Educational film guide ()

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641.5 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE GIVE US THIS DAY — Continued The history of bread is portrayed, with scenes of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the French Revolution. In rapid succession the film depicts how bread was made in grandmother's day, and how it is prepared today in the modern sanitary kitchens of a great industry Automatic processes of mixing and blending the flour are shown, the preparation and rising of the dough, the dividing and moulding, the proofing, the actual baking, then the cooling, slicing, and wrapping of the loaves. The careful application of modern, scientific methods and laboratory control are presented in scenes taken in representative American bakeries The composition and food value of bread, and its place in the well-balanced daily diet are explained. The well-known authority, Dr James A. Tobey, appears in this sequence. His remarks are illustrated by panorama of sports, games, daily occupations and activities. The closing commentary sums up the long and use' ful service of bread HOME COOKERY OF FISH, EBF 1946 llmin sd (Home economics ser) $45, rent $2.50 641.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Rose G. Kerr, Division of Commercial Fisheries, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Shows three basic methods of cooking flsh in the home: boiling, broiling and baking. Fish used demonstrate the various ways in which fish are marketed: fillets, steaks and whole flsh. The flsh selected represent types from three great flsh-producing areas: the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Great Lakes. Methods for wider distribution over all parts of the United States, such as refrigerated transportation and quick freezing, are depicted. Nutritional values and ways to enhance eye appeal are considered MAGIC IN THE KITCHEN. Castle 1947 15min sd color loan 641.5 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by Herbert Kerkow Inc. Shows how efBcient and helpful a teen-age daughter can be when mother's time Is occupied with other duties. The young girl In this family, depended upon for the entire planning and preparation of dinner, not only serves her family as perfectly as an experienced homemaker might, but prepares a simple dessert, using a prepared product to which is added only milk. . . thereby solving a problem in the case of a younger brother who needs milk but refuses it in other forms "A welcome change from most sponsored films, this picture is a straightforward exposition of how to make Junket." Collaborator MORE POWER TO YOU, AssnFlm 30mln sd color loan 641.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Caravel films for the National bakery Division of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. "A movie that is concerned with the nutritious value of bread. A girl reporter's adventures in writing the historic development of this food serves as a focal point for the story. Scenes of the way in which flour was milled in the early days are shown, as well as are later processes." Movie makers "Interesting sequences of the interior of the one-hundred-and-flfty-year-old Hook Mill of East Hampton, L..I." Collaborator ORNAMENTING AND DECORATING FANCY CAKES. AmSocBakeryEng 20min sd part color loan 641,5 sh-c-tr-ad Shows how cakes are decorated by the use of a tube and also with ornaments previously made PENNY WISDOM. TFC 9min sd (Pete Smith specialties) apply 641.5 Jh-sh Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "Prudence Penny brings order out of culinary chaos. . . Recommended for home economics classes." Advisory committee PENNY'S PARTY. TFC 9min sd (Pete Smith specialties) apply 641.5 Jh-sh Produced by Metro-Goldwn-Mayer "Prudence Penny cooks a supper at home as a basis for writing an article, 'Do Working Women Have Time to Cook?' . . . The comedy sequences and pithy comments by Pete Smith may excite great mirth, but do not detract from Prudence's display of culinary skill. Recommended for high school classes in domestic science." Advisory committee PRINCIPLES OF BAKING. EBF 1943 llmin sd (Home economics ser) $45, rent $2.50 641.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Natalie K. Fitch, Teachers College, Columbia University Explains the factors involved in the making of baked products. It shows that aJl baked products or flour mixtures have a common ingredient — flour To this framework are added other ingredients dependent on the kind of product desired The factors described in the fllm are (1) leavening agents, (2) methods of combining ingredients, and (3) oven temperatures used "Presents the step-by-step process of baking bread, pastries, and cakes. Close-ups shows the methods of mixing the Ingredients. The action of one Ingredient upon the other is explained." Indiana PRINCIPLES OF COOKING. EBF 1943 llmin sd (Home economics ser) $45, rent $2.50 641.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Natalie K. Fitch, Teachers College, Columbia University Emphasizes the fundamental principles of the simple cooking processes — boiling, frying, broiling, roasting, and steam cookery Each process is illustrated to show how food properties are changed by applying heat In this manner. The process Is described In terms of Its effect on nutritive values and palatability of foods Animated diagramatic drawings explain the changes that take place in starches and meat when heat is applied "The advantages and disadvantages of the various methods are explained. Helpful hints are given In regard to cooking and food values." Indiana QUICKER THAN YOU THINK, Modern or AssnFlm 1945 22min sd loan 641.5 sh-c-ad Sponsored by Armour & Co. Produced by Associated Filmakers A cooking demonstration featuring quick, easy menus and Armour meats Emphasizes time factor Recipe books are available in quantity from the sponsors SIX SLICES A DAY. CanNFB 1944 9min sd rent $1.50 641.5 Jh-sh-ad Urges new respect for cereals which fulfil the important task of releasing for export foods that take longer to produce WHEAT AND BREAD. Filmsets 1947 8mln si $12.50 641.5 el-Jh Guide Pictures the production of wheat, milling of flour and baking of bread 498