Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 621.384 ON THE AIR. Jam Handy 1937 20min sd $36.50 621.384 Jh-sh-c-ad Puts a radio broadcast on the screen. Explains the principle of the audio wave. Its control, its conversion in the oscillator to a steady carrier wave, its transmission from the sending antenna and its reception in the home ON THE AIR. Westing-house 22min sd loan 621.384 el-jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced by Paramount Pictures, Educational Film Division A film that portrays the story of radio broadcasting from its beginning in the garage workshop of Dr. Frank Conrad to the complex networks that encircle the globe. Depicting the detailed operations of a typical broadcasting day, the film covers writing, scripting, rehearsal, timing, production and presentation of radio broadcasts. By means of animated drawings the technical side of broadcasting is shown RADIO AND TELEVISION. Mahnke 1940 llmin sd (Your life work) $50 621.384 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films "An analysis of the radio industry from the vocational guidance standpoint. An opening short sequence tells of the history of radio and its importance today; also of the Importance of allied inventions such as the sound motion picture and the public address systems, wirephoto, etc. The many jobs in the radio industry are then treated In detail, the commentator telling the qualiflcations needed, the future involved, etc. "Among the jobs mentioned are those in the set manufacturing industry, wireless operators, studio program production, studio technicians, set repair men, and station executives. The film tells of the training needed, emphasizing that only accredited schools should be considered. "An effective film, well planned and executed. . . Of excellent technical quality." Georgia "An excellent film on the subject. Should be very helpful to those who plan to enter radio work." California RADIO ANTENNAS— CREATION AND BEHAVIOR OF RADIO WAVES. Castle 1943 12min sd $15.86 621.384 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Army Air Forces "Presents an over-all view of the generation and the behavior of radio waves. Animated diagrams, combined with real photography, are used with the commentary to discuss static fields, magnetic lines of force, high-frequency generators, the behavior of radio waves in space, and the reflection of radio waves. "There follows a discussion of what is known as skip distance ground waves and the fading and the distortions that result from a conflict between waves. "With considerable supplementation will be useful in the discussion of radio waves as applied to the navigation of an aircraft." Central Washington college of educ. RADIO BROADCASTING TODAY. Forum ed * MOT 1948 19min sd $55 621.384 jh-sh-c-tr-ad-forum Guide Appraises all the types of programs, good and bad, which make up radio today ^, , , ."Captures humor and stimulates critical thinkmg. The film should have included direct mformation concerning the advertising agency." Collaborator RADIO OPERATOR TRAINING— RHYTHM, SPEED AND ACCURACY IN HAND SENDING. Castle 12min sd $16.76 621.384 tr Produced by U.S. Navy Discusses sequence in rhythm and timing, and compares several senders' ability by means of a recording tape RADIO OPERATOR TRAINING— TECHNIQUES OF HAND SENDING. Castle 9mln sd $12.28 621.384 tr Produced by U.S. Navy Identifies the . important parts of the transmitter and explains the elements of the Morse Code RADIO RECEIVERS: PRINCIPLES OF RADIO RECEIVERS. Castle 1945 17mln sd $23.54 621.384 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Army Air Forces Portrays the principles and working of typical radio receivers Including crystal and tube detectors, radio and audio frequency amplification, and the superheterodyne circuit RECEIVING RADIO MESSAGES. EBF 1943 llmin sd (Physics ser) $46, rent $2.50 .. . 621.384 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: Wilbur L. Beauchamp, University of Chicago Animated drawings make clear the principles of a radio receiver. Explains the problem of tuning; the capacity of the variable condenser, the inductance of the coll and resonance. Demonstrates the need of detection and how it is achieved by a crystal The operation of the earphone is explained together with the production of audible sound waves RECTANGULAR COORDINATES. Castle 13min sd (Radio technician training) $17.67 621.384 sh-c-tr Produced by the U.S. Navy The use of coordinates in simplifying the solution of problems involving time and distance is demonstrated. Teaches how a point Is located by the use of two coordinates and explains what a coordinate is REHEARSAL. AT&T 1948 24min sd loan 621.384 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Leslie Roush Productions A behind the scenes story of a rehearsal for the Bell Telephone Hour radio program featuring Ezio Plnza, Blanche Thebom, Donald Voorhees and the Bell Telephone orchestra. Scenes show the artists rehearsing for a broadcast, then changes to presentation of the program "on the air. ' The commercial announcement briefly traces the development of communications concluding with a description of today s micro-wave radio relay system, now operating between New York and Boston SENDING RADIO MESSAGES. EBF 1943 llmin sd (Physics ser) $45, rent $2.50 621.384 sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced In collaboration with Dr Wilbur L. Beauchamp, University of Chicago Operation of the following units Is explained: the microphone, the transformer and the modulator. Fundamental concepts are explained, as for example: sound waves, direct currents, alternating currents, voice current, carrier wave, and amplification TELEPHONE HOUR. AT&T 1945 23mln sd loan lu u ^ 621.384 Jh-sh-ad This presentation of a network broadcast shows the behind the scenes activities of technicians and features the Bell Telephone orchestra conducted by Donald Voorhees with Josef Hofmann, pianist, as guest soloist 439