Educational film guide ()

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613.2 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE MAGIC ALPHABET. TFC lOmin sd apply 613.2 Jh-sh Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Story of the discovery of a cure for beriberi by experiments with brown rice on chickens. The discovery of vitamins and their purposes MAGIC FOOD. General 1947 lOmin sd $27.50; also color |67.50 613.2 p-el-Jh-sh-ad Made under guidance of Florence W. Unash, nutritionist of the Iowa State Dept. of Health Larry, a mayician, uses the basic foods to do his magic. After each food group has been discussed, correct meals are depicted. The importance of milk and cod liver oil are stressed MAKING ENDS MEET. DairyCounStLouis 1942 12min sd color $100, loan 613.2 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Hardcastle Films "The need for wise selection of food Is organized around children in a school cafeteria and around a housewife who must plan the diet of five people. "Color scenes of a butcher shop, a fruit and vegetable market, a grocery and of the milkman delivering milk to the home accompany the commentator's eniimeration of the foods we need. An attractive manner of preparing inexpensive foods is demonstrated. "The rich beatity of fruits and vegetables has rarely been more attractively photographed than in this film. "The film succeeds in demonstrating that Inexpensive meals when attractively prepared and served can do much to improve our health and standard of living. Its lessons of consumer saving are less clearly shown. The relation.ship of milk to the rest of the diet is Intelligently shown." School management MAN WHO MISSED HIS BREAKFAST. Castle 1944 28min sd $16.76 613.2 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad A USDA film "A story of nutrition. The Warren family— Mother, Father, Penny, Bill, Jr., and Uncle Bill — the man who missed his breakfast. Never. says Uncle Bill, has there been greater need for Americans to be strong, healthy and able to perform the Jobs confronting each of us. We must eat properly so that we have strength, energy, and stamina to do these Jobs. "The film then explains In detail the seven groups of nutritional foods." Pennsylvania college for women MORE LIFE IN LIVING. NatDalryCoun 1939 12min sd $75 613.2 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by Burton Holmes Films Treats In non-technical terms the value of balanced diet to health and successful living, and the Importance of milk and milk products as the basis of a balanced diet PROOF OF THE PUDDING. MetLIfe 1941 lOrain sd color loan 613.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Paramount Pictures Corp. This color film was produced jointly by the Public Health Service and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company to emphasize the Importance of good nutrition. Food requirements of the body are explained, and results of good and bad diets illustrated. A story, built around the Jones family, adds interest "A splendid film on general nutrition." Collaborator SCHOOL THAT LEARNED TO EAT. Gen Mills 1948 22min sd color $140, loan 613.2 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by Southern Educational Film Production Service. Originally titled "Nutrition Education" A story of 300 children and 8 teachers in a small Georgia grade school who wanted to Improve their health standard. The children's food habits were surveyed and analyzed to determine Individual and class needs. Beginning with recognition of the fact that eating habits must be improved, a community-school nutrition and health program was set up with the cooperation of the parents and the community SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T EAT. USDA 1945 >^ 9min sd loan 613.2 el-Jh-sh-cad-forum Produced by Walt Disney Productions Combines entertainment with instruction about the seven food groups vital to health. Points out that seven out of ten Americana today have weak links In their diets. Emphasizes diet selection from the food groups to Insure sufficient supply of the essential nutrients STANLEY TAKES A TRIP. CanNFB 1947 * lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50; color $75, rent $2.50 613.2 p-el-Jh The story of a balanced diet told In cartoon story form for children. A fish and several barnyard animals, concerned over Stanley's llstlessness, diagnose his ailment as faulty nutrition. On the broad back of a bull they set out to acquaint him with the essentials of a proper diet, moving with the speed and sound elfects of a railroad engine. At each stop they secure a food prescribed by Canada's food rules. Impressed and excited, Stanley returns home to find all the required foods right in his mother's kitchen STORY OF HUMAN ENERGY. PFC 1948 lOmin sd color loan 613.2 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Walter Lantz for the Corn Products Co. Tells of the part that dextrose, the energy-giving sugar, plays In the daily diet of mankind. It Illustrates how the energy It provides Is stored In various kinds of food by sunlight and shows what this process of nature means In assuring good health. A band of genial, energetic little men are depicted to Illustrate the various steps In photosynthesis, the process In which sunlight Injects carbohydrates Into plant leaves STRANGE HUNGER. Modern 1948 33min sd loan 613.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by the National Vitamin Foundation Pictures the need and use of nicotinic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and other vitamins In the human body TWO LITTLE RATS AND HOW THEY GREW. DairyCounStLouis 1946 llmin sd $100, loan . 613.2 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Hardcastle Films School children conduct a white rat feeding experiment to learn about the foods which promote growth VIM, VIGOR AND VITAMINS. Bailey 1941 lOmin sd $40, rent $1.50 613.2 Jh-sh-ad "Illustrates the effectiveness and enumerates the principal food sources of each vitamin. Shows a day's menu based on foods rich In vitamins.— Generally clear and accurate, but static and little Inspiring." Health films 414