Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 614.8 SAFE USE OF TOOLS — Continued Shows the safe use of such simple tools as scissors, knives, hammers, saws, files, clamps and other small tools, in the school and home situation as well as in the playground or baclcyard SAFEST WAY. AAA 1948 17min sd $50; also color $150, loan 614.8 p-el Produced by Pennsylvania State College with the collaboration of the State College Public Schools Shows how children in the primary and elementary grades are taught to work out their own safest way from home to school, to church, to the store, to the movies, etc. SAFETY AT HOME. EBF 1940 8min si $12 614.8 p-el "This safety film for children in the first three grades illustrates safety practices for children in the home — care of playthings; hazards of climbing on unsteady furniture; Are, and the handling of matches; protruding nails; loose rugs, etc." Ohio SAFETY AT PLAY. EBF 1941 8min si $12 614.8 p-el "A safety film for children In the first three grades. Contrasts safe and unsafe places to play; safety in the use of play equipment; good habits in play; proper care of the playground; and first aid for minor injuries." Ohio SAFETY BEGINS AT HOME. YoungAmerica 1946 lOmin sd $40 614.8 el-Jh Guide Points out the correct way of using a jack knife; how and when to use a stepladder; why cellar stairs must be well lighted; why tools or other objects should not be left lying on the stairs; what safety hazards to loolc for in electric wiring and how to prevent them; the safe way to light a gas oven; how to handle hot pots and pans; and the necessity for keeping poison medicines out of reach of children in the bathroom medicine cabinet "A good film on safety for children age about 6-14 yrs old. Many pertinent points omitted. "Interest for children fairly well handled. Some scenes a little overdrawn or lacking in reality." Collaborator "Child actors and the party situation should interest elementary school children, but the film is of little value educationally. "The common home accidents, e.g. falling In bathtub, cutting fingers, etc., are omitted. Also there are unsafe practices portrayed such as trimming branches in the living room and laying ax on coffee table." Collaborator SAFETY FOR WELDERS. Castle 7min sd $9.60 614.8 tr Produced by the U.S. Navy Demonstrates protective clothing and equipment for welders to prevent eye injuries, skin burns, and metal fume poisoning SAFETY IN OFFICES. Castle 1948 lOmin sd $13.18 614.8 sh-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy Half humorous, half serious dramatization of some of the more common accidents that happen in ofBces — stumbling over open file drawers and telephone cords, smashing fingers in drawers, catching hands in paper cutters and punches, falling off ladders, running down stairs, and tipping chairs over backwards. "While these accidents are presented humorously, sometimes hilariously, the net effect is a sober realization that accidents do happen even in offices — and that carelessness causes these accidents SAFETY IN THE SHOP. Castle 1945 12min sd (Problems of supervision) $22.88 614.8 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by U.S. Office of Education Dramatizes typical shop accidents and shows how poor supervision or inadequate training may be the real cause behind these "accidents" Emphasizes the supervisor's responsibility In teaching and maintaining safe practices in the shop SAFETY PATROL. GM 1940 lOmln sd loan 614.8 el-Jh-sh Young patrol boys parade thru a school corridor to a special training class. One boy is seen on duty and after helping a small girl across a street he joins a traffic officer. As the two stroll down the street they chat about the right and wrong things grownups and children do in crossing streets, etc. Over a soda the boy recites the nine rules of safety for the pleased officer "Positive approach to street safety. Well done. Goes over well with elementary boya and girls." Collaborator SAFETY TO AND FROM SCHOOL. Young America 1946 lOmin sd $40 614.8 p-el-Jh Guide Safety Is Introduced as an adventure by dramatizing the natural experiences of a boy and girl to and from school. Develops practices of street crossing techniques by having class practice. Emphasizes value of safety patrol and helpfulness of police. Teaches how, when and where to cross the street SERVICE AFLOAT. Bray 1935 22min sd (Story of the US Coast guard) $70, rent $2.50 614.8 jh-sh-ad Includes service to the fishing fleet, rescue of disabled tugs and barges, hurricane and flood rescue work, ice breaking, etc. SERVICE ASHORE. Bray 1935 22min sd (Story of the US Coast guard) $70, rent $2.50 614.8 Jh-sh-ad Shows equipment and operation of lifesaving stations, including actual breeches buoy rescues from wrecked vessels SERVING THE MERCHANT MARINE. US CoastGd 1944 28min sd loan 614.8 Jh-sh-ad "An excellent film showing the wide range of duties of the U.S. Coast Guard, many of which are unknown to the average citizen." Collaborator SEVENTH COLUMN. TFC 1943 lOmin sd (Pete Smith specialties) apply 614.8 Jh-sh Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "Accidents constitute the 'Seventh Column.' This Pete Smith short is a pictorial study of carelessness, which causes our accidents in the majority. It deals with carelessness around the home, at work, or on the road. "Mr. Pratt serves as our example not to be followed. By following ordinary common sense and safety rules our accidents could be largely avoided." Advisory committee STITCH IN TIME. Venard 1944 26min sd loan 614.8 Jh-sh-ad Produced In co-operation with Kansas State College and the Kansas State Safety Council Sponsored by the Sears Roebuck Foundation A dramatic portrayal of the most common farm and home accidents. The story Is told by a country doctor from experiences typical 421