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636.2 Cattle
BETTER FARMING— MORE MILK. InstTnterAmAffairs lOmin sd color $45 636.2
jh-sh-tr-ad Shows that much more milk can be obtained from a cow when it is clean and healthy. Gives suggestions that any farmer can carry out to provide a cleaner place for his cows to live and more feed for them In order to have a greater supply of milk for his family
CATTLE COUNTRY. YoungAmerica 1944 8min sd (Canadian work and wealth) $25 636.2
Produced by the National Film Board of Canada
Care and raising of cattle in the Canadian West
"Miscellaneous footage . . . Lacks orientation and purpose." Collaborator
CATTLEMAN. EBF 1939 llmin sd (People at work) $45, rent $2.50 636.2
p-el-Jh-sh-c Guide
Collaborator: W. M. Gregory, director. Educational Museum, Cleveland, Ohio
Life on a cattle ranch in a typical setting Is shown. The activities of the family and its hired helpers are portrayed. Mealtime, repairing fences, herding cattle, marketing experiences, shoeing and breaking horses, rounding up, dipping and shipping cattle are among the scenes presented. Cowboy songs are sung around the campfire during the roundup
Castle 1946 21min sd $32.87 636.2
Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1
Shows the causes of losses In marketing livestock; how to prevent injuries to livestock on the farm: how to prepare the truck to haul livestock; how to handle livestock before shipment; how to prevent injuries when loading livestock; and how to prevent injuries during shipment
HOME ON THE RANGE. Rev. ed. Castle 1947 llmin sd $12.28 636.2
el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide
Originally produced by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture in 1942
A revision, eliminating the references to war, of the film formerly released thru the U.S. Office of War Information
Shows the western range country, the cattle and sheep, and the men who make up the real west
rent $1.50 636.2
Record of the Annual Cattle Fair at
Delhi, where the finest heads of cattle from
all over the country vie for awards
SPRING SHOWS AND BEEF CATTLE. Castle 1939 lOmin sd $13.18 636.2
A USDA film
Work stock and beef cattle on display with farm scenes of grade and purebred cattle. Including discussion of pastures and feedingEmphasis on breeding up from native stock
1944 4min sd (Farm improvement ser) $15, rent $1.50 636.2
sh-tr Outlines proper feeding and milking methods and stresses the importance of cleanliness to keep dairy cattle in the barn at peak capacity and fitness
636.29 Camels
SHIP OF THE DESERT. BBF 1933 8min si $12 636.29
el-jh Guide The camel Is shown at its work in forbidding desert waste lands. Arabs and their families, camels and young. Bedouin caravans, and scenes at an oasis are included "Old, but useful." Collaborator
636.3 Goats. Sheep
DOGS, SHEEP AND MR BO-PEEP. Official 1947 20min sd (Adventure thrills) $37.50
636.3 el-ad
Shows a shepherd, his horse and three dogs, and their work
GOAT DAIRY FARM. Frith 1945 ISmln sd color $95 636.3
el-jh-sh Guide
"The film wa^ produced at the Carr's large goat farm which is located at the foot of Mt. Adams in the State of Washington, the natural settings giving vistas of great beauty.
"The sequences of the three Carr children and the part each one plays in the caring for the goats gives the film much appeal for young people." Ed. screen
GOATS. EBF 1939 llmin sd (Primary science ser) $45, rent $2.50 636.3
p-el-Jh Guide
Collaborators: Arthur I. Gates, Teachers College, Columbia Universtiy, Ernest Horn, State of Iowa and Celeste C. Peardon
"Portrays intimately the interesting life of goats and kids on a goat farm. The care of the goats and milking are explained with clarity. Two kids are followed from birth until they are about two months old in play and in mischief. Old Billy goat has been taught to pull a wagon. Johnny drives Billy to deliver milk in the village." Georgia
Accompanying fllmstrip is listed in the 1948 Annual Fllmstrip Guide
SHEEP SHEARING. Castle 1944 21min sd
* $32.87 636.3
jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide
Produced by U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1
Shows how to handle sheep for shearing; the relative positions of the shearer and sheep during each shearing step; the step-by-step procedure in shearing sheep; and the method of rolling and tying the fleece. The fllmstrip, in addition to reviewing the Important points In the motion picture, shows other types of shearing equipment which may be used
636.4 Swine
NFB 1944 6min sd (Farm improvement ser) $15, rent $1.50 636.4
tr A farmer demonstrates how to make this profltable piece of farm equipment
HOW TO GROW HOGS. Castle 30min si $23.54
636.4 sh-c-ad
A USDA film
Scenes taken on the Experimental farm of the Bureau of animal industry at Beltsville, Maryland, where the practices were developed, showing points to be considered in the selection of hogs for breeding purposes, care of the sow before and after farrowing and the feeding and handling of pigs up to marketing time