Educational film guide ()

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652-657 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE READY TO TYPE — Continued self, getting ready mentally and physically to control the typewriter. The audience watches George adjust his machine and warm up his fingers with an exercise, and talce time for conditioning practice to establish control before beginning TIPS ON TYPING. Underwood 1946 21min sd loan 652 sh-tr-ad Some of the points that are covered include accurate methods of operation, correct posture, concentration, rhythm, elimination of unnecessary motion, knowledge and usage of time saving features, pointers on correct usage of the aligning scales, the bail, the paper release lever, tabulating equipment and other important parts of a machine. Short cuts Include handling carbon paper, chain feeding and label writing TRICKS OF THE TRADE FOR TYPISTS. AssnFlm 1940 15min si rent $2 652 sh-c Produced by Teaching Aids Exchange Demonstrates methods used by professional typists to speed up production. Particular attention Is paid to backfeeding, notching carbons, card flipping, and methods of saving seconds "Recommended for advanced typing students and for office practice classes. Useful in business schools and in the commercial department of senior high and college." Collaborator TYPING SHORTCUTS. AssnFlm 1944 36min sd rent ?6 652 jh-sh-tr-ad In three parts. Each part may be rented separately for |2 Produced by Teaching Aids Exchange Part I Illustrates arrangement of desk, insertion of paper in machine, etc; Part II illustrates use of carbon and erasers; Part III Illustrates typing of cards, labels, etc. 653 Shorthand CAN YOU READ GREGG. AssnFlm 1939 15min si rent $2 653 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced by Teaching Aids Exchange This film, entirely in Gregg shorthand, emphasizes correct position, smooth writing and good phrasing. It is unintelligible to students who cannot read Gregg shorthand CHAMPIONS WRITE. Gregg 1941 15min sd color rent $2 653 sh-c "Shows eight of the country's outstanding shorthand writers. Could not be considered a good teaching film, but could be used effectively to motivate and stimulate students in the study of Gregg shorthand. The film was not Intended for beginners." Collaborator 655 Printing PRINTING. Mahnke 1947 Umin sd (Your life work) $50 655 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films The art of printing has contributed more to man's progress than any other art because by means of the printed word knowledge is recorded and passed on to the present and future. Type setting, display, make-up and layout are a few of the jobs shown, also linotype and monotype operators 655.32 Printing — Methods MAKING A SERIGRAPH. Harmon 1947 SOmin si color $160, rent $6 655.32 sh-c-tr Shows the technique of the artist Edward Landon in producing original art work in four colors by silk screen inethods SILK SCREEN PROCESS. LdbraryFlm 1945 20min sd $60 655.32 jh-sh-c-ad Technique of silk screen printing. A detailed presentation of the steps involved in making screen and in printing. Shows one color and vari-color work TECHNIQUE OF THE SILK SCREEN PROCESS. Brandon 1940 15min si $30, rent $1.50 655.32 sh-tr Contemporary Films' first production in a new series of one reel instructional films on art techniques. Harry Gottlieb, Guggenheim Fellow and a leading American exponent of the silk screen process as a fine art medium, served as art and technical director of the production The movie shows Mr Gottlieb at work. It starts from the very first subject transfer, and shows step by step progress until the finished print is shown "Art classes. Trade or technical school." Collaborator 655.5 Publishing 655.5 BOOKS. Hoffberg lOmin sd $36 Jh-sh A brief impression of the part that literature plays in our lives and details of how books are made MAGAZINE MAGIC. PFC 1946 38%min sd color loan 655.5 jh-sh-c-tr-ad Story of the preparation of the five Curtis Publishing Company products, including The Ladies' Home Journal, Holiday and the famed Saturday Evening Post. Seven thousand men and women work to prepare the articles, stories and pictures "This Is a wonderful picture, some advertising but not objectionable." Collaborator "The undiluted advertising of Curtis publications (and it is undiluted) is not only tiresome but makes the film totally unaccepable for school use." Collaborator MAKING BOOKS. EBF 1947 lOmin sd (Ele* mentary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 655.5 el-Jh-sh-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: Luther A. Evans, Library of Congress Tells the complete story of the mass production of books and the human talent and machine technology needed for book making. Explains every process from author's manuscript to finished book. Filmed at the Country Life Press, Garden City, New York 657 Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING. Mahnke 1945 llmin sd (Your life work) $50 657 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by Vocational Guidance Films Gives a description of the many Jobs a bookkeeper and accountant perform, the tools with which they work, education and training they must have and the various types of advancement possible 504