Educational film guide ()

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378-380 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE C A M B R I DG E — Continued presents sequences of well known professors in session and offers scenes of the libraries, chapels and dining halls for which the university is justly famous CAMPUS BOOM. RKORadio 1948 16min sd (This Is America) apply 378 sh-c-ad-forum The greatest invasion in all history is now in progress. A million veterans have poured onto the campuses of thirteen hundred colleges, universities and junior colleges. What this college boom has done to the campus is exemplified by a pictorial visit to Syracuse University EAST IN THE WEST. ChinaFIm 1946 33mln sd ?150, rent $9 378 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Harmon Foundation Reviews the activities of Chinese students in American universities, a concrete example of cultural exchange to promote international understanding EDUCATION FOR ALL. Harmon 1947 22rain sd $100, rent $6; also color $170, rent $9 378 sh-c-ad May also be obtained in a silent version (40min $75, rent $4.50; also color $175. rent $7.50) A brief history of the College of the City of New York produced in cooperation with the Faculty Centennial Committee. Narrated by Ben Grauer "New York was the first city in the western hemisphere to start a program of free higher education open to people of all races and all creeds and the City college was founded at a tiine when private institutions were springing up. The film traces briefly the history of the Free academy — as it was first known, through to the present institution which serves some 23,000 New York city residents." 16mm reporter HOLIDAY AT SCHOOL. CanNFB 1947 ISmin sd color $150, rent $5 378 c-ad Pictures the summer school in Banff National Park which students from all over North America attend each summer. The University of Alberta gives courses in fine arts, handicraft, drama, music and French 378.3 Scholastic honors NOBEL PRIZE. Scandia 1948 7min sd $32.50 378,3 Jh-sh-ad Presents an inside view of the procedure by which the prize winners are selected. It also shows the customary Nobel festival which takes place in the Concert house at Stockholm on the anniversary of Nobel's death, the 10th of December. From near and far the prize winners come to receive their awards from the hand of the Swedish king 379 Public schools "POP RINGS THE BELL." NatSchServ 1944 23min sd $69 379 ad-forum Available on loan basis in all states thru state teachers' associations "How technological developments resulting from the war, and the approach of the airage is making, and will increasingly make new demands upon the schools of the nation, is the theme. . . "Primarily directed to the American taxpayer whose dollars sustain our educational system. . . "The simple story of a typical school in a typical American community, whose principal, Mr Forsythe, is fully alive to the new responsibilities of his teaching job. The central figure in the story is 'Pop' Gregor, the schooPs custodian, a well-known old timer in the town. . . "Contains impressive shots of students at work in the classroom, In the school shop, ajid in the domestic science department." Ed. screen "Excellent for P.T.A. groups." Collaborator SCHOOLHOUSE IN THE RED. Agrafllms 1948 42min sd color $194.75, rent $5 379 Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by the W. K. Kellogg Foimdation Deals with the sociological and psychological factors involved when small communities face up to the problem of joining their school district onto a larger unit 379.173 Rural schools BETTER SCHOOLS FOR RURAL WISCON* SIN. Wis,U 1948 29min sd color $140, rent apply 379.173 c-tr-ad A documentary film built around the actual experiences of teacher and pupils as they live in a typical Wisconsin one-room rural school, and in modern central schools located in Cobleskill and Middleburgh, New York. The film in purpose reveals the typical oneroom rural school as today inadequate to meet educational needs. By a contrast the central school, located in an open rural area, is shown as it more completely meets educational responsibilities PLAN FOR RURAL SCHOOLS. CanNFB 1946 15min sd $50, rent $2.50 379.173 sh-c-ad Shows the reorganization of rural school administration in Alberta 379.72 Schools of Mexico SCHOOLS OF MEXICO. Coronet 1945 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 379.72 c-ad Guide Collaborator: Dr P. R. Hershey, assistant professor of romance languages. Northwestern University Presents a comprehensive view of educational institutions, from the ultra-modem Ministry of education in Mexico City to remote one-room adobe schools far in the Interior. It includes normal schools, vocational and agricultural Institutions and kindergartens The varied racial types are shown In a series of closeups of teachers and pupils 380 Commerce. Transportation ARTERIES OF THE CITY. EBF 1941 llmin sd (Social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 380 el-Jh-sh-c Guide Produced in collaboration with Dr Robert S. Lynd. Columbia University, this film clarifies elements which influence the development of a city's transportation facilities Factors considered include the distribution of residential and business sections; the dailv flow of people between these sections; transportation planning; subway, suburban train, ferry, bus, and automobile traflic systems; the roles of highways, bridges, and tunnels; and police regulation including traffic direction from the air 362