Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 613-613.2 POSTURE HABITS — Continued Motivates students to develop good sitting, standing and walking posture thru the story of two children who desire to emulate a respected older brother SITTING RIGHT. Flory 1946 9min sd (Per * sonal guidance ser) $50, rent $2; also color $90, rent $3.50 613 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide The technique of sitting correctly — how to sit down and how to get up. Leg, arm and hand positions are shown "Positive approach, stressing the fact that everyone can acquire the grace and poise that goes with good posture, is very good." Cleveland "A completely non-academic approach to the subject of posture which should nevertheless be welcomed by teachers of physical education, guidance, dramatics, and home economics, as well as by sponsors of girls' clubs, Is the chief value of this film. Taking advantage of the average girl's desire for something at least approaching Hollywood glamour, it presents effectively a few rules for good posture which are generally shrugged off as just more adult nonsense. Good photography, a sufficient variety of girl models for at least some self-identification, and a pleasantly presented commentary add their appeal for girls from junior high school to college age." Ed. screen 613.2 Food. Nutrition AND SO THEY LEARN. GenMills 1947 13mln sd loan 613.2 sh-c-ad A recording of actual day-by-day experiences in a nutrition education workshop conducted for elementary grade teachers at Mankato State Teachers College, Minnesota How nutrition information can be integrated into regular classroom studies is demonstrated by laboratory school activities which include children's participation in planting a garden, designing and painting a mural, planning picnic menus, and conducting animal experiments in relation to balanced diets BALANCED WAY. Castle 1945 20min sd loan 613.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by Sealtest Discusses the importance of various foods in the daily diet and the proper balance of foods for necessary nutrition — with special emphasis on milk and milk products CANDY AND NUTRITION. Modem 1947 20mln sd loan 613.2 el-jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Council on Candy of the National Confectioners' Association "Discusses basic metabolic requirements and summarizes virtues of all foods needed for an adequate diet — shows candy as source of quick energy." Business screen CONSUMPTION OF FOODS. EBP 1945 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 613.2 Jh-sh-c Guide Collaborator: O. B. Baker, University of Maryland "A study of the food needs and deficiencies of the world's peoples. "Standards for caloric intake and a balanced food consumption guide are developed. The adequacy of food consumption in the major population regions of the world is analyzed and compared with the caloric standard and balanced food consumption guide. "Problems related to bringing consumption levels up to desirable standards are posed and ways of solving them are depicted." Ed. screen ENOUGH TO EAT. MMA 1936 20min sd rent $4 613.2 sh-c-ad Produced by the Gas, Light and Coke Co. London, England. Narrated by Julian Huxley "Comprehensive analysis of the dangers of malnutrition and how to select foods for maximum nutritive value." Practical home economics "Although produced before the war, this film about the dependence of health upon correct eating is still extremely forceful in making people realize the results of an adequate or an inadequate diet. The fact that such a large proportion of the English, a well-to-do nation, were victims of malnutrition astonishes the audience. The result of findings of our own draft boards, if cited by the person who presents this film, will bring the lesson of this English picture to our own door step." Collaborator FOODS AND NUTRITION. EBF 1940 llmin sd (Human biology ser) $45, rent $2.50 613.2 sh-c-ad Guide Collaborators: A. J. Carlson, and H. G. Swann, University Chicago "A study of the metabolic processes showing the distribution of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamines etc. through the body. Illustrated by diagrammatic drawings and experiments on white mice, with explanatory remarks by a commentator. An excellent film." California Accompanying fllmstrip is listed In the 1948 Annual Educational Film Guide FUNDAMENTALS OF DIET. EBF 1943 llmin sd (Health and hygiene ser) $45, rent $2.50 613.2 Jh-sh-c Guide Collaborator: C. R. Cowgill, Yale University "Outlines the types of animals with respect to their food habits and the classes of food which man has learned to eat. The uses of food in the human body are shown. "Experiments with animals illustrate the results of a number of food deficiencies. The major classes of foods in an ideal diet and their special contribution to body welfare are portrayed. "The film ends with suggestions for substituting for foods which are not available." Indiana HIDDEN HUNGER. Swift 1941 SOmin sd loan 613.2 jh-sh-c-ad Guide A farmer who does not want to see his crops wasted conducts a one-man campaign to improve the eating habits of the nation KING WHO CAME TO BREAKFAST. Assn * Flm 1948 17min sd color loan 613.2 el-Jh-sh Sponsored by the National Biscuit Co. A humorous fantasy about Wheat, the King of Grain, ingeniously portrayed by Bil Baird's marionettes. Highlights of the history of wheat and its influence on the rise and spread of civilization are sketched and the nutritional value inherent in a grain of wheat is analyzed with marionettes animating Protein, Carbohydrate, Vitamin B-1, Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus. The importance of a nourishing breakfast in providing energy for the day's activities is dramatized. Hidden Hunger is represented as an unwelcome guest when something is missing from the daily diet LIFE IN THE BALANCE. 18min sd loan NYStDptComm 613.2 sh-c-ad Produced by Paramount for the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. This film portrays effectively the need for and planning of a balanced meal. The use of milk in the diet as a means of balancing a meal is depicted 413