Educational film guide ()

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629.13 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE CELESTIAL NAVIGATION: TIME. Castle 1944 lOmin sd $14.90 629.13 c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Army Air Forces "Explains various time elements in celestial navigation which are used in solving practical exercises." Aviation film directory CHANDELLE. Castle 15min sd $21.40 629.13 sh-tr-ad A U.S. Navy production on flying techniques ESSENTIAL PARTS AND TYPES OF PLANES. Bray 1942 lOmin sd $45, rent $2 629.13 sh-c-tr-ad "Demonstrating how planes fly, and showing how various tyoes of planes are designed to perform speclflc Jobs. Illustrated by flight models as well as by real Army Bombers, Atlantic Clippers, and Navy Flying Patrol Boats." Scholastic EYES OF THE NAVY. TFC 21min sd apply 629.13 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "Patriotic short with dramatic introduction of farm lad who decides on aviation as a vocation. Scenes of naval training at Pensacola, San Diego and on an aircraft carrier Include learning to fly singly, in formation, target and battle practice from the air, landing and takeoff from airplane carrier, flight maneuvers, parachute jumping, power dives and bombing practice. "Exceptionally well organized and photographed. Recommended for patriotic use and for vocational courses concerned with aviation as an objective." Advisory committee GLOBAL AIR ROUTES. CanNFB 1944 16mln sd (World in action) $50, rent $2.50 629.13 sh-c-ad-forum Presents the problems of postwar air control and the need for an international air code if rivalry between great powers is to be prevented — and hence future wars. Follows, thru the use of a new type of animated air map, the routes travelled by the war-trained pilots of the United Nations, and shows how they will be joined to link the Americas with Europe and Asia in aerial paths that will cross Canada, the Pole and the vast spaces of Siberia GREAT CIRCLE. IntFlmBur 1946 14min sd $37.50, rent $2.50 629.13 Jhsh-c-ad-forum The film opens with a sequence in which the progress of a bicycle with two riders covering a distance of 40 miles is compared with the progress of an airplane which travels 2000 miles in the same length of time. Views taken in many parts of the world illustrate the theme that flying makes new neighbors. Animated globes are used to show how the arc of a great circle is the shortest distance between two points and how the chief cities of the world are linked by great circle routes GYRO COMPASS. Sperry 1943 lOmin sd loan 629.13 sh-c-tr-ad This is the gyroscopic Instrument to be made by Elmer Sperry. Its importance to the comfort and safety of transportation and to the war effort are depicted The repeater compass, gyropilot and course recorder are also shown GYROSCOPES AND GRAVITATION. Castle 15min sd $20.68 629.13 sh-tr-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy Explains the theory and operations of the pendulous and mercury ballistic type compasses, and studies the effect of gravity upon the gyroscope GYROSCOPE AND THE EARTH'S ROTATION. Castle lOmin sd $13.18 629.13 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy Explains how a simple gyroscope becomes a gyro compass; demonstrates the principles of rigidity and recession and apparent rotation HIGH SPEED REFUELING OF AIRCRAFT. Shell 1947 lOmin sd loan 629.13 c-tr-ad Produced by Grant, Flory & Williams. Photographed at Glen L. Martin aircraft plant in Baltimore Shows underwing refueling of a Martin 2-0-2 transport plane by the new Wayne unit pump method IMMELMAN. Castle llmin sd $14.97 629.13 Jh-sh-ad A U.S. Navy production on flying techniques INVERTED SPINS. Castle lOmin sd $13.18 629.13 sh-tr-ad A U.S. Navy film on aerial acrobatics LOOPS. Castle 14min sd $19.96 629.13 sh-tr-ad A U.S. Navy film on aerial acrobatics METHODS OF FLIGHT. Bray 20min sd $85, rent $4 629.13 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Points out man's envy of the bird's ability to fly and his attempts at imitation. Shows flapping wing flight using slow motion studlea of bird flight; ability of birds to move individual wing and tall feathers for stabilization Demonstrates flapping wings by flying ornithopter. Soaring and gliding are shown. Demonstrations of lighter-than-air balloons Rotating wing flight is shown (1) maple leaf, in nature; (2) principles of boomerang and flight of model autogiro and helicopter; (3) actual scenes of autogiro in flight and oi Igor Sikorsky's helicopter; considers possibilities of rocket ship and shows first rocket ship to make a successful flight MOTIONS OF A PLANE. Bray 1943 lOmin sd $45, rent $2 629.13 el-Jh-sh "What the pilot sees from the cockpit as he performs the three fundamental motions of a plane — yawing, pitching, and rolling." School management OUR TOWN BUILDS AN AIRPORT. Castle 1948 35mln sd $43.26; also color $165.49 629.13 Jh-sh-ad Produced by the Civil Aeronautics Administration Presents in detail the story of how the citizens of a small town decide to build an airport. The need for the airport is described; a committee is formed to examine the problem; the decision is made; a site is chosen; the ground is graded and surfaced, and the buildings are constructed. The film ends witii the finished airport being used by the citizens ol the town PARACHUTES FOR SAFETY. Bray 1942 52min sd $90, loan 629.13 sh-c-tr-ad "Describes the uses of the Life Saver of the sky. Shows the precautions taken in the making and packing of a chute." California PRECISION SPIN. Castle 12mln sd $15.86 629.13 sh-tr-ad A U.S. Navy film on aerial acrobatics 464