Educational film guide ()

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330.973-331.1 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE AND SO THEY LIVE. ?95 rent $6 NYU 1940 25mln sd 330.973 sh-c-ad-forum Guide Produced by the Educational Film Institute of New York University in cooperation with the University of Kentucky Shows the tragic poverty of the land in a rural southern community, the lack of proper diet, housing and sanitation, and the need for better adaptation of the school program to the problems of the community. There is a detailed and intimate picture of the family, the real affection and respect among the family members emerging as clearly as the unfortunate social and economic circumstances under which they live CHILDREN MUST LEARN. NYU 1940 13min sd $75, rent $4 330.973 sh-c-ad-forum Guide Produced by the Educational Film Institute of New York University in cooperation with the University of Kentucky Designed to illustrate the unsatisfactory relationship between education and the local necessities of life which characterize American education in many parts of this country Depicts a farm family in the rural south, inadequately housed and clothed, living on land that is poor, and existing on a diet of pork, pork sausage and pork gravy. The oneroom school which the children attend is crude and meagerly furnished. The books used do not relate to the needs of the community. But the school is preparing to change Its program of study so that the children can learn some of the facts of soil and food which they so badly need to know. The adults have managed to get along somehow, but every year the land is poorer, the conditions worse. The children must be taught ways to enrich the impoverished soil to improve their diet and health. There is an interesting use of folk music as running commentary for the film Itself "This film presents a frank analysis of a backward mountain community to the accompaniment of melodious native songs. Used with a proper discussion leader, the film offers challenging material for creative thought." Collaborator OF THIS WE ARE PROUD. Kelvlnator 25mln sd color $170, loan 330.973 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Raphael G. Wolff Studios A dramatization of American progress and the basic factors responsible for the high standard of living in America POWER BEHIND THE NATION. USTreasury * 1948 15min sd color loan 330.973 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad A Warner Bros, production made available by the Motion Picture Association of America Tells of the greatness of America, past and present, with scenes of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the opening of the frontiers, the advent of the railroads, the embryonic industry of a hundred years ago and the tremendous cauldron of production it Is today. The power behind the nation Is a freedom-loving, prosperous people, keeping the land and industry producing and possessing a financial reserve as a buffer against depression THREE TO BE SERVED. NAM 1944 27min sd $27.50, loan 330.973 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Paramount I*ictures Inc. Educational Films Division in cooperation with National Industrial Information Committee Through the experiences of a group of high school youngsters in starting their own business, this film shows the fundamentals which underlie all business Shows how management must serve customers, workers and Investors, and must reconcile the demands of all three, in order to make any business venture successful "Well suited for economics classes as well as clubs, associations, and the public in general." Film world 331 Labor and laboring classes I.L.O. CanNFB 1947 llmin sd $25, rent $1.50 331 Jh-sh-c-ad-fcrum Established in 1919, the International Labor Office continues to bring representatives of member nations together to set uniform standards of social welfare for the working people of the world. The film shows how policies agreed upon by the delegates are carried out in mines, mills and merchant steamers from Montreal to Shanghai and demonstrates the importance of international cooperation for human welfare LABOR LOOKS AHEAD. Brandon 1945 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 331 sh-tr-ad Produced by the National Film Board of Canada Discusses Canadian labor's contribution in the war and points to the vital role it will play in the postwar period 331.1 Industrial relations. Ennployment DEMOCRACY AT WORK. ISmin sd $50, rent $2.50 CanNFB 1944 331.1 jli-sli-c-ad-forum Shows how Britain's industry during the war developed joint production committees and extended their use to many types of war plants; depicts the rise of labormanagement committees adapted to each industry ... to increase productive efficiency HELP WANTED. TFC 22min sd (Crime does not pay) apply 331.1 jh-sh-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "The Hot Spot Employment Agency procures Job.s for manual laborers for a fee of 50% of the first month's wages, and splits with employers who will agree to discharge the laborers at the end of the month so that others may replace them and go through the same routine. A sample situation, taken from police record.s, is dramatized. "The film shows the injustices of this employment agency racket, and clearly visualizes the careful and thorough police methods used to obtain conviction of offenders under difficult circumstances. Recommended for high school classes in economics and social studies and for discussion In vocational guidance groups." Advisory committee NEW PATTERN. Brandon 14min sd apply, rent $2.50 331.1 sh-c-ad-forum Produced by the National Film Board of Canada Discusses the operation of a Labor-management production committee and its activities in solving problems arising in the construction of an airport in England PARTNERS IN PRODUCTION. Brandon 1944 28min sd $45, rent apply 331.1 sli-c-tr-ad-forum Produced by the National Film Board of Canada ' The story of labormanagement committees in wartime Britain. A typical election In 340