Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 372-378 THE CHILDREN — Continued Offers the theory that since no two Individuals are alike all children should be offered whatever they need to fully develop their potentialities by the school system. The school should compensate those who come from poor environments and supplement those who come from good, making all into happier, healthier, more useful citizens ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OF TOMORROW. I-,ibraryFlm 1941 12min si color $70 372 c-ad This color film presents a picture of progressive education as followed in Greenbelt, Maryland, showing activities in art, rhythm, nature studies and other subjects, in the elementary school Interesting to teachers for comparative purposes and for teacher training. Might also be used with elementary children as activity incentive film SCHOOL. LibraryFlm 1939 20min sd $54 372 el-Jh-sh-c-ad-forum Sponsored by Progressive Education Association "An unusual documentary film showing a progressive education school in action. A carefully prepared presentation featuring a group of young children." School management WE GO TO SCHOOL. Coronet 1948 lOmln sd $45; also color $90 372 p-el-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Frederick G. Neel, head, Dept. of Education, Canterbury College Helps children first entering school with the tremendous adjustment from the protective, comparatively unrestricted shelter of their home. Teaches them what they can expect from school; what the school, in turn, expects from them; the importance of school rules — and gives them a sense of security — of belonging to this new environment "The accompanying voice Is on the goody-goody side, but on the whole not inappropriately, and the spontaneity of the children and their doings is highly effective." Nat. bd. of review 372.2 Nursery schools CHILD WENT FORTH. Brandon 1942 20mln sd $72, rent $3 372.2 el -Jh-sh -c-ad -forum Also available in Spanish as "Paralso de los Ninos" Deals with children from two to seven, showing them in activities designed to cultivate self-reliance and independence. In close contact with nature in conditions as primitive as is consistent with safety, the children learn how to live with one another, learn self-discipline, learn how to build things and to develop their creative instinct The commentary relates the activities of the camp to general progressive education techniques and emphasizes the potential importance of such institutions in solving the problem of caring for the children of women employed in defense industries and in emergency evacuation of city children "Musical background too loud. Excellent commentator. Unusual and interesting material." California PRESCHOOL ADVENTURES. lowa.StU 1941 42min si $75, rent $3; also color $125 372.2 c-ad This color film takes the audience into the preschool laboratories of the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station The film pictures a wide variety of activities. It also shows how major objectives In child development are reflected In various aspects of the preschool program 372.4 Reading HOW TO READ A BOOK. Coronet 1947 lOmln sd $45; also color $90 372.4 jh-sh-ad Guide Collaborator: Dr William G. Brink, professor of education. Northwestern University The selection of a book involves several considerations: What information do we need? What questions do we want answered? What does the book offer that will contribute to our knowledge and understanding? This film, designed for junior and senior high school groups, reading and remedial programs, does much to answer these questions. Many other details are brought out: The author's attitude; key ideas — where to look for them and how to use them in rapid reading; the index, footnotes and references, when to read quickly and when to read with greater care "Acting hammy but content good." Collaborator IMPROVE YOUR READING. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 372.4 Jh-sh-tr Guide Collaborator: John J. DeBoer, professor of education. University of Illinois Offers many suggestions for improving the rate of reading and comprehension. Careful attention is given to those pupils with special reading problems such as narrow eye perception span, reading too rapidly for comprehension,reading with fingers or lip movement, etc. 373 Secondary schools THIS IS MY SCHOOL. Cherry Lawn 1947 12min sd color loan 373 Jh-sh-ad A student's story of what a school has meant to him, written, photographed and produced by two students 374 Adult education CAMPUS COMES TO THE STEELWORKER. PaStCol 1947 ISmln sd $40, rent $1.25 374 c-tr-ad-forum Sponsored by United Steelworkers of America, CIO A record of cooperative effort in workers' education pioneered by the Pennsylvania State College and the United Steelworkers of America. The film follows a group of workers from their jobs in the steel mills to the campus. It shows them studying in the classroom and playing during the recreational periods after classes. Philip Murray appears in the film to state the purposes of the program 378 Universities and colleges BRYN MAWR COLLEGE. BrynMawr 1948 20min sd loan 378 sh-c-ad Produced by Affiliated Film Producers * Shows student activities at Bryn Mawr College. Narrated by Cornelia Otis Skinner CAMBRIDGE. BIS 1947 21min sd $44, rent $2.50 378 sh-c-ad A portrait of one of the oldest universities In the world. Set In the heart of the old market town, its colleges are rich in history. Their buildings and the long lawns reaching down to the river Cam are famous for their beauty. The film shows daily life at Cambridge, exploring lecture halls and laboratories. It 361