Educational film guide ()

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621.385-621.388 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE 621.385 Telephone THE BIG DAY. AT&T 1946 17mln sd loan 621.385 sh-c Three girls join the ranks of telephone operators and under the friendly guidance of their associates, instructors and the chief operator, they quickly learn to appreciate the importance of their jobs and the challenge of working with the other members of the telephone team DIAL COMES TO TOWN. AT&T 1946 20min sd loan 621.385 sh-c-ad Gives background of the change to dial service, and also illustrates proper dial usage JUST IMAGINE. AT&T 1947 lOmin sd loan 621.385 Jh-sh-tr-ad Tommy Telephone materializes out of a telephone company advertisement and suggests to a problem beset telephone man that the job of getting raw materials and making and assembling the parts of a telephone is easy. With the help of motion picture magic Tommy produces a hopper out of thin air and tosses Into it slips of paper marked with the names of the raw materials. Then to a special musical score he proceeds to grind out all of the 433 parts and organize them with military precision into a modern hand set telephone MILLION TIMES A DAY. AT&T 1947 llmin * sd loan 621.385 jh-sh-ad Portrays in newsreel style the vast telephone network, equipment and personnel which are behind the making of a long distance call. The picture dramatizes the longest call possible within the continental limits of the United States — from Eastport, Maine, to Bay, California NEW VOICE FOR MR X. AT&T 1939 21mln sd loan 621.385 sh-tr-ad Produced by Audio Productions Presents the story of a mythical character who feels that his business Is suffering because of careless telephone habits and incorrect telephone usage. He accompanies a friend to a "Hear your telephone voice" demonstration and becomes convinced that he should take steps to improve telephone conditions in his own office PARTY LINES. AT&T 1946 15mln sd color * loan 621.385 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Bil Baird's Marionettes Shows how lack of cooperation can disturb community serenity, and what can be accomplished by giving someone else a chance. Attention is centered amusingly on the common abuse of the party line telephone, with a follow-up demonstration of a more satisfactory way to get good service SAFEGUARDING THE SPEECHWAYS. WesternElec 1938 ISmin sd loan 621.385 jh-sh-c-tr Shows the manufacture of various types of wire used In the telephone system. Starts with the collection of the raw materials, following them through to the uses of the finished product STEP HIGH. AT&T 1946 17min sd loan 621.385 jh-sh-c-ad Objective: to inform girls of high school age about work and opportunities in the Bell system A high school graduate, undecided about her future talks things over with her educa tional and vocational guide at school, who advises her to look into the telephone opportunity TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH. Mahnke 1946 llmin sd (Your life work) $50 621.385 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films Shows the similarity of jobs in the telephone industry with that of telegraph work. Describes the many opportunities in these vocations and tells of the skills required to qualify TELEPHONE COURTESY. AT&T 1946 25min * sd loan 621.385 sh-c-ad Points out some obvious poor habits, and illustrates and underscores the value of good telephone manners Mr Burton, a typical businessman, runs Into difficulties one day when he tries to telephone his office. This gets him thinking about the telephone habits of his organization and he discovers a number of things he thinks should be improved TELEPHONE NEWSREEL (VOLUME I, ISSUE I). AT&T 1946 lOmin sd loan 621.385 Jh-sh-tr-ad In newsreel format, this film briefly describes and pictures the telephone installation for the United Nations at Hunter College, New York; the new lightweight operator's head set; mobile radio-telephone service and the laying of coaxial cable TELEPHONES FOR RURAL AMERICA. AT&T 1948 6min sd loan 621.385 el-Jh-sh-ad Tells of the resumption of the Bell System's program of extending and improving rural telephone service after the war. Tells of the thousands of miles of new wire that have been strung along roads and over fields. Tells of the many miles of new pole line that have been built. Scenes Illustrating the many different Improvements being Introduced accompany the narration TRIAL BY FIRE. AT&T 1947 12min sd loan 621.385 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Wilding Picture Productions Shows how the emergency was met when fire destroyed the telephone company's central office in the Chicago suburb of River Grove 621.388 Television MAGIC IN THE AIR, Rev. GM 1949 lOmIn sd loan 621.388 Jh-sh-ad A simple explanation with animated diagram shows the basic principles of television, this newest magic of the ether waves. This film takes you behind the scenes of television studios at Radio City, shows you the construction of the iconoscope which is the sender, and of the kinescope which is the receiver SIGHTSEEING AT HOME. QE 1943 15mln sd * $30, loan 621.388 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Wilding Picture Productions "Story of television. . . Describes the processes involved from the time the camera records the action to the time it is reproduced on the television screen. Thirty complete pictures are televised eVery second In the form of single electric impulses and, every second, four million Impulses reach the receiver screen, one after another." Movie makers "Explains clearly the general theories of television. Excellent for units on communication. May be used In science classes to help explain the principles of television. The best film thus far on this subject." Collaborator 440