Educational film guide ()

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649-651.3 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE MORNrNG UNTIL NIGHT. Wls.U 1937 30min si (Judy's diary) $50, rent $1.50 649 sh-c-tr-ad Guide Pictures the care of a six month old baby, featuring the bath, feeding, training and play NOW I AM TWO. Wis.U 1939 30min si (Judy's diary) $42, rent $1.50 649 sh-ad Guide Deals with the average day of a normal two year old. Shows proper eating, sleeping, washing and play habits Should be useful in home economics classea teaching child care and of interest to P.T.A. groups SCHOOLDAYS IN THE COUNTRY. Wis,U 1942 15min sd $38, rent $2.50 649 sh-c-tr-ad This film is directed to the rural school teacher and all those who must cooperate with her in carrying out a successful health program Filmed in typical country schools. It pictures health problems common to the one and two-room school, giving practical suggestions for solving them and for making the best use of equipment and facilities at hand "For teachers, parents and children In rural communities." Collaborator SELF-DISCOVERY IN A IVIIRROR. EBF 1947 15min si (How a baby grows) $24, rent $2.50 649 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced at Yale University Clinic of Child Development with the collaboration of Dr Arnold Gessell A photographic study of a child's first look in a mirror and his ultimate discovery of "self." The basic psychological and educational implications are explained TOMMY'S DAY. YoungAmerica 1946 15min sd $48 649 p-el-Jh-ad Guide To teach some simple health habits and to provide the child with an orientation to a simple pattern of everyday life Follows Tommy, a typical boy, through a day in his life during which he observes the essential health habits. Dramatic interest is heightened through Tommy's loose tooth WHEN BOBBY GOES TO SCHOOL. Mead Johnson 1940 18min sd loan 649 ad Printed and distributed to the medical profession by Mead Johnson & Company of Evansville, Indiana, In cooperation with the American Academy of Pediatrics for showing to the public This is a very complete picture of the physical examination of the pre-school child "Shows, step by step, precisely what a physician does when he undertakes the complete physical examination of a child, and explains in language that can be comprehended by any intelligent mother just what each test is intended to disclose." Business screen "Used with PTA groups to improve cooperation of parents to have pre-school examination done." Collaborator YOUR CHILDREN'S MEALS. BIS 1948 14min * sd $47.50, rent $2.50 649 c-ad-forum Made for the British Ministry of Health An imaginative attempt to make parents understand the rhyme and reason of good eating habits. Shows parents how they can see mealtime from the child's point of view as well as their own 651 Office management TAKE A LETTER, PLEASE. Castle 1944 22m!n sd $28.56 651 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy Burlesques the common faults of dictators, such as: the scatterbrain, who isn't prepared, the speed demon, dreamer, mumblemush and Simon Legree. Shows the proper method of dictating 651.2 Business machines MACHINE TRANSCRIPTION: MACHINE OPERATION. Castle 1944 15mln sd $21.40 651.2 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy Explains the purpose of the dictating and transcribing machines, and demonstrates the operation of the Dictaphone and Ediphone types MACHINE TRANSCRIPTION: TRANSCRIPTION TECHNIQUE. Castle 1944 22min sd $27.86 651.2 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy Demonstrates the proper method of phrasing, how to control and phrase dictation at various speeds, how to prepare for a day's work, compose a letter and correct errors in the transcriptions on the cyclinder MAINTENANCE OF OFFICE MACHINES. Castle 1944 37min sd $45.41 651.2 sh-c-tr-ad Produced by the U.S. Navy Care and maintenance of typewriters, transcribing machines, dictaphones, adding machines and calculators 651.3 Secretarial work DUTIES OF A SECRETARY. NatEdFlm 1947 * 30min sd $57.50 651.3 sh-c-tr Sponsored by the Underwood Corp. Demonstrates proper duties of a secretarj' by showing the wrong and right ways to handle the job. The wrong ways are shown in a dream which a young secretary has on the eve of beginning a new job "Film does an excellent Job of visualizing importance of non-routine aspects of the job. It should prove valuable in orienting students in relationship of secretary to overall operation of a business." Film world "Without question, this film is of the highest educational and technical excellence of any yet produced for business education." Dr Clifford Ettinger in Journal of business ed I WANT TO BE A SECRETARY. Coronet 1943 tSmin sd $67.50; also color $135 651.3 sh-c-tr-ad Guide Collaborators: E. G. Williamson, professor of psychology, University of Minnesota and Milton E. Hahn, director, Psychological Research Center, Syracuse University Deals with clerical aptitudes. Gives aspirants important clues as to their own chances of success in this particular field SECRETARY TAKES DICTATION. Coronet 1947 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 651.3 jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: Peter L. Agnew, associate professor of education, New York University Illustrates the procedures and practices in taking dictation in a business office. The film can be used in shorthand classes to motivate study and present professional Informa 502