Educational film guide ()

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^37-541.2 ]e:DUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE TRAVELING ELECTRICAL WAVES. MIT 1936 50min si loan 537 c-tr For students in advanced electrical eng)> neering This is a aeries of three separate animation studies of the behavior of electrical waves on a power transmission line. Ca^e No. 1 covers the behavior of direct-current waves on an open line and may be shown independently. Cases No. 2 to No. 9 show the behavior of direct-current waves on shortcircuited and loaded lines and have been treated as a unit WHAT IS ELECTRICITY. Westinghouse 1944 20niin sd loan 537 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide The baste facts of electricity are explained Animation is used to show movement of electrons, flow of current and to give other fundamental information about how electricity is made and distributed "Especially good for physica ooursea. May be used in 7th and 8th grades after pupils have gained some knowledge of the fundamental principles of electricity." Collaborator 537.5 X-rays EXPLORING WITH X-RAYS. GEX-Ray 1941 40min sd loan 537.5 sh-ad Made for the Information and education of the general public, this film Is designed to offer to the layman an idea of the scope of the use of x-ray.s and to inform him in an entertaining manner of Its potentialities. The film is not regarded as a demonstration of x-ray procedures in their entirety nor as depicting in detail complete modern radlogrraphic technique. Produced with the cooperation and approval oi the American College of radiology TAKING THE X OUT OF X-RAYS. GB 1946 7min sd (Excursions in science no.8) loan 537.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Recreates a few historical scenes from the early days of x-ray. The greater part of the reel, laid in the G-B Research Laboratory, is devoted to an explanation by Dr. William D. Coolidge of the x-ray tube which he invented. Detailed enough to give a clear understanding of x-radiation X-RAY INSPECTION. Castle 1944 21min sd $32.87 537.5 sh-c-tr Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Use of radiographs in industry, generation of X-rays in the X-ray tube, wave nature of X-rays, relation of voltage to wave length, relation of wave length to penetrative power, procedure In making radiographs, and Interpretation of radiographs for defects in metals 538 Magnetism ELECTRODYNAMICS, EBF 1936 llmin sd (Physics ser) $45, rent $2.50 538 Jh-sh-c Guide Collaborator: Harvey B. Lemon, University of Chicago The fundamental principles of current electricity and electromagnetism are presented. Among the concepts presented are: Galvanl's discovery of current electricity; magnetic field about a current carrying wire; magnetic field of a coil; electromagnets; Rowland's experiment; magnetic hypothesis; recalescence; induction by a magnet; A. C. generator; D. C. generator; Induction by an electric current; ajid tranaformers MAGNETISM. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; alsd color $90 538 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Shows what magnetism is, how it differs from electricity and how it works. Discusses types of permanent magnets, attraction and repulsion, making magnets, fields of force, electromagnets and their uses, and everyday uses of magnets MAGNETS. YoungAmerica 1946 ISmin sd (Elementary science ser) $48 538 el-Jh Guide Nature and behavior of magnets. Demonstrates the properties of temporary and permanent magnets, and the principles of polarity 541.2 Electrons. Atomic theory ATOMIC ENERGY. EBF 1947 llmin sd (Gen * eral science ser) $45, rent $2.50 541.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Willard F. Libby, University of Chicago Shows by means of animation how nuclear synthesis is accomplished, how radiant energy is released and how nuclear fission and the chain reaction are effected. It is a pure science film, without any reference to political aspects of atomic power, but is designed solely as an introduction to the atomic principles and structures involved in making possible atomic energy "Care should be taken in selecting this film in the light of the following information: while opening and closing shots are of the Bikini tests, the body of the film describes in very complete animated sequences the principles of nuclear fission and chain reactions. Even though material is presented carefully, great concentration and re-study are necessary to understand entirely this most abstract of concepts. Excellently organized, highly graphic, and completely visualized." See & hear ATOMIC PHYSICS, UWF 1948 lOOmin sd * $400, rent $40 541.2 * sh-c-tr-ad Produced by G. B. Instructional Films Ltd. An authoritative film that traces 140 years of history and development of our knowledge and use of atomic energy from the theory first proposed in 1808 by John Dalton, thru the cumulative discoveries by many scientists in many lands, culminating in the application of uranium fission in the atom bomb and its great promise of peaceful services Combination of actual photography, animation, diagram and historical re-enactment, utilizing the actual instruments originally used in key discoveries. The film falls naturally into five parts, each of which may be run separately Part I presents the history of the atomic theory; part II deals with rays from atoms; part m discusses the nuclear structure of the atom; part rv deals with atom smashing and the discovery of the neutron; part V discusses uranium fission and tiie release of atomic energy ATOMIC POWER. Forum ed MOT 1946 19min sd $55 541.2 jh-sh-c-ad-forum Guide Traces early beginnings of atomic power back in 1905 when Einstein proved that matter could be converted into energy, up to 1945 when the first atomic bombs were used. Besides explaining the nature of atomic energy, the film includes re-enactments of the actual scientists* current campaign to tell the world the full meaning of atomic power "Dated — sketchy and general." Collaborator 380