Educational film guide ()

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177-225 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE ALICE ADAMS; excerpt (money sequence). TFC 15min sd (Human relations ser) apply 177 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by RKO Radio Pictures. Edited by the Commission on Human Relations Family problems grow out of a father's lack of Unancial success. His daughter's sensitiveness to appearances leads her into exaggeration and fantasy in her relationship with a young man. The mother blames her husband for the fact tliat his daughter ia handicapped socially BY JUPITER. Wilding 1947 27min sd |126 177 Jh-sh-tr-ad Sponsored by Marshall Field & Co. for use in an employee training program Approaches the universal problem of improving the attitude of man toward man. It drives home the story of "courtesy is contagious" thru a blend of fantasy and reality concerning the everyday experiences of an ordinary man who learns how to become "wisely selfish" thru a miracle worked by a benign Jupiter and his wife Juno YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS. AssnFlm 1946 ♦ 7min sd (Art of living) $32.50, rent ?2 177 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced jointly by Association Films and Look Magazine A teen-age party Is shown. The audience is a.sked to listen to the dialogue and watch the action on the screen carefully in order to evaluate different types of behavior. In the scenes that follow, friendly cooperation is contrasted with self-centered bad manners. Ethel breaks her promise to keep a secret. Betty tells a lie to get out of a date. Frank criticizes Ed behind his back. The commentary and sub-titles encourage the spectator to select and remember those qualities people need if they wish to be, and to have, friends — loyalty, dependability, courtesy 200 RELIGION 215 Religion and science GOD OF CREATION. Moody 1947 50min sd * color (Sermons from science) $200, loan 215 et-jh-sh-ad The wonders of astronomy, microscopic organisms, biological processes such as metamorphosis and photosynthesis, are shown as evidence of the greatness of God 220 Bible BOOK FOR THE WORLD OF TOMORROW. Rev. ed. AmBible 1947 27mln sd rent $10 220 Jh-sh-c-ad First produced in 1943 Illustrates the important place of the Bible in our land and in many others and shows how thru the devoted labors of many men it came to be the Book for the world of yesterday; how its rapid passage into the tongues of nine-tenths of mankind and its world wide distribution have made it the Book for the world of today; and how we whose heritage it is are challenged to make the Bible the Book for the world of tomorrow Among the interesting sequences are the first printing from movable metal type in Europe by Gutenberg: how a translation into a foreign tongue is actually made: and the story of the Vulgate translation by St Jerome, still an outstanding work of scholarship "Makes use of every art of the motion pictures to show the importance of the Bible m our civilization. The picture Is Intensely interesting and Is skilfully done. It will give a new concept of the place of the Bible In Individual life and that of society. . . "Has a sustained interest and keeps the attention throughout the showing. I think it is the finest thing I have yet seen as an effective medium through which a deeper interest In the Bible may be created." Rev. Norman Vincent Peale 221 Bible. Old Testament AMOS. Cathedral 1947 20min sd rent $6 221 * el-jh-sh-ad Guide The story of the shepherd of Tekoe who appeared during the reign of Jeroboam the Second and denounced the exploitation and enslavement of the poor. This film attempts to show the social evils that prevailed and how Amos dared to oppose them even to rebuking the king in person for his oppression of the poor and needy Accompanied by a filmstrip of the same title, listed in the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide QUEEN ESTHER. Cathedral 1947 50min sd * rent $16 221 el-jh-sh-ad Guide May also be rented in two parts for $8 each. Rental during the Feast of Purim Is $20 Tells the sacrifice E.<^ther was willing to make In order to save her people (the Jews) from destruction. Because the book of Esther explains the reason for the Jewish Feast of Purim, the picture begins and ends with a modern Jewish family celebrating in the traditional way "Beautifully staged and costumed, with a cast of 200. film is moving and realistic story from the Bible." Church films Accompanied by a filmstrip of the same title, listed in the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide 225 Bible. New Testannent BARABBAS. RFA 1939 21min sd $100, rent $5 225 jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the Religious Film Society, London The story of Barabbas, the Jewish rebel and murderer who was released to the crowd while Jesus was crucified. Founded on the story by Canon S. N. Sedgwick CALLING OF MATTHEW. * 28mln sd rent $6 Cathedral 1946 225 sh-c-ad Guide The story of Matthew, a despised tax collector as recorded in the Gospel of St Mark 11:13-17 Accompanied by a filmstrip of the same title, listed in the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide "An excellent film, with fine characterization, highly recommended for church and Sunday school showings." Film world THE CONVERSION. Cathedral 1949 30mln sd (Life of St Paul) rent $8 225 ad Guide Opening with the stoning of Stephen the film follows Saul and his men on the road to Damascus and eventually to his baptism CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. RFA 1939 24mln sd (Episodes in the life of St Paul) $100, rent $G 225 jh-sh-c-ad Produced In England by G.H.W. Productions Covers the period in Paul's life from his trial before Nero, through the burning of Rome, to Paul's re-arrest as a result of persecution of the Christian sect 328