Educational film guide ()

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338-341.1 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE 338 Produc-Hon PRODUCTIVITY— KEY TO PLENTY. EBP 1949 20min sd $76.50 338 sh-c-ad Produced in cooperation with the Twentieth Century Fund. Based on a study by the Fund entitled "America's needs and resources" by Dr J. Frederic Dewhurst and collaborators An analysis of American production and consumption 339 Distribution DISTRIBUTING AMERICA'S GOODS. EBP 1945 llmin sd (Social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 339 Jh-sh-ad-forum Collaborator: J. Frederic Dewhurst, Twentieth Century Fund "Sequences are devoted to the distribution costs of the producer, the wholesaler, the retailer, and transportation. The film shows how fifty-nine cents out of each purchase dollar goes to pay for the distribution of the article, and indicates ways in which distributors and consumers can cooperate to reduce distribution costs." Ed. screen 339.2 Profits IN BALANCE. Burroughs 1948 38min sd $59.78, loan 339.2 sh-c-ad Produced by Wilding Picture Productions Presents arguments in favor of building up cash reserve for business, thru the story of two fishermen "Argues the case for high business profits, and tries to Justify the payment to shareholders of comparatively low dividends during a prosperous period like the present, at the same time warning employees that profit-sharing schemes are not in their own ultimate Interest." Sat. rev. of lit. 339.4 Consumption. Saving and thrift ABOUT MONEY. Children's 1948 8mln sd color $75 339.4 p-el A short film for elementary children demonstrating the proper ways for spending an allowance "Narration by a boy of eight or nine, who explains to his small sister the sources of his personal funds, allowance, payment for chores, gifts, and what he does with same. Simple vocabulary and familiar situations will enable small children to grrasp the film's content." Library journal CONSUMER PROTECTION. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 339.4 Jh-sh-c-ad-forum Guide Collaborator: Elvin S. Eyster, Dept. of Business Education, Indiana University Illustrates the practical value of consumer services with a comparison of the buying habits of two families, the Whites and the Kings. Harry White and his wife, who buy everything on the superficial basis of price and appearance alone, often find that they've made foolish purchases. But the Kings, who take advantage of the wealth of information available from both government and private consumer services, are adequately protected in their buying, and enjoying an improved standard of living UNSEEN GUARDIANS. TFC llmin sd (Passing parade) apply 339.4 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "This film shows some of the work done by three organizations which serve as social police to safeguard society against fraud and misfortune. "The work of the Federal Post Office inspectors in safeguarding the mails against fraudulent use; the testing work done by the Underwriters Laboratories in analyzing the contents of product; and the method followed by a well-administered orphan asylum in selecting parents suitable for adopting children are all factually described and portrayed. "Recommended for high school classes in general science and social science." Advisory committee "An interesting film, but has little classroom value. Similar to a March of Time release. Excellent commentary." California YOUR THRIFT HABITS. Coronet 1948 lOmln sd $45; also color $90 339.4 el-Jh-sh Guide Collaborator: Paul L. Salsgiver, director. School of Business, Simmons College Shows students that by setting up a budget for systematic savings, by careful buying, doing without extravagances, and choosing between immediate and future satisfactions, they will attain many material goals in life 340 Law LIFE IN SOMETOWN, U.S.A. TFC llmin sd (MGM miniatures) apply 340 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "A comedy about what might happen in almost any American town if all the obsolete laws on the statute books were suddenly enforced. . . Suggested as having some use to stimulate discussion on the obsolescence of many of our laws." Advisory committee 341.1 International congresses CLEARING THE WAY. FlmProgram 1949 35min sd $75, rent $5.50 341.1 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the United Nations Film Board Shows the human story behind the planning and clearing of the site for the proposed United Nations headquarters in New York city HIGHLIGHTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS YEAR. FlmProgram 1948 lOmin sd $25. rent $2 341.1 Jh-sh-c-ad A screen magazine presenting outstanding United Nations activities from September 1947 to September 1948 Opens with the key points of United Nations decisions regarding Palestine — partition, mediation and "cease-fire;" and goes on to show such "highlights" as the FAG mission at work in Poland; signing the Indonesian truce; architects designing the new United Nations headquarters; displaced persons flown to South America by the IRQ; WHO sending cholera vaccine to stop the epidemic in Egypt; the Security council learning of Ghandi's death; United Nations aid for children of war-ravaged countries; and others NOW THE PEACE. Brandon 1945 20niin sd $50. rent $2.50 341.1 sh-c-ad-forum Guide Produced by the National Film Board of Canada "Dramatic screen story of the global plans for peace, this film clarifies basic aspects 346