Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 634.9 BETTER TIMBER — Continued growing condition. This film shows what trees should be cut so that the average farm woodlot will produce the highest continuous yield EVERYMAN'S EMPIRE. USForestServ 1948 20min sd color loan 634.9 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Today 152 National forests are owned by the people of the United States. These forests contain almost one-third of the nation's remaining saw timber. Here also are vast storehouses of water from which many towns and cities receive their entire water supply; here are grasslands that provide range for the cattle and sheep of the livestock grower. Here, too, are food and cover for wild animals and birds, and streams for fish; and recreation areas for generations of Americans FOREST RANGER. Castle 1941 32min sd $38.72 634.9 el-Jh-sh-c-ad A USDA film. May be borrowed from the U.S. Forest Service "Explains the duties and services performed by forest rangers, and, being rich in natural scenic effects, lends Itself readily to a variety of curricular applications." ASFL News letter "Excellent background music. Good film for the current situation as it shows the different recreational facilities in our parks. Covers subject very thoroughly." California FORESTRY AND FOREST INDUSTRIES. Mahnke llmin sd (Your life work) $50 634.9 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films Forest rangers at work and people engaged in harvesting, processing, and distributing forest products. The work of the logger, lumberjack, trimmer, and grader is explained FORESTS AND CONSERVATION. Coronet 1946 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 634.9 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborators: J. E. Hansen, Inter-American Educational Foundation and Freeman Brown, University of Wisconsin Study of the critical problem of how to conserve and efficiently utilize our vast forest resources. A progressive lumber camp's contribution to this effort as well as work sponsored by the government is Included FORESTS FOREVER. Castle 1945 26min sd color $138.49 634.9 sh-tr-ad A USDA film. May be borrowed from the U.S. Forest Service This picture shows what can be done to stop destructive cutting practices, to restore and maintain a thrifty growing stock of valuable trees, and to safeguard forest production for the years ahead GREEN HARVEST. Modern 1948 29min sd color loan 634.9 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by Wilding Picture Productions for Weyerhaeuser Forest Products Shows the relationship between wild life and forestation; how forest fires are spotted and prevented; how insects and disease destroy trees; how scientific harvesting of trees is practiced and accomplished; how proper planning and selection insure natural reforestation; and, finally, how the handling of logs and lumber is mechanized IMPORTANCE OF WATER. Trans -National 1948 llmin sd $47; also color $86 634.9 el.Jh Pictures and explains the water shed and flood control work being done by U.S. forest rangers in the San Dimas experimental forest at Glendora, California LIFEBLOOD OF THE LAND. Castle 1947 * 20min sd color $115.08 634.9 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the Forest Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, from whose regional ofllces it may also be borrowed Shows that water and life itself depend upon forests. Demonstrates thru animation how rainfall affects forested and deforested slopes, why forests and cover crops are essential to an adequate water supply, and what can be done by planting new trees, terracing and seeding hillsides, and avoiding too heavy grazing NEW DAWN IN AN ANCIENT FOREST. Calif.U 1942 30min sd $75, rent $3 634.9 jh-sh-ad "It shows a cooperative forestry conservation project carried on by boys from the Santa Cruz High School, Calif. Excellent commentator. Interesting and unusual material. Well organized and presented." California NEW FORESTS ON IDLE ACRES. WisSt ConsvDpt 15min si loan 634.9 el-Jh-sh-c 15 million trees are produced by the state nurseries annually. This picture illustrates the nursery activities, and different methods of planting trees for reforestation purposes OCALA. Castle 1941 lOmIn sd $13.18 634.9 jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the U.S. Forest Service from whose regional offices it may be borrowed Shows the Ocala national forest in Florida, an attractive and productive area that has been developed from a rattlesnake infested wasteland of scrub pine PINE WAYS TO PROFIT. Castle 1939 20mln sd $26.41 634.9 sh-tr-ad A USDA film. May be borrowed from the U.S. Forest Service The old custom of burning the woods presents the most serious obstacle to forest management in the southern pine region. This film exposes the fallacies of this custom and shows the benefits of good management of southern pine forests. Primarily of Interest to audiences from Virginia to Texas "This picture shows the new source of profit being found in the southern pine by farmers, and emphasizes the value of sustainedyield cutting and proper conservation methods. Sequences on the making of paper from pine pulp and the distillation of turpentine are included." Georgia SCIENCE AND WOOD UTILIZATION. Coronet 1945 6min sd $22.50; also color $45 634.9 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborators: J. E. Hansen, Inter-American Educational Foundation and Freeman Brown, University of Wisconsin Pictures the part research plays in discovering means of utilizing all the products of wood, from its basic component, cellulose fiber, to its waste product, lignin. The Forest products laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin, serves as an example of the work science is accomplishing in its fight for conservation STRENGTH OF THE HILLS. Castle 1941 llmin sd $14.97 634.9 jh-sh-c-tr-ad A USDA film. May be borrowed from the U.S. Forest Service "Opens with the commentator's statement that our hills are rich with opportunity. Then follow shots of game birds, shaded grroves, fishing in the streams, state parks and forests. There is a sequence dealing with the lumber industry and we are shown some of the countless uses of wood. The commentator remarks that an intelligent farmer watches and protects 485