Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 629<213-630 WHEEL SENSE — Continued Teaches before-the-fact driving safety to young persons just learning to drive. Champion racing driver Torpedo Jones visits a typical class of high school driving trainees and conveys to them the salient points of safe driving technique X MARKS THE SPOT. NJDptMotorVeh 1944 20min sd $100, loan 629.213 Jh-sh-ad "Received the national award for the best motion picture on traffic safety. "In addition to giving a forceful message to drivers on safe driving, provides entertainment with a well known professional cast." Film world YOU BET YOUR LIFE. Progressive 1948 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 629.213 Jh-sh-ad Designed to teach standard driving practices as approved by the uniform vehicle code, including road signs, markings and proper signaling YOUR DRIVING HABITS. Castle 1945 15min sd $26.43 629.213 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 The elements of good driving are shown; how to start the engine; how to use the clutch and to shift gears; how to use brakes; how to drive on curves, pavements and in mountainous country; how to drive thru ice, snow, water and mud; and how to park a car 629.22 Bicycles ON TWO WHEELS. GM 14min sd loan 629.22 eUJh-sh Jam Handy made this film for the Chevrolet Division of General Motors The opening scene is In a juvenile traffic court set up to promote safe bicycle riding. A boy is charged with riding another on the crossbar of his bike. He pleads guilty. He is sentenced and must attend a safety meeting to be held by messenger boys. At that meeting many safety rules are given The next case In the traffic court Is that of a girl who pleads grullty to riding a bicycle not In good repair causing a minor accident. She is told to visit the local man who rents bikes and from him she learns much about caring for a bicycle and of the joy to be had in riding safely Back 111 the Juvenile court a third case Is considered — that of a boy guilty of reckless riding in traffic. He Is told to spend time with the local police officer. For him the similarities of riding a bike and of driving a car safely are pointed out by the officer and many wise words of counsel are given him YOU AND YOUR BICYCLE. Progressive 1948 * Ilmin sd $25 629.22 el-jh-sh Guide Covers all phases of bicycle safety, Including maintenance. Shows the necessity for alertness; correct arm signals; types of Intersections and what to watch for; varying road surfaces; where and how to park; hazards to watch for while riding; riding at night; how to carry bundles; etc. A portion of the film shows unsafe practices to avoid and what will happen If they are followed. In this group are shown hitching rides, stunting, riding double, passing cars on the wrong side, etc. 630 Agriculture AGRICULTURE. Mahnke 1945 Ilmin sd (Your life work) $50 630 jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films Explains diversified farming. Tells about some of the jobs a farmer must know how to perform such as care of farm equipment and animals, preparation of land and protection against soil erosion Educational qualifications are considered and there is a discussion of assistance given farmers by county agent, etc in which fields there are also jobs for trained agriculturists BIG HARVEST: THE STORY OF AGRICUL * TURE. Films 1947 22min sd (Our land and people) $75 630 el-jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by 20th Century-Fox Documents the American farmer's contribution to the development of the United States. Discusses the farmer's problems historically and economically by graphically presenting the contrast between the pioneer farmer's approach to his land and that of the twentieth century farmer. The one could get up and move on if his land grew tired; the other has to stay where he is and be a pioneer. Between these two approaches lies the whole story of agricultural production DECISION FOR BILL. Castle 1947 25min sd color $127.06 630 Jh-sh-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Bill, a sophomore at college, seeks advice from his faculty advisor as to the type of work for which he should try to fit himself. Being interested in agriculture, he is told of various kinds of activities conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in which scientists, technicians and administrators are employed "An excellent and fascinating review of the work of the U. S. Department of Agriculture— scientists, forest rangers, economists, statisticians, soil conservationists, human nutritionists, in short, public servants. Should have been titled 'Public Service in USDA.' " Collaborator FARMING TAKES SKILL. Frith 1944 12min sd color $65 630 el-Jh-sh Guide "A general film on farm work that gives a well-balanced picture of modern, scientific farming. Several crops are shown through an entire year. "In addition to presenting factual Information, attention is given to such farm problems as management, scarcity of labor, and conditions that influence food prices." Ed. screen THE GREEN HAND. Venard 1940 44mln sd loan 630 Jh-sh Sponsored by the Sears Roebuck Foundation A dramatization of the book by Dean Paul W. Chapman of the Georgia College of Agriculture. It is the story of a bad boy who wasn't really so bad just not interested, and how, thru the Future farmers of America and the guidance of his vocational agriculture teacher, he became a good farmer and a good citizen NEW WAYS IN FARMING. Forum ed MOT 1945 15min sd $55 630 jh-sh-c-trad-forum "What will the postwar agriculture scene be like? The film does not attempt to answer the question but shows the methods In use today and what modern trends are. . . "A good film for any audience interested in the welfare and future of the nation's agriculture. The problems presented give much food for thought and should promote discussion within any group." Film world 473