Educational film guide ()

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628.1-629.13 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE WATER SUPPLY — Continued from Colorado River to Southern California is shown in open canals, pipelines, tunnels, pumping stations. Purification & testing In filtration plant & research laboratory are illustrated A fllmstrip in either color or black and white and a set of colored slides are also available WATERSHEDS AND POWER. Filmsets 1947 8min si $12.50 628.1 el-Jh Guide Shows how forest reserves contribute to the water supply; and how water is stored and transported by means of reservoirs, aqueducts, dams, pumps, etc. 628.3 Sewage disposal SEWAGE DISPOSAL. EBF 1930 15min si $24 628.3 el-Jh-sh-c Guide Purification by ImhofC tank and sprinkling filter; purification by sand filtration; discharging sewage into the ocean with the ebb tide 628.9 Lighting HOW MAN MADE DAY. Coronet 1946 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 628.9 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Ilia Podendorf, University of Chicago Laboratory School Traces man's development of light from primitive to modern times. Recently such revolutionary methods of lighting as the neon and fiuorescent have been invented and with them man has been able to flood his homes and cities with an artificial light almost equal to the natural light of day 629. 1 3 Aeronautics AAF COMES OF AGE. Castle 1946 54min sd $63.72 629.13 Jh-sh-c-ad Shows the development of the Army Air Forces from the period before Pearl Harbor up to and including the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki AAF— SPECIAL DELIVERY. Castle 1946 13min sd $17.67 629.13 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the Office of the Director of information. Army Air Forces, to show AAF participation in peacetime pursuits. Shows the first bombing of Japan by the atom bomb, and proceeds to the air forces participation in the Bikini Island tests ACROBATIC CHECKS. Castle ISmin sd $25.69 629.13 sh-tr-dd A U.S. Navy production on flying techniques ADVANCED MANEUVERS. Bray 1943 lOmin sd $45, rent $2 629.13 Jh-sh-c-tr "How to stall, spin, fly a steep turn; mushing; ground looping; spirals, and acrobatics." School management AIR TRANSPORTATION. Mahnke 1947 llmln * sd (Your life work) $50 629.13 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films Presents the inner workings of a commercial air line, reservations, sales, weather, flight crew, ground servicing, government licensed airport personnel. All qualifications are adequately outlined and presented. The many jobs for women are specifically emphasized. Many jobs on chartered and independent air lines are included. It is a very comprehensive film of this great industry AIRCRAFT AND HOW THEY FLY. Bray 1943 lOmin sd $45, rent $2 629.13 Jh-sh-c-ad "EJxplains and illustrates classes of aircraft such as lighterthan-alr craft, amphibians, autogiros, and helicopters. "This is the first of a new series of preflight aviation courses now being given in secondary schools." Scholastic AIRPLANE TRIP. EBF 1938 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 629.13 p-el-Jh Guide Collaborators: Ernest Horn, State University of Iowa; Arthur I. Gates, Teachers College, Columbia University and Celeste C. Peardon A mother and her young daughter journey in an airliner from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City. On arriving at the airport servicing operations on different parts of a plane are observed. After the plane is loaded with mail and express, the passengers embark, safety belts are adjusted, and the plane takes off Enroute, the plane's instruments and operation are simply explained. A panorama of cities, farms, rivers, and mountains la shown. The stewardess serves a meal and makes up the sleeping berths. A radio telephone weather report is received by the pilot, and the plane lands at Salt Lake City at dusk AIRPLANES. USBurMines 1944 37min sd loan 629.13 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Made in cooperation with the Sinclair Refining Company The film is introduced with a meeting of a model airplane builder's club and Includes scenes from model plane flying contests Other air views show the operation of a helicopter, testing of a transport plane by a flight mechanic, and flights of both civilian and military craft In a huge plant thousands of radical-type engines are being produced on an assemblyline basis. Included in this episode are the production of the power section and cylinder barrels and the expert finishing of cylinder heads and other parts with painstaking accuracy. Assembly of engines and a cut-a-way view of plane's power plant reveal how engineering skill has produced an engine capable of operating hundreds of hours in all types of weather without faltering Scenes from airplane maintenance shops reveal the precision and care employed In servicing transport planes and in repairing, examining, lubricating, and testing plane engines to Insure maximum efficiency, long life, and dependability THE AIRPORT. EBF 1948 llmln sd $45, rent * $2.50 629.13 p-el-Jh-sh Guide Collaborator: Paul R. Hanna, professor of education, Stanford University Shows in detail the varied operations that take place at practically any airport in the world, the basic operations of all air travel and transportation. Giant airliners begin and end their fiights; crews receive their instructions; radio control towers dispatch the planes as they begin their scheduled runs; weather reports are received and relayed by radio; passengers begin and end their trips by air; and baggage, express and mail are loaded and unloaded AIRWAYS OF THE FUTURE. Forum ed. MOT 1944 12min sd $55 629.13 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide "Shows the importance of the ATC in 1942 when war supplies were badly needed In 462