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027-131 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE 027 Public libraries INSIDE THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. TFC lOmin sd (Washington parade) apply 027 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "An interesting film on the Library of Congrress showing the different divisions and their contents. Beautiful photography. Commentator gives an excellent historical background of the various divisions of the library." California "Getting out of date in some details but O.K." Collaborator LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Castle 21min sd $27.12 027 Jh-sh-ad-forum Produced by the Overseas Branch of the Office of War Information A pictorial tour of the Library of Congress showing its many and varied facilities and activities NEW CHAPTERS. ALA 1948 14min sd color $115 027 Jh-sh-ad Produced by the National Film Board of Canada Shows the part the public library can play as a workshop, lecture hall and resource center for the planned cultural activity of the community. Particular emphasis Is placed on the provision of facilities for children's activities in the fields of art, music, story telling and play reading "Recommended highly for showing at library conferences — 'state, regional, or national; and for showings to library school classes specializing in children's work, or people in the community who are interested In Improved library service." Lib. journal NOT BY BOOKS ALONE. SDF 1945 22min sd color JlOO 027 Jh-sh-c-ad-forum Produced by Rochester Public Library How one library serves the citizens of Its community In education, enrichment and recreation, making better homes, earning a living, and Intelligent citizenship "Should be owned by every state library agency In the country." Collaborator PORTRAIT OF A LIBRARY. MMA 1940 23mln sd $46, rent $6 027 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Realfilm Productions. Photographed at the Free Public Library, Montclair, N.J. Sound consists of synchronized music Picture of a moderate sized community's use of its library, showing friendly and varied service. Good for social studies guidance work, taxpayers' groups, world fellowship groups, aduU education, schools, clubs, libraries, etc. "The lack of commentary and the excellent music makes this film effective for popular Interest." Collaborator 028 Books and reading CHOOSING BOOKS TO READ. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 028 el-jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: John J. DeBoer, professor of education, University of Illinois Peter's quest for information on photography leads him from a beginner's volume to books on composition, to a novel and finally a work on art IT'S ALL YOURS. TeenAge 1945 llmin sd $23.60 028 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Wlllard Pictures Designed to encourage teen age audiences to read and own books, the film stars Ralph Bellamy in a story which takes him back to his youth, to all the familiar spots — the fields where he played ball, the stores, the stream where he fished, and the library. And as he looks back over his career he realizes the benefit and pleasure which books had brought to his life 070 Journalism DEMOCRACY'S DIARY. RKORadio 1948 16mln * sd (This is America) apply 070 Jh-sh-ad Tells the story of modern journalism and shows how the news is gathered in papers like the New York Times and disseminated to the peoples of America. .Show how the news is gathered from over the world. How It is sent to the city desk for checking and then thru the linotype machine and make-up room until It reaches the columns of the newspaper. Next the circulation department takes hold. Here speed Is essential in order to bring the late news to the doorstep of America as soon as possible, answering the consuming desire of a free people for the latest information JOURNALISM. Mahnke 1940 llmin sd (Your * life work) $50 070 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films "This film is a rapid, though detailed, analysis of the newspaper business from the standpoint of vocational guidance. The film begins with scenes in a newspaper office ajid then shows the varied lives of newspaper reporters. Then It takes up the processes of editing, setting up, and printing the paper. "Next the film discusses the women's departments, and then it outlines one by one the departments of sports, finance, society, critical writing, columnists, editorial writers, political writers, and feature writers. A short sequence tells of the work of the country newspaper editor, who must be somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades. "Finally, the film analyzes general abilities needed for newspaper work in all branches. A good film; effective In doing the work for which it was intended. . . The film is of excellent technical quality." Georgia "An excellent film on vocational guidance for students of high school and college ages. Should be very valuable for those who wish to enter journalism." California 100 PHILOSOPHY 131 Mental physiology and hygiene EMOTIONAL HEALTH. McGraw 1947 20mln sd (Health education text-film ser) apply 131 sh-c-ad-forum Guide This film has three primary objectives: (1) to convince young people of college age that emotional upsets are common; (2) to show that if a disturbance of this kind is prolonged, the need for professional counsel and care is just as important and normal as with any physical illness; and (3) to explain in simplified language some of the basic techniques of psychiatric treatment and thereby allay some of the stigma attached to the necessity for this treatment Correlated fllmstrip of the same title is listed in the 1918 Annual Fllmstrip Guide 318