Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 131-136.7 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION. IntFlmBur 16min si |25, rent $2.50 131 Produced at Columbia University by Professor Gilbert Illustrates the cliief phenomena and techniques of research in visual perception. The topics covered are: phi phenomenon, optical illusions, color constancy, eye movements in reading and perception span, ending with an actual experiment in digit span FEELING OF HOSTILITY. CanNFB or IntFlm * Bur 1948 27min sd (Mental mechanisms) $75, rent .?5 131 sh-c-ad-forum Produced by the National Film Board of Canada The case history of Clare, an outwardly successful but inwardly incomplete personality. The causes of her feeling of resentment toward others and the resulting failure In personal relationships are traced in detail from early childhood, thru an unhappy school life, and an intellectually satisfactory but emotionally frustrating college career, until we see her in a responsible editorial job in a publishing firm, her hostility directed into constructive effort "Not as well organized as 'The Feeling of Rejection' but a good performance." Collaborator FEELING OF REJECTION. CanNFB 1947 * 23min sd (Mental mechanisms) $50, rent $2.50 131 c-ad-forum Produced by the National Film Board of Canada Produced for the Mental Health Division of the Canadian Dept. of National Health and Welfare A visual case history of a neurotic 23 year old girl. She suffers from physical symptoms, such as headaches, extreme fatigue, dizzy spells. As no physical causes can be found for these symptoms, which none the less are very real and distressing to the patient, she is referred by her doctor to a psychiatrist who is able to uncover the emotional basis for these physical reactions "A very sensible handling of mental and emotional problems which build up during childhood and emerge as serious problems in adult adjustment." Library journal WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? CanNFB 1947 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 131 sh-c-ad-forum The strain of modern life with its complex problems tells heavily upon mental health. Millions try to solve their difficulties by the advice of quacks but psychiatry is providing genuine help and a cure for many mental ills 132 Abnormal psychology DARK SHADOWS. TFC 22min sd (Crime does not pay) apply 132 ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn -Mayer Problems involved in dealing with a psychopathic murderer are demonstrated EFFECTS OF ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY ON EXPERIMENTAL NEUROSES. PaSt Col 1946 29min si $44, rent $2.50 132 tr-ad _ Distributed by the Psychological Cinema Register. Produced at the University of Chicago by J. H. Masserman and Mary Grier Jacques Normal cats subjected to cerebral electroshock, show impairment of complex and recently learned response patterns, as compared with the relative persistence of simpler forms of adaptive behavior. Cats made experimentally neurotic by motivational conflicts and then subjected to electroshock, show a similar disorganization of complex inhibitions, compulsions, and phobias, thus releasing more nearly "normal" goal-directed behavior. These alterations of conduct cannot be correlated with pathologic changes in the brain detectable by standard histologic techniques PSYCHIATRY IN ACTION. BIS 1944 62min sd $112.50, rent $6 132 jh-sh-c-ad A presentation of the results and treatment of war neuroses in British hospitals "Although this is a technical film, the subject is presented in such a lucid manner that it can easily be followed and understood even by a beginner in any of the many professions shown at work in the film — medicine, psychology, psychiatric nursing, neuropsychiatry, social work, occupational therapy, and administration of hospitals. The film will be useful to show staffs organizing similar hospital units in the United States for the purpose of giving each staff member a picture of his particular responsibility as It relates to those of other members. Also useful for showing to the civilian population ... to give them confidence in the ability of hospitals to re habilitate war veterans." Ed. screen PSYCHONEUROS^S. NYU 1944 23min si $40, rent $3.50 132 c-tr-ad Produced by Drs S. Philip Goodhart and Benjamin Harris Balser Patients are demonstrated presenting signs and symptoms of seemingly psychogenic nature. However, they also show clinical syndromes suggestive of organic disease. Differential diagnosis is considered 133 Occult sciences NOSTRADAMUS. TFC llmin sd (Historical mysteries) apply 133 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer The biography of one of the world's famous mystics who, as a doctor, evolved an effective cure for the black plague, and as a soothsayer made many startling predictions about world events which have since been fulfilled 136.7 Child study BABY'S DAY AT TWELVE WEEKS, EBF ♦ 1935 llmin sd (Child development ser) $45, rent $2.50 136.7 sh-c-ad By Dr Arnold Gesell, director, Yalo Clinic of Child Development In this picture the infant Is followed through his domestic day from the time of his waking at six o'clock In the morning until the final breajst feeding at ten o'clock at night. His dressing, bathing, feeding, daytime naps, play, and general caxe are presented. An Interpretation of the significance of his various reactions is offered BALLOONS. NYU 1941 20mln sd (Studies of normal personality development) $75, rent $4 136.7 sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Department of Child Study of Vassar College Two boys, both between the ages of four and five, are subjects in a projective situation designed for the study of aggressive and destructive impulses. It shows how differently two children, but a few months apart in age, and from similar backgrounds, respond to a graduated series of opportunities and invitations to break balloons 319