Educational film guide ()

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593-595.3 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE THE AMOEBA — Continued Shows the structure and function of a single-celled animal of a very primitive type and illustrates the study of protoplasm and cells, including energy relations, response to stimuli and reproduction LIFE IN A DROP OF WATER. Coronet 1947 * lOmln sd $45; also color $90 593 ei-Jh-sh-c Guide Collaborator: Robert T. Hatt, director Cranbrook Institute of Science In the tiny, teeming world of a drop of water we discover the simplest plant and animal forms — the amoeba, spirogyra, Paramecium, etc — carrying on the fundamental life processes of nutrition, locomotion, reaction and reproduction. The film shows how these lower forms meet the same minimum problems which confront the higher forms of our larger world PARAMECIUM. UWP 1948 lOmin sd (United world science films ser) $45, rent $1.50 593 sh-c Technical advisor: Dr F. L. Fitzpatrick, Teachers College Main features are shown, including the pellicle, cilia, nuclei, contractile vacuoles, gullet and food vacuoles. Digestion and reaction to external stimuli are observed in detail. Repeated binary fission to form new paramecia PROTOPLASM— THE BEGINNING OF LIFE. Bray 15rain si (Science of life ser) $25, rent $1.50 593 sh "The earth before life appeared — earliest forms of life traced through the study of geology. Simplest forms of life. Characteristics of living things — movement. Irritability, assimilation, and reproduction — shown in amoeba, stentor and other simple forms. Protoplasm shown in characteristic motion in one-celled and many celled hosts. Growth and reproduction suggested by views of familiar plant and animal life." California 594 Mollusks OYSTER AND VIRGINIA. VaStDptEd 1947 20min sd $40; also color $105 594 Jh-sh-ad Traces the history of the oyster In America, the development of the oyster industry in the state and tells what is being done to rehabilitate and conserve this natural resource "The committee felt that the film, even though originally produced to acquaint students in the schools of Virginia with one of Virginia's natural resources, would nevertheless be very interesting to students elsewhere. It should be useful in providing information on the growth of the oyster and the processes involved in gathering and marketing It, as well as information concerning the work of oystermen. Its aesthetic value is enhanced by beautiful color photography. The mu.slcal background is an original score. . . The content is well organized and presented In an extremely interesting manner." Ed. screen SNAIL'S PACE. Bailey 1940 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 594 jh-sh-c-ad A microscopic close-up study of the common g£u-den snail. Supplementing the pictures themselves is a distinct commentary. Closeups and microscopic shots show the snail In minute detail. Even the four feelers, the eyes, and the tongue are easily visible. The film shows how the snail prepares for sleep, how he feeds, travels, climbs. Embryonic snails are shown UNUSUAL MOLLUSCS. LibraryFlm 1936 lOmin sd (Struggle to live ser) $25 594 sh-c Produced by Van Beuren Corp. Microphotographic views of the eggs, gills and embryos of marine snails and of an octopus. Shows also a fight between two octopuses among other scenes of undersea life Previously released under the title, "Neptune's Mysteries" PROTOZOA: ONE-CELLED ANIMALS. EBF 1942 15min si $24 593 Jh-sh-c Guide A revision of a two reel film released in 1938, "One Celled Animals: Protozoa" A microphotographic record of the structure and habits of one-celled animals, including the amoeba, condylostoma, Paramecium, spirostomum and the like. "We are clearly shown how these organisms move about, how they take in food, how the food Is digested and excreted and how the organisms reproduce themselves TINY WATER ANIMALS. EBP 1931 llmin sd (Biology — ^Animal life ser) $45, rent $2.50 593 sh-c Guide Collaborator: Roy Waldo Miner, Amerlcaji Museum of Natural History Life processes and activities of amoebae and paramecia are shown with the activities of the amoebae given major emphasis. Reproduction of amoebae is presented. Reveals other interesting creatures, such as the wheel animalcule and swan animalcule VORTICELLA. EPS 12min si $22.50, rent $1.50 ,. ^ 593 sh-c Guide "This film has some excellent photography of the vorticella and shows by animation the processes of feeding, 'breathing', reaction to stimuli, and reproduction, and the function of the contractile vascuoles. It is a complete and scientific treatment of the subject." Collaborator 595.1 Worms EARTHWORMS. UWF 1947 lOmin sd (United ♦ world science films ser) $45, rent $3 595.1 jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced in England by Julian Huxley. Reedited under the technical guidance of Dr F. L. Fitzpatrick, Teachers College The earthworm's role in the aeration and enrichment of the soil is shown. The earthworm is dissected and the muscular, circulatory, nervous, digestial and reproductive systems are delineated. The bisexual reproductive process is shown and the emergence of the young worm completes the life cycle story 595.3 Crusfacea THE CRAYFISH. UWF 1948 lOmin sd (United world science films ser) $45, rent $3 595.3 Jh-sh-c Guide A two-reel version titled "Astacus (Crayfish)" Is available In Canada from Rank (apply, rent $4) Technical advisor: Dr F. L. Fitzpatrick, Teachers College First examines the crayfish In general terms, as an animal with an external skeleton. Moving on to specific details. It analyzes the functions of the individual parts and explores the nature of the male and female reproductive systems. After this the processes of feeding and digestion are considered. Then the arterial and nerve systems are seen and explained 398