Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 613.2-613.7 VIM, VIGOR AND VITAMINS — Continued "An up to date comprehensive film which discusses Vitamins A.B.C.D.Q.EJ, and K individually. , . Sunshine, cod liver oil, and the addition of vitamins to standard foods are not overloolted . . . had the technical supervision of Miss Adelle Davis, eminent nutrition consultant and author of 'You Can Stay Well.' "Recommended for Home Economics and Health." PCW film service staff VITAMIN Bi. EBF 15min si $24 613.2 Jh-sh Guide The natural food sources of vitamin Bi are shown. Then we see a pigeon whose diet was ladling in Bi and his remarkable recovery when treated with it. An experiment with Plus and Minus, two white rats, is shown and demonstrates conclusively that vitamin Bi is an essential element of a full diet The effect of this deficiency in a human being is demonstrated thru the case of a man with beriberi. After only a short treatment to supply his lack he is able to work in the fields, his strength fully recovered VITAMIN D. EBF 1941 15min si $24 613.2 el-Jh-sh Guide Shows a beach crowded with people absorbing beneficial sun rays; follows with other scenes of activities in the sun Gives an idea of how modem living reduces vitamin D benefits and shows some of the results of such a lack Considers commercial forms of Vitamin D; also special glass, lamps etc. VITAMIN-WISE. CanNPB 1944 18mln sd (Knife and fork ser) $50, rent $2.50 613.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by the Canadian Wartime Prices and Trade Board "In which the vitamin categories of the main fresh vegetables and fruits are explained. The film shows proper cooking methods to obtain the maximum food value, and conservation of both food and fuel." Ed. screen VITAMINS A. B, C AND D. CanNFB 1943 15min sd $50, rent $2.50 613.2 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Consists of four short films dealing separately with each of these vitamins. Its dietary sources, benefits to health. Scenes of swimming, diving, skiing and other activities of school children drive home the point that a child's ability to take part in these sports depends in large part upon the adequacy of the vitamin content of his food WAY TO A MAN'S HEART. Castle 1944 SOmin sd loan 613.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by the National Live Stock and Meat Board Presents the subject of nutrition and its Importance to good health and demonstrates the importance of low temperature cookery In conserving meat and producing a better product WHAT MAKES US GROW. CanNFB 1944 llmin sd (Knife and fork ser) $25. rent $1-50 613.2 el-Jh-sh This film Is made for a youthful audience showmg them proper foods and explaining the necessity for eating it. Experiments with rats show the fatal results of vitamin deficiencies WHENEVER YOU EAT. NatDalryCoun 1948 12min sd color $100 613.2 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by Atlas Films Deals with the relationships between selection and consumption of foods and physical well being 613.6 Industrial hygiene MEN AND DUST. Brandon 1940 16%min sd apply, rent $5 613.6 sh-c-tr-ad A factual film dealing with the silicosis and tuberculosis stricken Tri-State lead and zinc mining area, based on a study by the TrlState Committee, Inc. Filmed by Sheldon Dick. Commentary directed by Lee Dick and original music score by Fred Stewart Some comments of the Committee on motion pictures of the Department of Secondary Education follow: "Extremely effective presentation of Important social problem in the dust bowl and farming regions of our country." "Thrilling and enlightening. Pitiful, and beautifully done." "I hope this picture will be seen by all schools to inspire an adjustment of conditions as they really are." "Represents splendid material for school use, either shown In school or theatre. Gives discussion material." "Propaganda disgustingly overdone. Emphasis is tiring and boring. I heartily di«approve of the film as presently presented." THEY LIVE AGAIN. BIS 1948 ISmln sd $47.50. rent $2.50 613.6 c-ad A shortened version of "Accident Service" (class 617) A study of the work carried on at a rehabilitation center for injured coal miners 613.7 Physical education and training. Sleep FIT TO WIN. TFC lOmin sd (News world of sports) apply 613.7 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "Portrayal of various athletic exercises and activities, all of which are aids to health. A large group of girls on an athletic field swing Indian clubs in unison. Danish athletes illustrate the exercises developed to build strong backs and waists. At the Naval Academy gymnasium, the students perform on the rings, parallel bars, horses, etc. "Joe Louis plows, chops and saws logs to condition himself. He is seen punching the bag and in the training ring. "At the Vanderbllt stables, the young thoroughbreds are shown in the field. Then their forelegs are taped and they are taken to the track to learn the rudiments of racing. "College crew aspirants practice on a rowing machine and observe their form in a large mirror. Later they take to the water. "At the baseball training camp, the professionals go through a regular training routine. "A football team practices tackling on dummies, also kicking and passing. "The film emphasizes the importance of keeping in good physical condition as an aid to a sound mind and shows tiie relationship between fitness and success in a variety of sports." Advisory committee MAKE UP FROM THE NECK DOWN. Castle 1947 IDmin sd $25.69 613.7 sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy for the WAVES Various exercises for keeping in good physical condition are presented MEN OF MUSCLE. SpringfleldCol 1940 12mln sd loan 613.7 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Also available In a silent version Produced by Pathe Laboratories "Depicts the student life and training of physical educators at Springfield College, for which the college is famous. Gymnastic exhibitions, football, wrestling, basketball and 415