Educational film guide ()

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631.3-631.4 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE RUNNING WATER ON THE FARM. GE 20inin sd color $140 631.3 tr-ad Produced by Raphael G. Wolff Studios Prepared with the cooperation of the United States Public Health Service. By animation and live action sequences, this picture dramatizes the value of an electric water system on the farm and emphasizes the economic values that can result from running water WORST OF FARM DISASTERS. CasUe 1941 6min sd $8.70 631.3 Jh-sh-c-ad A USDA film "Another rural electrification film. Danger of fire on a farm where electrification has not been completed. Installation of R.S.A. lines solve the problem." Collaborator 631.4 Soils. Soil conservation BIRTH OF THE SOIL. EBF 1948 lOmIn sd ♦ color (The living earth) $90, rent $4 631.4 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Shows how nature produces llfe-glving topsoll from the basic raw materials of rock, air and sunlight by the processes of plant grrowth and decay and photosynthesis For evaluative comment see series entry in Part 1 BLESSINGS OF GRASS. Castle 1940 20min sd $27.12 631.4 Jh-sh-c-ad A USDA film. May be borrowed from the U.S. Forest Service In the old days land was plentiful but as newcomers arrived and land became scare conflicts arose. In those days it was first come first served. Such reckless use of grazing lands made for future barren wastes. Then came the forest service with its new order of range management. Stockmen and rangers were brought to understand each other and work together for their common good. We see round-ups and the moving of cattle from home ranges to national forest lands. There are shots of the branding and Inoculation against disease. Stragglers and weaklings are given a lift in a truck Arrived at their summer home the herd is counted and turned out to graze. Rangers make Inspections and we go with one on his tour. He consults the hired rider and they compare notes. Given a chance to recuperate from grazing the homelands yield crops of hay At the first sign of bad weather the cattle begin to drift back home and when snow appears they really move. Now they are off to market. A quick overview of the improvements to the towns brought about by this better management and a shot of our narrator ends the film EROSION. Castle 1948 6mln sd (Soil conservation ser) $7.81 631.4 el-Jh-sh-tr Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Tells the story of man made soil erosion and what it has done to our productive land. It distinguishes between natural erosion and man made erosion. It depicts sheet and gully erosion by water and sheet erosion by wind and explains the destructive effects of each. The film ends by showing that destructive erosion is not necessary if conservation farming methods are used FOOD AND SOIL. Castle 1944 lOmln sd color $58.88 631.4 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, from whose regional offices It may be borrowed This motion picture attempts to make only three points. These are: 1. All the food we eat with the exception of seafood comes directly or Indirectly from the soil 2. This soil, upon which our very existence and way of life depends, is being wasted at an alarming rate and lost forever 3. Conservation farming methods which protect and rebuild the soil must be used where needed if our national appetite is to be satisfied and our standards of heaJth maintained GOLDEN SECRET. Castle 1947 7mln sd color $38.40 631.4 el-Jh Produced by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, from whose regional offices it may be borrowed Takes conservation to the fairy story audience. Tells how the golden top soil was washed away and what the son of the king's chief huntsman did to stop it and how the king rewarded him with the gift of the best farm in all the realm "The film Is slow moving." Collaborator GRASSLAND, Castle 1938 lOmin sd $12.28 631.4 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service from whose regional offices it may be borrowed Discusses the problem of soil conserva tion on the grazing lands of the arid South west. — Sheep and cattle on the range and ap proved methods of attack on the evils of ovor grazing HARVESTS FOR TOMORROW. Castle 1941 27min sd $33.70 631.4 el-Jh-sh-c-ad A USDA film A documentary film on rural New England. Discloses the basic need for soil conservation and a sound pasture improvement program. Shows the use of soil building practices In the northeastern states IN COMMON CAUSE. Castle 1945 19min sd $25.69 631.4 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service from whose regional offices it may be borrowed Shows what soil conservation districts have accomplished how they are formed and operated, and the big job yet to be done in this vital program for increasing crop production and saving our soil IT'S YOUR LAND. Castle 1947 4min sd $5.12 631.4 Jh-sh-c-ad Available only from state offices of the Production and Marketing Administration in the north central and north eastern areas The devil gloats over a farmer at his dinner table. Food disappears from dishes as erosion carries away topsoil. Satan brags that only 21^ acres of crop land remain for each person in the United States, but he is routed by the local conservation soil committee of farmers and the activities they sponsor KNOW YOUR LAND. Castle 13mln sd color $65.47 631.4 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Conservation Service from whose regional offices It may be borrowed Identifies 8 basic land classes; illustrates characteristics and uses of each; explains conservation practices to be followed "Major weakness is that it is static, no more than a sound filmstrip." Collaborator LIFE OF THE SOIL. NatFertilizer 1943 33min sd color loan 631.4 sh-c-tr-ad In two editions: northern and southern (ea 33mln) 478