Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 616.7-616.9 CARE OF THE FEET — Continued "Completely accurate although somewhat technical for the layman. Especially valuable for trade schools, correction exercise groups and anatomy classes. "A limited presentation showing very clearly weight and pressure distribution." East Bay Coop, previewing comm. of phys. educ. films "Weight distribution and pressure are well demonstrated. The film is fine in Its scope," NSWA OUR FEET. Bray 1948 llmin sd $50, rent $3 616.7 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Deals with the functioning and the construction of the foot as a means of propulsion of the human body and as a bearer of its weight in its unique upright position. Skeleton, ligaments and muscles of the foot are described in the plainest possible terms together with their functional purposes of weight bearing or propulsion. The construction and the functioning of the longitudinal and transverse arches are explained and demonstrated and stress is laid upon their soundness. The movements of the foot are considered In detail and this is followed by an analysis of the walking step, showing mechanism of shifting weight support and propulsion. Particular attention Is called to the influence of sound feet upon the general health of the individual Photography profusely augmented by animated drawings PROPER STEPS. Flory 1948 9min sd (Per* sonal guidance ser) $45, rent $2 616.7 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Based on medical research by a distinguished doctor, this health film points out common foot abuses and errors in walking habits frequently perpetrated by civilized man 616.9 General diseases BATTLE AGAINST CANCER. AmCancer 1947 ♦ 12min sd apply 616.9 sh-c-ad Apply at the Society's office in your state Prepared for lay audiences from a Swiss medical film Opens by showing a typical large group of Americans and the statement that one out of eight of them will die of cancer. Microscopic slides are shown illustrating normal cell division followed by the invasion of cancer cells breeding wildly. The use of surgery, x-ray and radium in effective treatment are illustrated CHOOSE TO LIVE. Castle 1940 llmin sd $14.97 616.9 sh-c-ad-forum A USDA film Thomas Parran, Surgeon-General of the United States Public Health Service, opens this film with a few words of warning. Specially prepared for lay audiences, the picture tells the story of one woman's encounter with cancer and presents a background of educational information on the subject Dr C. C. Little, Managing Director of the American Society for the Control of Cancer closes the film with an appeal to unite against this disease. The laboratory and hospital scenes were taken at Memorial Hospital, New York, Marine Hospital, Baltimore and at the National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, Md. "An excellent health film." California FIGHT SYPHILIS. USPubHServ 1943 20mln sd loan 616.9 sh-c-ad May also be purchased upon authorization by the Surgeon General Also available In a lOmln version An expository -film on how to combat syphilis. Ten-minute version emphasizes the Individual's role: blood tests; avoiding exposure; proper treatment; the danger of quacks Twenty-minute version Includes the community's Job: education; providing clinics; follow-up workers; the drain on the nation's manpower; cost of supporting the blind, the Insane, the unemployables crippled by syphilis HEALTH IS A VICTORY. ASHA 1942 15mln sd $25, rent $5 616.9 sh-c-ad "A doctor lectures about gonorrhea, giving a survey of pathology, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Includes penicillin therapy. "The film gives some basic Information which, however. Is not quite complete, especially as regards therapy." Health films HOOKWORM. Instlnter-AmAffalrs llmin sd color $47 616.9 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Walt Disney Studios A cartoon story which tells how a family was reduced to weakness and poverty by hookworms and how they rid themselves of their sickness IN DAILY BATTLE. NatFdInfantPar 1947 26min sd $30.50, loan 616.9 Jh-sh-ad Produced by RKO Pathe. Not available to schools The members of a county chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis take part In this true to life story of how a chapter aids infantile paralysis patients and utilizes community facilities In the fight against the disease KNOW FOR SURE. USPubHServ 1942 22mln sd loan 616.8 c-ad May also be purchased on authorization by the Surgeon General "Deals in a very frank way with prophylaxis, diagnosis and clinical treatment of syphilis. Gives also attention to follow-up treatment, sources of infection and community control. Dramatization renders the message more effective. The film was made In Hollywood, directed by Lewis Milestone." Health films MALARIA CONTROL IN THE TENNESSEE VALLEY. TVAHealthDIv 40mln sd color loan 616.9 sh-c-ad A seml-technlcal kodachrome subject describing methods used by TVA to control malaria around the borders of the TVA reservoirs MESSAGE TO WOMEN. USPubHServ 1945 20mln sd color loan 616.9 sh-c-ad-forum May also be purchased, upon authorization by the Surgeon General Facts about syphilis and gonorrhea. Animated charts Illustrate effects of these diseases in women MIRACLE OF LIVING. Castle 39mln sd $47.56 616.9 c-ad Produced by the U.S. Army Stresses by means of a dramatized story the value of continence and illustrates the tragic consequences which may result from venereal disease "A very powerful film which has an excellent response from High School classes In Homemaklng." Collaborator SO THEY MAY WALK. Kenny 15mln sd color loan 616.9 c-ad Produced by Hudson Productions Reveals highlights of the Sister Elizabeth Kenny method of treatment of Infantile 427