assn. Tells the story of how a bookmobile transports dreams, new horizons and new experiences to the students who come forth to meet it. The bookmobile makes its daily rounds to the rural students on its route. The students choose their books, read them and by exercise of their own imaginations make the books a part of their own lives "Technical quality outstrips content." Collaborator LIBRARY ON WHEELS. ALA 1945 ISmin sd $37.50 021 c-ad-forum Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, from whom it may be rented for $2.50 "Tells the story of the Fraser Valley union library and stresses the importance of books not only to the Valley people but to people all over Canada. Film shows librarians taking courses such as are given at the University of Toronto and McGill University." Booklist 025.171 Archives THE ARCHIVES. TFC lOmln sd (Washington parade) apply 025.171 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "The approach to the Archives Building is pictured. . . Bronze doors swing open to reveal the Exhibition Hall. . . "Valuable records are shown in the Search Room being reconditioned and treated for permanent filing; in the photostat room being copied on durable paper for public handling, and in the storage vaults where historical records are preserved on films and recordings. Close-ups of the 'Ratification of the Constitution,' the 'Emancipation Proclamation' and the 'Bill of Rights' emphasize the fact that the Archives Building is a living memorial to the men who made and preserved our democracy. "Highly recommended for junior and senior high school classes in history and civics. Excellent material on an important government function." Advisory committee "Plot a liftle weak. Slow moving." California 317