Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 632.4-632.7 BLISTER RUST — Continued Animation shows the life cycle of the fungus, how it spreads from the pine to the currant or gooseberry bush, and back again to the pines. We are reminded of the many uses and scenic beauty of the white pine and of the impact on our economy if we allow blister rust to go unchecked. The methods necessary for control are shown OUR WHITE PINE HERITAGE. Castle 1948 12min sd color $78.43 632.4 Jh-sh-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture The story of white pines in the northeastern states. During the history of that region the white pines have played an important part in its economy. The stately white pines have always been a major crop and one of the principal money makers for the region. Their scenic value, too, cannot be minimized. The film shows that blister rust endangers the white pines of those forests and must be stamped out or controlled to preserve our white pine heritage PAUL BUNYAN HAD A SON. Castle 1948 13min sd color $80.63 632.4 Jh-sh-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Folklore has It that Paul Bunyan, the legendary giant of the lumbering country, cut down the great forests. This film tells of a new Bunyan, Paul's son John, who is the symbol of conservation. Under John's care the white pines have come back on the land. Now they must be protected from blister rust. The film shows the damage done by blister rust and explains what steps have been taken in the lake states to stop the spread of the disease. Paul Bunyan cut down the forests to build a nation; his son, much wiser, conserves them to protect that nation RETURN OF THE PINES. Castle 1948 15min sd color $92.81 632.4 Jh-sh-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Concerns itself with the tale of blister rust control in the southern Appalachians where in the past millions of board feet of white pine have been obtained, and where, with care and protection of its forests, the region can again produce on a large scale. Cooperation In control by federal, state and local agencies is explained WHITE PINE BLISTER RUST. Castle 1942 20min sd color $91.08 632.4 jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Shows the areas affected; the complete life cycle in association with currant and gooseberry plants; how the disease enters and kills white pines; and the effective control measures now being used to protect our native white pines in the 39 states in which they grow 632.5 Injurious plants JUST WEEDS. CanNFB 1945 20min sd color $150, rent $b 632.5 sh "Presents a survey of the damage caused by weeds, their spread, identification and control. "Even though the film is a Canadian production and treats the weeds most commonly found in Canada, nevertheless the film should be useful in the United States because over one-half of the weeds discussed in the film are common to the United States and the methods of weed control recommended are efficient in this country. "The close-up color photographs make weed identification possible. Biology and nature study classes, 4-H Clubs, gardeners, and adult rural groups interested in weed-control and conservation should find this film effective." Ed. screen 632.6 Injurious animals KEEP 'EM OUT. USPubHServ 1942 lOmin sd loan 632.6 el-Jh-sh-ad May also be purchased upon authorization by the Surgeon General "Deals with an unpleasant and very Important subject — the subjugation and eventual elimination of rats. These are not the type that armies chase with tanks and planes, but ordinary run of the mill furry rats, varying in length from two to twelve Inches, exceedingly potent bearers of disease and bad health. The film discusses both the breeding and the elimination." Movie makers "Interesting and Informative but not quite even and methodical in treatment." Health films KILLING FARM RATS. BIS 1945 14min sd $40, rent $2.50 632.6 tr-ad Methods of killlnsr rats on a large farm in Scotland 632.7 Injurious Insects EIGHTH PLAGUE. BIS 1945 llmin sd $27.50, rent $1.25 632.7 sh-tr-ad For thousands of years, over half the globe, the locust has preyed on mankind. Man's solitary strength is powerless against these swarms which sweep from country to country leaving behind them famine and destruction. To fight this plague the International anti-locusts organization was formed A desert part of East Africa is one of the main locust breeding grounds. Here bands of men go out in search of the young locust "hoppers" to kill them before they can grow big enough to migrate and destroy valuable crops EUROPEAN CORN BORER. USDA 1948 lOmin * sd color loan 632.7 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad With the aid of the closeup camera we see in detail the life cycle of the corn borer — from the time the moth lays its eggs, thru the period when the eggs hatch to omit the borers which must feed on corn leaves and stalk to survive, to the time when the borer emerges as a moth to start the cycle over again The film discusses control measures, tells the farmer how to recognize and where to find the insect eggs and the best times to use insecticides. Various insecticides are reviewed and different types of spraying equipment are shown HORSES AND BOTS. Castle 1933 30mln si $25.69 632.7 sh-0 A USDA film "Shows the three types of botflies; how they attack and render horses and mules useless for work; methods of treatment and how eradication campaigns are carried out." Iowa state college MORMON CRICKET. Castle 1939 22min sd $28.56 632.7 sh-c-ad A USDA film "Brief history of how cricket got Its name. Life history. The Mormon Cricket as a destructive force. The wasp, most common enemy. Methods of U. S. Dept. of Agriculture in cricket control." California 481