Educational film guide ()

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616.24-616.7 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE MASS RADIOGRAPHY — Continued projects. The workers In a large factory are informed that they will have the opportunity to have chest X-rays taken. A mobile unit arrives, the pictures are taken, examined, and doubtful ones picked out for further study. — "Purpose and procedure of X-raying are well explained. The simple, factual approach may help to overcome Indifference and reluctance." New health films MESSAGE FROM DOROTHY MAYNOR. Nat TB 1947 lOmin sd $15, loan 616.24 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Emerson Yorke Studio Miss Maynor and the Hall Johnson choir present some musical selections and then Miss Maynor gives some facts about the importance of chest X-rays for Negroes Accompanied by a silent filmstrip "Check Up on Your Chest," listed in the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide and a booklet "Get a Chest X-ray" THEY DO COME BACK. NatTB 1940 17min sd $17, loan 616.24 sh-c-tr-ad Narration is by Alois Havrilla. The time is today, the place Everytown, the principal characters Roy and Julie, two young people who work for a living and who plan to marry. Tuberculosis interrupts their plans. Everytown's heaJth facilities go into action. We see modern tuberculosis case finding, diagnosis, hospitalization Roy hsis advanced tuberculosis. Julie is an early case. Both are admitted to the tuberculosis sanatorium. We see some characteristic tuberculosis association activities and the close working relationship of voluntary and official health forces. The time comes at last when Roy and Julie are able to realize their plans for a home of their own THIS IS TB. NatTB 1946 lOmIn sd $15, loan 616.24 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Emerson Yorke Studio Outlines the cause, the spread, the cure and the prevention of TB. A forthright presentation of the problem and what remains to be done about it Also available in a Spanish version under title "Esta es la Tisis" Accompanied by a silent filmstrip 'TB Facts," extra copies of which may be purchased for $1, and a booklet "You Can Beat TB" TIME OUT. NatTB 1947 25min sd $35, loan 616.24 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by Emerson Yorke Studio The dramatized account of a young man's bout with tuberculosis from the time of discovery to arrest of his disease. It shows how he finally overcame the psychological difficulties that stood between him and his "cure" and depicts the re-integration that leads to his ultimate discharge from the hospital— alive and well Accompanying silent filmstrip "Me vs TB" (listed in 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide) and illustrated booklet "The Winner" supplied without charge TUBERCULOSIS. BBF 1941 llmin sd (Health and hygiene ser) $45, rent $2.50 616.24 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced in collaboration with Dr Esmond R. Long, Dr C. Howard Marcy, Dr Charles R. Reynolds, and the Pennsylvania State Department of Health "Demonstrates the nature, transmission, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. An opening sequence explains that sunlight and fresh air are enemies of the germ, but many city dwellers are constantly exposed to possible infection. "Mary Smith, a slim, attractive high school girl, is introduced. She is shown taking tuberculin tests with the other students, and lier test shows that she has sustained no tuberculosis infection. But soon afterward, Mary's tubercular aunt comes to live in the Smith home. Several possible means of transmitting her infection are shown. The following sequence of the film reveals the development of the tuberculosis infection inside Mary's lungs. But this time infection is walled off by defensive cells and confined to inactivity in a small cavity. "A few years elapse. Mary, now out of school, is working. Dieting for slimness, she is getting too little to eat, too little rest and too much excitement. Animation and X-ray pictures reveal the processes of reinfection and cavity formation. After several months, Mary begins to show signs of the disease and has a medical examination. She goes to a sanatorium, where she gets fresh air, correct diet, and complete rest. In the case of the aunt, pneumothorax treatment is given. "An excellent film for use in hygiene, human biology, and public health courses, as well as for general adult usage in public health education. The film's presentation Is accurate, well-balanced, and optimistic. It is suited for use from the Junior high through adult levels." Ed. screen "Dramatization emphasized over scientific content." California "A very good film for high school classes studying health." Collaborator 616.6 Diabetes THEY LIVE AGAIN. TFC llmin sd (MQM miniatures) apply 616.6 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "Joe Gilchrist and Fred Banting are young medical students. It is 1915 — at children's bedsides, doctors still strive fruitlessly to save them from the ravages of sugar sickness. . . Later, Banting. . . requests his old university to grant him an assistant, a laboratory with ten dogs, and just eight weeks' time. "Countless attempts and experiments follow. His theory is that the precious fluid of the pancreas gland injected into the blood of dying diabetic sufferers may cure them. Eventually the extract is ready. . . They experiment on [a diabetic dog], themselves and on some of their patients. Premature news of their success is flashed to the world. Then into the laboratory one day walks Gilchrist, a diabetic sufferer. He agrees to permit their experiments on him. His medical knowledge will be of assistance in reporting his reactions and symptoms. "Gilchrist's return to health is dramatically pictured. The battle has been won. "Recommended for general science classes at grade levels as determined by study courses. The photography, direction and commentary combine to present a dramatic, forceful story." Advisory committee 616.7 Feet CARE OF THE FEET. EBF 1943 llmin sd (Human biology ser) $45, rent $2.50 616.7 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: Dr Dudley Morton, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University Presents the structural elements of the foot as a weight supporting structure; how walking is accomplished; depicts causes of structural foot ailments, and suggests remedies; shows other kinds of foot ailments and their treatment; how to fit shoes; the X-ray in diagnosis and treatment Accompanying filmstrip is listed In the 1948 Annual Filmstrip Guide ^06