Educational film guide ()

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637-639 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE YOU AND YOUR JOB. Castle 1946 lOmin sd $14.09 637 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by U.S. Office of Education for U.S. Public Health Service Teaches the concept that trained, responsible men are essential in the production of safe pasteurized milk. The extent of milkborne disease and how it is spread is indicated 639 Fisheries. Fishery producfs ABALONE PEARL FISHING. Bray 8min si $5.76, rent $1 639 Jh Pearl divers securing and delivering their "finds"; removal of pearls from the oyster ALASKA'S SILVER MILLIONS. AmCan 1936 30min sd-si loan 639 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide "Shows Alaska and its industries, especially the fascinating salmon industry. Shows the life cycle of the salmon, and methods of catching and canning salmon." Georgia "A beautifully made instructional film on the subject of Alaska and salmon." Scholastic "Narration by Father Hubbard and pictures give comprehensive idea of country. Our best film. Part tells of salmon life and cannery." Collaborator "This excellent film is helpful In biology, home economics, geography, and history classes." Collaborator "Best industrial I have seen." Collaborator BASIC NET MENDING. Castle 1948 17min sd color $78.31 639 c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Demonstrates in detail how to mend the center section or "belly" of a fishing net BOB GAFFNER, FISHERMEN'S HELPER. * Frith 1948 llmin sd color (Harbor ser) $65 639 p-el-Jh Guide Bob's Uncle John is a fisherman who teaches Bob many things about the picturesque life of the Pacific coast fishermen who fish for sardines, tuna and mackerel. The men like Bob because of his sincere effort to pitch in BJid help, and he listens spellbound to their tales of their trips, 1,000 miles out at sea. Bob actually helps the men dry and mend their nets, lace the cork fioats and weights to the nets and thread the large needles. At first his hands move slowly and then he learns to sew skillfully with the large awkward needle. How proud he is when he can really help CALLER HERRIN'. BIS 1948 19min sd $47.50, rent $2.50 639 Jh-sh-ad Pictures the Scottish herring fisheries, showing what happens from the time the trawlers put out to sea until their catch reaches the family table. After the fish are netted and auctioned, the film follows processes of canning and kippering, as well as the swift delivery of fresh herring to the retail stores CATCHING, FILLETING AND PACKAGING FISH. CasOe 1947 14min sd $19.96 639 Jh-sh-tr-ad First of a series on fishery planned by the Fish and Wildlife Service of the U.S. Dept. of the Interior, from whom It may also be borrowed Gives an overall picture of the commercial fishing industry from the trawling operations to final parking and freezing of the fish for market. Shows by photography and animation how bottom fish are caught, how they are Inspected, handled and iced In the fishing boat, unloaded at the dock and Iced again, filleted, inspected and packaged, and frozen for final delivery to the consumer EAST BY NORTH. USDptState 20min sd apply 639 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Affiliated Film Producers For this documentary Henwar Rodakiewicz and photographer Jules Blucher went to sea on fishing ships out of Boston, Halifax and Lunenberg. It treats of fishing on the Atlantic banks, and of the people who do this work. Two or three scenes are shown which discuss the functions of the Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations whose basic aim it is to assure better distribution and use of the food of the world by the peoples of the world "This is a good film in spots, but it does seem to us lacking in continuity. There are probably those who don't mind being mentally jerked back and forth, but personally we did not enjoy jumping from the American trawler out of Boston to the Canadian schooner out of Halifax till we were never certain whether we were on the one or the other." Film news FISH. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 639 el-jh Guide Shows commercial fishing for salmon, cod and whale FISH IS FOOD. Pictorial 1946 llmin sd $16 639 el-Jh-sh Also obtainable in a silent version for $10 Produced by Emerson Yorke Studio with cooperation of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and New York city Dept. of Markets Deals with the problem of feeding New York city with its daily supply of fresh water fish, shellfish and seafood, with detailed operations from the catch to the dinner table FISHING IN THE FJORDS. Nu-Art 1938 llmin sd $17.50, rent $1.50 639 Jh-sh-ad Also available in a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) Thousands of fishing boats, of all models and vintages, under the strict supervision of the government, are engaged in cod-fishing. The cod-fish are caught in many ways, from the most primitive method of using the rowboat and long line to the modern motor-boat and nets We see how cod-liver oil is obtained and how various other parts of the fish are utilized and we watch the natives prepare cod-fish tongue."! "Narration excellent, photography and continuity excellent." Collaborator GASPE COD FISHERMEN. CanNFB 1944 llmin sd $25, rent $1.50 639 el-Jh-sh-ad "Interestingly presented, clearly photographed, and sincerely presented, the film presents a realistic picture of the life and work of Gaspe cod fishermen. "Should be useful to groups discussing cooperatives, the geography of Gaspe, ways of making a living, or means of preserving meats." Ed. screen GRANTON TRAWLER. Brandon 1934 llmin sd $22, rent $1.50 639 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Post Office Film Unit, London, England. Directed by John Grierson Presents the simple story of fishermen engaged in dragnet fishing off the east coast of Scotland HOW TO FILLET FISH. Castle 1947 lOmln sd $14.09 639 c-tr Second In the series of the Fish and Wildlife Service, from whom it may be borrowed 494