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634.1-634.9 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE APPLE A DAY — Continued The bees are important to an orchard and we see them about their jobs. In northern districts trees are mulched with straw. The apples are thinned out to Improve size and quality. Several varieties of apples are then shown — the Melba, the Joyce and the Lobo. Next comes the picking and packing by the ring pack system. The film closes with attrax:tive shots of children ducking for apples APPLES: ALL AMERICAN. VaConsvComm 24min sd color 634.1 Jh-sh-ad Tells the story of apples from the time the tress blossom in early spring until the fruit is served as a tempting apple pie 634.2 Peach EVERYONE— EVERYWHERE. Hockey 20min sd color loan 634.2 sh-c-tr-ad Deals with the cling peach industry of California, with delectable examples of methods of use 634.3 Citrus fruits CALIFORNIA'S GOLDEN MAGIC. Mutual' Orange 1940 30min si color loan 634.3 sh-c-tr-ad Produced In cooperation with the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad by Commercial Motion Pictures, Inc. This is a color film of the California citrus industry covering oranTes, lemons, and grrapefruit •'California as it was when the Conquistadors discovered It; the first navel orange tree; comparison of navel and Valencia oranges. The care and protection of the groves: picking the fruit. The packing house; washing; drying; waxing; sizing; packing. Automatic box making machine; putting lids on boxes; loading into refrigerated cars. Rushed to market by train, ../oat and plane." Los Angeles ONE HUNDRED MILLION ORANGES, Wur* tele 1944 28min sd color loan 634.3 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by Dr P. Phillips Company Story of orangea from the development of the sapling to the canning and marketing of orange Juice. Touches lightly the history of oranges as part of human diet "An overview of the Florida citrus industry. Advertising not objectionable." Collaborator ORANGE GROWER. EBF 1939 llmin sd (People at work) $45, rent $2.50 634.3 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Collaborator: Edwin R. Parker, University of California "Map showing orange production regions In United States, since introduction into Florida century ago: California, Texas, Florida. Yuma Valley of Arizona. Necessity for mild climate since fruit requires more than year to ripen. Biidding, to combine sturdiness of stock with heavy fruitbearlng qualitiesillustration of process. After pruning, tree left In commercial nursery for year or two. Planting in orange orchard. Bearing of fruit when tree approximately four years old. Fertilizer needed to renew necessary soil elements removed by plants. "Devices to combat Insect pests: Spraying; dusting with blower system; fumigation, with tarpaulins and hydrocyanic gas. Irrigation: Canal and distribution head method. Smudge pots to prevent freezing; dependence upon weather reports. Thermometers in orchards to determine whether firing necessary. Process of smudge firing: Filling smudge pots with oil; lighting torches to ignite oil; all night burning in pots to keep air above freezing point. "Orange harvest: Pickers usually supplied by packing houses — need for skilled workers. Hauling to packing house: Ingenious devices to aid preparation of fruit for market; Automatic unloading of boxes; first sorting — culling of damaged or worthless fruit; thorough washing; drying; waxing and polishing; grading machine; wrapping individual tissues according to size; boxing; loading on cars; distribution throughout world." California 634.5 Peanuts PEANUTS. EBF 1928 15min si $24 634.5 el-Jh Guide Shows preparation of the ground; plowing, distributing lime, planting, harvesting. digging, loading shocks, picking pods. Peanut products, cooking, salting, making peanut butter and peanut candy 634.6 Dates DATE CULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES. Hoefler 1947 llmin sd $45; also color $80 634.6 el-Jh-c-tr-ad Guide Based on data supplied by the associate horticulturist in charge of the USDA experimental date garden at Indio, California The film gives an historic background of date growing in the old world and a comparison by charts of clima,tic conditions in old world date centers with the climate of the Coachella valley — date growing center of the United States. The entire cycle of date culture from raw land to packaged dates is shown 634.7 Banana ABOUT BANANAS. UnitedFruit 1935 15min si loan 634.7 el-Jh-sh Guide Emphasis Is given to the food value of the banana "Complete presentation of the banana Industry from the clearing of the jungle and the planting to the shipment of the fruit to the American markets. Scenes laid in Central America." Wisconsin "(Useful in] geography, commercial geography, nature study and domestic science iclasses)" Am. museum of nat. hist. STORY OF BANANAS. PanAmUnion 1947 llmin sd $19 634.7 el-Jh-sh-ad A story of tropicaJ agriculture which shows testing the soil to determine the location of the plantation, clearing the jungle, digging drainage ditches, laying out the planting area, cultivation and rapid growth of the banana plant, preparations for harvesting 50,000 stems of bananas in a day. cutting and transporting bananas from plantation to seaport, inspection of fruit and methods of conveying it aboard a refrigerator ship, arrival of fruit in the United States, further inspection and distribution to consumer YES, BANANAS. UnitedFruit 15min sd loan 634.7 el-Jh-sh-ad Gives a complete picture of the banana industry from planting to marketing. Simlar to "About Bananas" 634.9 Forests and forestry BETTER TIMBER. GaAgExt 1946 llmin sd color loan 634.9 sh-tr-ad Trees can be cut for profit and at the same time leave the woods in a good fast 484