Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 328-330.973 POWERS OF CONGRESS — Continued A fantasy Is employed in this film to define and explain tiie powers of Congress. Mr Williams drops off to sleep for a few minutes to And liimself confronted witli a world in whicii Congress lias been suspended and federal autliority dlsisolved. Wiien he awalces from liis dream, lie has a better understanding of his own responsibility in the selection of that body "A good film for helping to develop a favorable attitude in Congress but poor exploitation of the motion picture medium." Collaborator STATE LEGISLATURE. Academy 1948 20min * sd $90, rent $5 also color $180, rent $10 328 el-jh-sh-c-ad Guide Filmed during a session of a state legislature, explaining the detailed procedure of the legislative branch of our state governments In the enactment of a state law. The film starts with the origin, need and reasons for a law and shows, step by step, how surveys and statistical data are obtained to back It as a bill, how It is introduced, discussed and passed by the Assembly, concurred in by the Senate, signed by the Governor, then challenged and reviewed by the state Supreme court WISCONSIN MAKES ITS LAWS. Wis.U 1948 * SOmin sd color $165, rent apply 328 Jh-sh-c-ad A complete photographic and sound document of the social processes by which needs for laws arise thru pressure groups and are brought to the attention of the state legislature. The complete story of how the proposed law is discussed, is Introduced, is referred to committees, is given public hearings, is engrossed, is voted upon, is signed or vetoed by the governor, is tested before the supreme court. Actual photographs of the legislators, committees, state offices, and senate and assembly chambers. The film story develops the need, passage and test of Bill 108A, an imaginary bill to prevent forest fires in Wisconsin 328.1 Parliamentary procedure HOW NOT TO CONDUCT A MEETING. GM 1941 lOmin sd loan 328.1 sh-c-ad Colonel Stoopnagel burlesques the common errors and omissions so frequently encountered in poorly planned meetings Not intended to show parliamentary procedure, or to depict all the rules for conducting a meeting. Rather it is a comedy treatment of certain types of informal luncheon gatherings, and shows the way not to conduct a meeting by emphasizing the mistakes so often made. Typical faults included are: poor acoustics, poor ventilation, interruptions and Inadequate planning "Negative approach; slap-stick, but so popularized that it may be effective." Collaborator PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES IN ACTION, Coronet 1941 12min sd $56.25 328.1 jh-sh-c-ad Collaborator: Harold Crabill, University School, Indiana University Demonstrates proper procedure in conducting a meeting by showing significant parts of the discussion Involved in the meeting of a high school dramatics club. Featured are proper procedure in calling the meeting to order and in the reading of the minutes. Proper order of business is shown as the discussion moves from reports of standing committees, special committees, unfinished business, orders of the day, new business and adjournment. During the course of the meeting the procedure of amending motions, seconding motions, calling for a division of the house. appointing of committees, rising to a point of order, tabling a motion and rising to a point of inquiry are all given "There Is a glaring error in the film: a motion authorizing an activity is amended, the amendment is passed, a new motion implementing the activity is made, seconded, and passed — but the original motion is never passed." Collaborator 329 Practical politics DEADLINE FOR ACTION. UE(CIO) 1946 40mln sd $75, rent $7.50 329 sh-c-ad-forum Produced by Union Films Also available in a shortened version "Men Against Money" (20min $50, rent $5) Shows the need for political action on the part of the American people to combat other forces seeking to Influence Congress POLITICAL PARTIES. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 329 el-Jh-sh-c-ad-forum Guide Collaborator: Dr J. Donald Kingsley, formerly professor of government Antioch College A conceptual film, designed to show the relationship of political parties to the Individual, and to sliow that the institution of parties is dependent upon popular approval. The work of party mechanics is illustrated, and the way parties keep goodwill. The relationship of local party activities to national measures Is explained, as well as democratic voting procedures 330 Economics FARM AND CITY. School ed. Castle" 1948 8mln sd $11.39 330 Jh-sh-c-ad Re-Issued. Classroom version of a longer film produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture just before the war Shows the relation of farm to city and that the economic status of one affects the other 330.1 Economic theory CAPITALISM. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also * color $90 330.1 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: James Harvey Dodd, Professor of Economics and Business Administration. Mary Washington College, University of Virginia Capitalism is the subject of a radio forum to be presented by "Western" high school. The students have become so interested in the subject that they hold a lively discussion even before they go on the air. The widely divergent ideas of every stratum of society are heard 330.973 Economic conditions in the United States AMERICA & SONS, UNLIMITED. USCofC * 14min sd $40, rent $10 330.973 Jh-sh-c Produced by RKO-Pathe Shows what men are able to accomplish in a land where men are free and everyone works together "A documentary story of the development of America through the endeavor of her people. It shows the progress of American business from pioneers day to the present, with emphasis on the cooperation between management, labor, and the consumer." Bus. screen "Permanently valuable even if trailer be omitted." Collaborator 339