Educational film guide ()

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325.73-328 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE AMERICAN ANNIVERSARY — Continued the goal of millions of oppressed peoples and made our way of life the envy of ail other nations. "The story, in terms of one man, of the development of our country as a whole Is an account of the rise of an immigrant to a place of significance in his community. '"A simple, moving, very effective story. A general lntere.<»t film." School management "Altho NAM propaganda, I consider this outstanding for junior high and above." Collaborator GREENIE. TFC 1942 lOmin sd (MGM minla* tures) apply 325.73 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "A little Polish refugee boy comes to America with his father. The boy attempting to become a part of this new world and make friends, is at first ridiculed by the boys on his street, but Is finally accepted by them in true 'Yankee' spirit." Advisory committee IMMIGRATION. BBF 1947 llmin sd (American history ser) $45, rent |2.50 325.73 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Henry Steel Commager, head of history dept. Columbia University Shows by photographs and animated maps how the United States became populated, and why Europeans left the Old World for the New. Photographic scenes of families leaving their homes for this country tell the human side of the story. Peasants fleeing from economic exploitation, political refugees and religious fugitives, are all depicted In scenes which conclude with shots of Ellis Island and the induction into full American citizenship of immigrants "Film should prove excellent in primary grades in such areas as social living and communication arts. Latter heading includes language, dramatics, and graphic arts." Film world NEW AMERICANS. RKO 1947 ni^min sd (This is America) $90 325.73 Produced by RKO Depicts the adjustment 6f a typical refugee with the aid of the National Refugee Service and shows how Professor Albert Einstein, author Thomas Mann, scientists Victor Hess and James Franck and many other refugees are making important contributions to America SPANISH INFLUENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 325.73 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Collaborator: Frederick G. Neel, Dept. of Education, Canterbury College Points out that even tho Don and Dolores live In the United States, our Spanish heritage plays an important part in their lives. In their ranch-type house they have Spanish furniture, listen to Latin tempos on the radio, and even many of the words which they use are Spanish in derivation. When their study turns to the rest of the country, they discover the Spanish missions from Florida to California, the horses and cattle originally brought here by the Spanish and many other things "Title should have read 'Mexican influence in the U.S.' " Collaborator ®^f„^^S "^ AMERICA. Castle 1945 19min sd $24.26 325.73 sh-c-ad Produced by the Office of War Information, Overseas Branch America and Americans, particularly those of Swedish descent, as seen and told by Ingrld Bergman 326 Negroes COLOR OF A MAN. IntFlmFd 1946 ISmln sd color loan 326 Jh-sh-c-ad-forum Sponsored and distributed by the Congregational Church Two shadows are on the ground. The camera moves from them onto the face of a man, and a voice says: "This man is free, white and 21." The camera moves to another face, and the voice says: "This man is — 21" A simple documentary story of conditions in the South and of deliberate withholding of opportunity for education and economic opportunity NEGRO FARMER. Castle 1938 24min sd $30.84 326 Jh-sh-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Outlines the work of the Federal and State Extension Service among Southern Negroes. Shows what Is being done to further the cause of better farming and better living 327.73 Foreign relations of the United States MONROE DOCTRINE. TFC 16min sd color apply 327.73 jh-sh Produced by Warner Bros. Pictures the development of the Monroe doctrine and subsequent instances of its application "Slightly melodramatic with a dash of romance thrown In." Collaborator OUR MONROE DOCTRINE. Post 1940 20min sd (American historical ser) $90 327.73 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by the Academic Film Co. Such characters as John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and of course James Monroe, play their dramatic and historic roles. Considers why it was necessary to issue the Doctrine; what forces were instrumental in shaping the policy proclaimed; the part the independence of the South American republics played in influencing the policy of the United States; the Holy Alliance of Europe and their alms for world domination 328 Legislation. Legislative bodies HOW A BILL BECOMES A LAW. Pictorial 1945 22min sd $60 328 Jh-sh-ad A step-by-step visualization of the parts played by the ordinary citizen, his legislators and the Chief Executive in the making of our laws. Photographed at the current Washington scene, with addition of explanatory diagrams "Though offering only information which should be familiar to grade school civics classes, this film is sufficiently adroit to be useful in any political education undertaken by community groups. It is unfortunate that the potentialities of social legislation are not touched upon in the introductory footage. Though many recognizable political figures are shown, they are not identified by name and this film should be useful for a considerable period." Library journal POWERS OF CONGRESS, Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 328 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Dr John Day Larkin, dean of the Division of Liberal Studies, Illinois Institute of Technology 338