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1949 EDITION 633.2-634.1 WHEAT: THE STAFF OF LIFE — Continued Part 2 follows wheat thru one of the world's largest mills, showing the processes of cleaning, tempering, milling, grading and packaging of flour Part 3 pictures all the interesting bakery processes for bread, cakes, cookies, etc; the making of macaroni and spaghetti; the use of wheat as a food for domestic and farm animals 633.2 Grasses HARVESTING NATIVE GRASS SEED. Castle 1945 lOmin sd color $46.22 633.2 tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service from whose regional offices it may be borrowed Presents in detail methods of harvesting both tall and short grasses. Discusses mechanical changes required to permit the use of a standard combine; also several methods of seed cleaning are demonstrated. Attention Is called to the value of native grass seed m the soil and water conservation program HAY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. Castle 1946 18min sd color $100.74 633.2 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture How to improve the quality of hay by cutting alfalfa and red clover, timothy, brooms, and the like at exactly the right states of growth; curing the right length of time; getting it in and storing properly. Of primary interest to farmers but also useful in schools as a visual study of haymaking, our second most valuable crop 633.3 Legumes SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE. EBF 1939 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 633.3 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Collaborator: W. L. Burlison, University of Illinois Indicates the Interdependence of science and agriculture in modern life. It traces the soy bean from its cultivation in China through Its culture and use in the United States, describes the plant's characteristics and its value to soil conservation. Reproduced conversations treat problems of its cultivation and harvest. Processes of extracting soy bean oil and the preparation and use of soy bean by-products In home and industry are shown SOY BEAN STORY. Allis-ChalmersTractor 1948 20min sd color loan 633.3 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Pictures the growing and processing of the soybean SOYBEANS FOR FARM AND INDUSTRY. IntHarvester 1936 llmin sd loan 633.3 Jh-sh-c-ad Covers seed-bed preparation, Inoculating and planting the seed, cultivating, harvesting for hay, combining beans, and the use of the crop including oil meal as a concentrate feed for livestock. Views of oil extraction processes and the uses of the oil In making paints and varnishes follow 633.5 Textile fibers GROWING FIBERS. Filmsets 8mln si $12.50 633.5 el-Jh Guide Studies the varieties of fibers which are suitable for making yarn used in cloth. Shows the processes of growing cotton, wool, flax and silk MEN WHO GROW COTTON. Castle 21min sd color $111.24 633.5 Jh-sh-c-trad-forum Opening with scenes of the color and gaiety of the Cotton Carnival in Memphis, this USDA picture visualizes & emphasizes the dependence of the South upon cotton. Today, the men who grow cotton face competition from other countries and from industrial products in this country — rayon, nylon, and paper — which they are meeting by diversified farming, soil conservation practices, cooperative buying of seed equipment & insecticides, discovering new uses of cotton & cotton products "Fast-moving, interesting review of the history, present status, and future of cotton. Contains some remarkable photography." Collaborator 633.7 Coffee. Tobacco NEW TOBACCOLAND, U.S.A. Modern 1948 30min sd color loan 633.7 Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by Liggett and Myers Tobacco Co. Begins with a brief sketch showing the tobacco growing areas In the United States and the type or variety of plants grown in each territory. The scene then changes to the Whitehead farm where the tobacco cycle Is studied. The preparation of the soil, seed and seed bed, planting the seed, transplanting cultivating, harvesting, curing and market the crop are protrayed. The processing of tobacco for commercial use and the manufacture of cigarettes provide concluding sequences "Pictures child labor." Collaborator "Very little sponsor Intrusion." Collaborator STORY OF COFFEE. PanAmUnion 1947 llmin sd $18 633.7 el-Jh-sh-ad Tells about Brazilian coffee and illustrates initial planting of selected seeds in the nursery, transplantings necessary before the final planting at about 18 months, development of the coffee tree until it produces commercially in its fifth or sixth year, picking, collection and washing, open air drying, hulling, processing, grading and bagging the coffee for shipment, sampling and testing coffee beans for fragrance, size, appearance and taste, loading the coffee aboard ocean going ships which carry it to the markets of the world TOBACCO VALLEY. ShadeTobacco 1947 27mln sd color loan 633.7 sh-tr-ad Guide Produced by Bay State Film Productions Depicts the story of shade tobacco, as grown in Connecticut, from seed to dgar. Narrated by Lowell Thomas 634 Fruits 634 FRUIT. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 el-Jh Guide Shows the growing and marketing of all kinds of fruits — apples, prunes, peaches, dates, grapes, oranges, pineapples, strawberries 634.1 AppU APPLE A DAY. LibraryFlm llmin si color $70 634.1 •l-Jh The year's work in an apple orchard starts with pruning. In April planting is begun. Bridge grafting saves a doomed tree. Top grafting is an Important operation. We see Rldeau fruit farm at blossom time 483