Educational film guide ()

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136.7 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE INFANTS ARE INDIVIDUALS. EBF 1947 15min si (How a baby grows) ?24, rent $2.50 136.7 sh-c-ad Produced at Yale Clinic of Cliild Development with the collaboration of Dr Arnold Gesell Demonstrates that individuality and personality are apparent in yov^ngsters from their earliest days. Shows how certain behavior patterns disclosed in infancy persist into later life LEARNING AND GROWTH. EBF 1935 llmin * sd (Child development ser) $45, rent $2.50 136.7 c-ad By Dr Arnold Gesell, director, Yale Clinic of Child Development Attempts to clarify some of the principles which govern the learning process. The possibilities and limitations of training infants from twenty-four to forty-eight weeks of age are described. Several learning problems are analyzed with special reference to the effect of maturity. The relationships between age, growth, and learning are indicated. Laws which determine learning in older children are pointed out LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND CHILDREN, * PART I— A DIAGNOSTIC APPPROACH. McGraw 1947 21min sd (Teacher education text-film ser) apply 136.7 c-ad-forum Guide Presents a case study of Ada Adams, an emotionally and socially maladjusted girl of 15. It records the efforts of her English teacher to study her case sympathetically, to understand her and to plan remedial procedures to help her. Shown in detail are the diagnostic techniques, such as observation of the child's behavior, study of her previous records, personal interviews, home visitation and formulation of a hypothesis for remedial measures Correlated fllmstrip of the same title is listed in the 1948 Annual Fllmstrip Guide "An excellent film for its purpose. Shows diagnostic techniques in detail. First film I have seen which actually goes into the home." Collaborator LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND CHILDREN: * PART II— A REMEDIAL PROGRAM. McGraw 1947 23min sd (Teacher education text-film ser) apply 136.7 c-ad-forum Guide A continuation of the case study of Ada Adams. Her teacher develops a plan for remedial action Correlated fllmstrip of the same title is listed in the 1948 Annual Fllmstrip Guide "Good film for showing some specific remedial techniques which can be used with many types of maladjustments. Does an awfully good job of showing how a child's interest in art can be used to improve her self confidence and interest in school." Collaborator LET US GROW— IN HUMAN UNDERSTANDING. Harmon 1946 SOmin si $50, rent $3; also color $140, rent $6 136.7 jh-sh-c-ad A film on the program at the Vassar Summer Institute of 1945, where specialists in child development and parents work and study together to discover what children need for wholesome development in the modern community LIFE BEGINS. EBF 1934-35 GOmin sd (Child development ser) $225, rent $15 136.7 sh-c-ad Culmination of 24 years of clinical practice and of research on problems of infancy at the Yale Clinic of Child Development under the direction of Dr Arnold Gesell Attention is directed to the need for a better understanding of the laws governing the infant's mental and physical growth, so that a happier social order may be developed. Similarities, differences and characteristic ways In which infants react to standardized test situations are shown; their everyday life. Including sleeping, waking, dressing, bath, their plays and games, learning and emotional behavior, and social reactions to the family group. Concludes with comments relative to the education ind mental hygiene of infants and the obligation of science, home, school and society to promote the infant's welfare by periodical health examinations and supervision of his mental growth LIFE WITH BABY. Forum ed. MOT ISmin * sd $55 136.7 jh-sh-c-ad-forum How children grow, mentally and physically. Under the direction of Dr. Arnold Gesell at the Yale University Clinic. Features candidcamera sequences. Non-technical in character, this film is replete with psychological and human interest and will help toward a better understanding of the young child by adults and older children LIFE WITH JUNIOR. Forum ed. MOT 1949 ISmin sd $55 136.7 sh-c-ad-forum The camera picks up Junior at the start of a typical day and follows him through his sketchy ablutions, a wolfed breakfast and a dawdling trip to school. The work of the Child Study Association of America is shown In some detail MEETING EMOTIONAL NEEDS IN CHILDHOOD: THE GROUNDWORK OF DEMOCRACY. NYU 1947 SSmin sd (Studies of normal personality development $110, rent $6 136.7 C-ad Produced by Dept. of Child Study at Vassar College Concerned with the kind of attitude toward people and the sense of community responsibility the child Is devc;ioping as he grows to adulthood "Good film for a better understanding of children. Would recommend It for prospective teachers and community and youth leaders; too elementary however for in-service teachers or individuals who have had experience working with children." Collaborator POSTURAL ADJUSTMENTS OF THE INFANT. IntFlmBur ISmin si (Child development ser) $12, rent $2 136.7 c-ad Produced by Professor Myrtle McGraw at Columbia University Neuro-muscular development is illustrated in this film by the postural adjustments of the infant when held by the feet with the head hanging down. Pictures were taken periodically during the first i'^/z years PROBLEM CHILDREN. Ohio Dlv of Mental Hygiene 1946 20min sd loan 136.7 c-tr-ad-forum Available outside of Ohio from PaStCol for $50, rent $2.50 A story of two children and how their personalities are affected by their relationships in home and school PROBLEM-SOLVING IN INFANTS. IntFlm Bur 28min si (Child development ser) $40, rent $4 136.7 sh-c-ad In two reels v.-hich are available separately (R 1 $24, R2 $17) Produced by Professor Myrtle McGraw at Columbia University Shows how the development of intelligent behavior is analyzed in the child study laboratory 322