Educational film guide ()

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612.4-612.6 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE ENDOCRINE GLANDS — Continued Physiology, or in College Psychology will want to use this excellent presentation of a rather difficult topic. Due to time and footage all the glands are not discussed. Unusual, outstanding." Committee on classroom Alms WORK OF THE KIDNEYS. EBF 1940 llmin sd * (Human biology ser) $45, rent ?2.50 612.4 sh-c-ad Guide Collaborators: Anton J. Carlson, H. G. Swajin and F. J. Mullin, University of Chicago "Several cinematic devices are used to present a detailed exposition of the kidneys and their functions. First, an einalogy is drawn between machines which use selective devices and the selective processes by which wastes are eliminated in the kidneys. An animated diagram is next used to give an enlarged view of the kidneys, and to reveal the processes oi transfer and filtration. "Laboratory experiments show the properties of the semi -permeable membranes which function in the kidneys to allow wastes to pass but restrict passage of food materials. Content analysis charts compare glomerular fluid to urine. Next, anesthetized animals are used to study the factors affecting rate of urine formation, including blood sugar content and external temperature. As the film ends the narrator tells us that the function of the kidneys is comparable to that of a gyroscope in that they maintain a balance between the blood and body t.issu6 "This is an unusually well-organized presentation of the function of the kidneys. Several different cinematic techniques are used to advantage, and the film is technically excellent in all respects. Suitable for classroom use from the junior high level through college." Ed. screen "Excellent for science courses from the junior high school through the college level." California 612.5 Body heaf CONTROU OF BODY TEMPERATURE. EBF 1940 llmin sd (Human biology ser) |45, rent $2.50 612.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborators: Anton J. Carlson, and H. G. Swann, University of Chicago By means of laboratory demonstrations, animated drawings and special photography, phenomena associated with variations of body temperature in animals and man are shown. Foods are designated as the source and muscles in its control are portrayed. The blood stream is depicted as the distributor of heat, and the function of the hypothalamus is compared to that of a thermostat "Good for use in biology, zoology, physiology and hygiene classes." California "The film is technically excellent in every way, and the various cinematic devices in it are used to maximum advantage." Ed. screen 6 1 2.6 Reproduciion FERTILIZATION. EBF 1940 8min si $12 612.6 sh-c Guide "Suitable for definitely advanced biology classes, this film presents thru fairly good microscopic photography the basic phases of the process of fertilization of the egg by the sperm and shows the original cell-division. "This definitely has more limited values than other films available on the subject, but skilful teachers might use it profitably for the specific purpose for which It obviously has been designed." Secondary educ. HOW ANIMAL LIFE BEGINS. Castle 1948 llmin sd $15.86 612.6 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Short version of "In the Beginning" Shows the ovulation, fertilization and early development of the mammalian egg HUMAN GROWTH. Brown, E. C. 1948 19mln sd color $170 612.6 Jh-sh-forum Guide Produced by the Eddie Albert Productions in cooperation with professors of the University of Oregon A mixed group of seventh grade youngsters in a class .situation view and discuss an animated film. The film traces human growth and development of the organism from mating thru pregnancy and birth, then from infancy thru childhood and adolescence to the adult form. Differences in male and female structural development are emphasized "Another well-intentioned approach to the problem of sex education, but again, one which leaves me dissatisfied. Diagrammatic explanations of the male and female sex organs may help some, but not much, I'm afraid, in an understanding of sex drives and relationships. On the other hand, the film is quite good as an example of the classroom use of visual aids." Collaborator HUMAN REPRODUCTION. McGraw 1947 20min sd (Health education text-film ser) apply 612.6 sh-c-ad-forum Guide A factual film on the human reproductive systems and on the process of normal human birth. Models and animated drawings are used throughout the film to describe the anatomy and physiology of the individual reproductive organs of both men and women. The growth, eruption and disposition of the unfertilized female egg is shown and the process of menstruation is carefully Illustrated and explained. The film then takes up the functions of the male organs In the reproduction process. The body mechanics of the delivery process are explained and illustrated by means of animated drawings. Throughout the film stresses the biological normalcy of reproduction, and In its conclusion emphasizes the importance of clear, objective familiarity with these facts as important to the success of marriage and parenthood Correlated fllmstrip of the same title is listed In the 1948 Annual Fllmstrip Guide IN THE BEGINNING. CasUe 1937 17mln sd * $23.54 612.6 sh-c Guide Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Portrays the ovulation, fertilization and early development of the mammalian egg. Scenes of spermatozoa attacking the ovum, and time lapse cinemicrographs of cell division in the fertilized egg OVULATION, FERTILIZATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAMMALIAN EGG. Castle 18min si $24.26 612.6 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Silent version of "In the Beginning" REPRODUCTION AMONG MAMMALS. EBF 1937 llmin sd (Human biology ser) $45, rent $2.50 612.6 Jh-sh-c Guide Collaborator: H. H. Strandskov, University of Chicago Actual photography, animated drawings, microcinematography, and three dimensional animations are used to present the story of embryology. The domestic pig was selected for illustration. The story is fundamentally complete from the formation of the originfil male and female germ cells to the active newborn pig, including such processes as fertilization, cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation, formation of neural folds, development of membranes and embryonic circulation, and parturition Accompanying fllmstrip is listed in the 1948 Annual Fllmstrip Guide 410