Educational film guide ()

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387-389 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE THE LONGSHOREMAN. Rev. ed. Frith 1948 * 12min sd color (Harbor ser) ?65 387 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Pictures the work, personality, home life and social contacts of a typical longshoreman, Al Huber OCEAN LINERS. EBF 1930 15min si $24 387 el-Jh-sh-c Guide "This film can be used effectively in classes in transportation. Steps involved in building an ocean liner. Loading of cargo and supplies. FXieling. Life boat Inspection and medical inspection of the crew. Quarters of the crew members. By animation and actual photography the film shows how vessels are controlled from the bridge. In the engine room. Passenger life on a large ship." Indiana "Becoming obsolete but we still use it." Collaborator PORT OF NEW YORK. RKORadIo 1948 16mln * sd (This is America) apply 387 Jh-sh-ad The Port of New York, a sprawling pattern of activity covering more than fifteen hundred square miles and six hundred and fifty miles of waterfront, holds a position unchallenged in maritime commerce. This port receives for shipment lumber from the Pacific coast, grain from Canada, fish from Portugal and Norway, tires from Akron and hemp from India. Custom inspection from incoming baggage to every nook and cranny in a vessel, the safeguard against disease, the constant war on rats, how boats are berthed and the harbor policed, are all depicted. Every branch of activity of the Inner workings of this major shipping point is seen by the camera's eye, including the large staff of the Port of New York authority who ceaselessly plan for facilities to meet future needs SHIP THAT DIED. TFC lOmin sd (Historical mysteries) apply 387 Jh-8h-c Produced by Metro-Goldwyn -Mayer "The mystery of the ship Marie Celeste is portrayed in this picture. We see the New York harbor in 1872 crowded with sailing vessels. The Marie Celeste loads a cargo of casks of alcohol. The captain's wife cornea aboard, and the ship puts to sea. "Later, far at sea, the crew of another vessel sees the Marie Celeste under full sail. When they hail her, there is no answer. They go aboard but find no one. . . The scene now turns to Gilbraltar where a royal commission is holding a hearing to discuss the mystery. "Various theories are pictured as they are suggested. . . Should be useful for English composition classes; could be used in connection with maritime history." Advisory committee ®"'"°,'2^.°'^,A TRANSPORT. USCoastGd 1945 ISmin sd loan 387 Jh-sh-ad Records the colorful career of the 24,000 ton transport "Wakefield," linking the ship's romantic past as the peacetime luxury liner ■ Manhattan" with her grim war service TUGBOATS. EBF 1947 lOmin sd (Elementary ♦ social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 387 p-el.Jh-sh-ad Guide Teaches lessons on water transportation. Interest tocuses on a busy tugboat in a busy harbor as it aids the movement of products and people 389 Weights and measures BEVEL PROTRACTOR. Castle 1944 15min sd $27.15 389 sh-c-tr Guide Produced by U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Shows the principles of the vernier bevel protractor; how to set and read it; how to use it to lay out angular work and to check angles DIAL INDICATOR. FedProd 1943 20min sd color $105 loan 389 sh-c-ad Produced by Worcester Film Corp. Principles of direct measuring and of precision measuring are shown in detail. Explains the meaning of tolerances, how they are applied to mass production and how the dial indicator is used to check them The dial indicator mechanism, characteristics, and its practical application are explained Accuracy of measurement, accuracy of repetition, and sensitivity as required in successful dial indicator applications are all explained Various types of dial indicators are shown with demonstrations of their use in everyday tool rooms and in mass production FIXED GAGES. Castle 1942 17min sd $28.58 389 sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by the U. S. Office of Education. Accompanying filmstrip $1 Gives in considerable detail, an explanation and definition of the various forms of fixed B'ages, a demonstration in the correct use and care of fixed gages, and emphasizes their importance in modern mass production A series of views in the inspection room of a modern factory demonstrates several types of common fixed gages in actual use. There follow explanations of the fixed gages commonly used to check outside and Inside measurements, internal and external tapers, threads, shoulders and tang recesses Throughout the entire picture, emphasis" Is given to the functions of these gages, their proper use to secure accurate and uniform Inspection and their proper maintenance to Insure accuracy HEIGHT GAGES AND TEST INDICATORS. Castle 1942 12min sd $22.88 389 sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by the U. S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Reviews the fundamental principles and reading of a vernier scale as used on a height gage, shows several forms of test indicators, and demonstrates their use MEASUREMENT. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 389 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Collaborator: Dr Harold P. Fawcett, Ohio State University A boy of twelve encounters everyday situations involving seven kinds of measurement— linear, square, cubic, weight, liquid, temperature and time MEASUREMENT WITH LIGHT WAVES. Castle 1944 15min sd $27.15 389 sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by the U. S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Explains the principles of measurement with light waves, the nature of light waves; the reflection and refraction of monochromatic light by a glass surface; the cause of Interference bands; the use of these bands in ultraprecision measurement; and their translation into millionths of an inch Demonstrates procedures in gage block Inspection, the comparison of gage blocks for 366