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1949 EDITION 225-226 FAITH TRIUMPHANT. RFA 1939 22min sd (Episodes in the life of St Paul) $100, rent $6 225 jh-sh-c-ad Produced in England by G.H.W. Productions Reenactmeiit of St. Paul's imprisonment at Caesarea and his trials before Festus and Agrippa, talcen from Book of Acts FISHERS OF MEN. RFA 1941 22min sd $100, rent $6 225 jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the Religious Film Society, London Tells how Simon and Andrew, fishermen on the Lake of Galilee, became disciples of Jesus; and shows the Impact of Jesus' personality on the disciples, their families, and the people of the community GRACE OF FORGIVENESS. RFA 1939 27min sd (Kpisodes in the life of St Paul) $125, rent $7.50 225 jh-sh-c-ad Produced in England by G.H.W. Productions Covers the two-year period which Paul spent in Rome awaiting trial Includes the incident with the runaway slave Onesimus, and depicts Paul dictating parts of the Epistles which were written from Rome JOHN THE BAPTIST, (2 parts) Loyola 1947 ea 20min sd rent ea $6 225 jh-sh-ad Produced by Loyola. Edited for Catholic NO GREATER POWER. 24min sd rent $6 Cathedral 1942 225 sh-c-ad Guide The story of Zaccheus as recorded in St Luke XIX:1-10. The film shows him as an impoverished potter who takes advantage of circumstances to eventually gain the exalted position of tax collector in Jericho. He uses his wealth and power to further his own selfish ends, but everything changes when he meets with the Master in his own home Accompanied by a filmstrip, "Story of Zaccheus," listed in the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS. RFA 1939 12min sd (Episodes in the life of St Paul) $50, rent $3 225 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced in England by G.H.W. Productions The story of St. Paul's conversion to Christianity on the Damascus Road, which faithfully follows the account contained in the Book of Acts SIMON PETER, FISHERMAN. Cathedral 1948 32min sd rent $8 225 el-jh-sh-c-ad Shows the calling of the first disciples and the beginning of our Lord's ministry STEPHEN, FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYR. Cathedral 1948 24min sd (Life of St Paul) rent $6 225 el-jh-sh-c-ad Guide Tells of the selection of Stephen as a disciple and his subsequent martydom and death "Portrayal of Stephen is splendidly enacted. Film's message is one of thoughtprovoking import. Its content and story will make it acceptable outside the church as well as to varied church curriculum." FlmWorld Correlated with the filmstrip of the same title, listed in the 1948-1949 Filmstrip Guide Supplement STORY OF ZACCHEUS. Loyola 1947 20min sd rent $6 225 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Loyola. Edited for Catholic use "Zaccheus, Impressed by Christ and His teachings, gives away his wealth and makes restitution for his injustice to the people." Catholic school journal VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS. Cathedral 1946 36min sd rent $10 225 sh-c-ad Guide The story of John, the Baptist— his birth, early life in the desert, baptism of Jesus of Nazareth, death by order of Herod Accompanied by a filmstrip, "John the Baptist," listed in the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide WAY OF SALVATION. RFA 1939 25min sd (Episodes in the life of St Paul) $125, rent $6 225 jh-sh-c-ad Produced in England by G.H.W. Productions Covers that part of Paul's life contained in the Book of Acts 16:9-40 Paul and Silas together with Timothy have made their first missionary journey into Europe to the city of Philippi, in Greece. Here they meet Lydia and others who become interested in Paul's teachings WOMAN OF SAMARIA. AmBible 1946 15min sd (Bible story pictures) rent $7.50 225 el-jh-sh-ad The text read in this picture is found In the fourth chapter of the Gospel according to John, verses 3-42 226 Parables CERTAIN NOBLEMAN. Cathedral 1940 20min sd rent $6 226 sh-c-ad Guide Also available in a silent version (30min, rent $4.50) This is the story of the nobleman who worships Roman gods and idolizes his son. When his son becomes ill a workman persuades the nobleman to seek help from Jesus. The story then follows John 4:47-53 Accompanied by a filmstrip of the same title, listed in the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide GOOD SAMARITAN. Loyola 1947 SOmin sd rent $8 226 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Loyola. Edited for Catholic use "The familiar Gospel of the Good Samaritan dramaticalljf protrayed to bring home the lesson of 'love thy neighbor.' " Catholic school journal GOOD SAMARITAN. RFA 1939 12min sd $50, rent $3 226 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by the Religious Film Society, London Adapted from Luke 10:25-37. A client visits a lawyer for advice in squeezing some land from a poor neighbor. The lawyer tells of his recent interview with Jesus, which includes Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan (dramatized) and refuses a part in the scheme "The acting and photography are good but the English accent of the actors may cause difficulty. May be used by any age group." Int. journal of religious ed. 329