Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 380-383 ARTERIES OF THE CITY — Continued Reference is made to the film's accompanying handbook as a supplementary aid "Of more limited value outside N.Y.C. area." Collaborator CARAVANS OF TRADE: THE STORY OF * TRANSPORTATION. Films 1947 22min sd (Our land and people) $75 380 el-jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by 20th Century-Fox Once the world was small thru ignorance; today it is small thru knowledge. Between these extremes lies the dramatic story of trade and transportation — a story so interwoven with the fabric of our history that much of Its rich texture is meaningless without this story. After tracing the history of transportation from ancient times the film shows that the business of trade and transportation has taught us that the world has shrunk and that there is an interdependence among nations and people which was never so obvious as It is now DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Rev. ed. EBF llmin sd (Social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 380 el-jh-sh-c Guide First released in 1935 Shows transportation developments within the United States during the past one hundred fifty years. The physical barriers, the spread of the railroad network, and the subsequent highway development, are all rapidly shown Principal stages in the development of the locomotive and automobile are portrayed. Modern transportation devices including the airplane are shown in relation to their potentialities and our dependence upon them HIGHWAYS NORTH. CanNFB 1944 15mln sd $50, rent $2.50 380 el-Jh-sh-ad A comprehensive picture of wartime development in Alaska and the Canadian Northwest, showing how the vast problems of communication and transport were solved. A chain of flying fields has been established from EJdmonton to the Yukon and thus a great spearhead of civilization has been driven thru territory which, only yesterday, wa.s still unknown. Also shows the Alcan highway and the Canol oil project OUR SHRINKING WORLD. YoungAmerica 1946 lOmin sd $40 380 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide The development of many phases of transportation and communication through the ages. Develops an appreciation of the relative values of the factors stimulating progress. Emphasizes the necessity of appreciating the problems of all the peoples of a world in which we live closely together STORY OF COMMUNICATION. Films 1947 * 22min sd (Our land and people) $75 380 el-Jh-sh-tr-ad Guide Produced by 20th Century-Fox Highlights the great early landmarks in communication, writing and printing, but is concerned primarily with means of transmitting thoughts and messages, with the conquest of space and time. The great revolution in transmission began with the harnessing of electric energy. The film traces the amazing story of the first telegraph and the first telephone and links this story with the multiplying use of elecric power in the building of the modern world TRANSPORTATION AND CITIES. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 380 el-Jh Guide Shows the history and development of trans];>ortation from the early days of caxu vans and pack horses, thru sailing vessels, to. steam, oil and electric engines. Also shows the effect on the growth of cities 382 Foreign trade BOB LEARNS ABOUT OCEAN TRADE. Frith * 1948 llmin sd color (Harbor ser) $65 382 el-Jh Guide Bob learns how each country exports the products it can raise best and cheapest, and he sees the ebb and flow of products in and out of a large harbor. Bob boards two ships and learns first hand that Honolulu buys the things an island country needs and that China buys canned goods, machinery and cotton. Bob returns home to show his family the treasures In his pockets — samples of American exports for the Orient ROUND TRIP; THE U.S.A. IN WORLD TRADE. FlmProgram or IntFlmBur 1947 20min sd $57.50, rent $3.50 382 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by The World Today for the Twentieth Century Fund Narrator and camera leap barriers of spa.ce and time to hear people in different countries and walks of life argue on world trade. Through differing points of view the audience gains understanding of what world trade means to America. Based on a Twentieth Century Fund report 383 Postal service LETTER TO GRANDMOTHER. Coronet 1942 * 19min sd $78.75; also color $157.50 383 p-el Guide Collaborator: Dean Wendall W. Wright, professor of education, Indiana University Traces a letter from Its actual writing — through the postal system to Its rural delivery, and follows a parcel post package on the return journey. Every intermediate step in the handling of mail is shown and explained MAILMAN. EBF 1947 lOmIn sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 383 p-el-Jh Guide Collaborator: Paul R. Hanna, Stanford University Produced in cooperation with the U.S. Post Office Department Designed to show primary grade pupils how the United States post office system operates. Follows both a city and a rural mallman on their appointed rounds and explains graphically to children how postmen sort mail and deliver it, as well as emphasizing the great social responsibilities of Uncle Sam's letter carriers NIGHT MAIL. BIS 1941 25min sd $62.50, rent * $3.75 383 Jh-sh-ad Pictures the journey of the "Postal special" from London to Scotland, a fast express carrying no passengers but manned entirely by post office workers. Mail is sorted on board and at various railway centers on the way mall bags are received or dispatched. The train also picks up or drops mail en route while travelling at high speed "In typical English style, progressing slowly, sequentially, and emphasizing details, the narration carried on with the usual English accent. . . The photography and sound effects are especially good." Collaborator PONY EXPRESS. Barr 1942 llmin sd (Pioneer life) $40; also color $75 383 el-Jh Guide A story of how the letters of 1860 were dispatched across the western frontier by horse 363