Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 658.8-660 AMERICAN PORTRAIT— Continwed Story centers around a life insurance agent as portrayed by Alan Ladd "Liked very much by Engrlish teachers for composition stimulation." Collaborator AUTOPSY OF A LOST SALE. Modern 30min sd apply 658.8 sh-tr-ad Depicts twelve outstanding reasons why salesmen lose orders — misrepresentation; not using all selling tools; awkward use of selling tools; lack of facts about products; not covering all important points; arguments; failure to justify price; not talking prospect's language; lack of summary of important points; talking too much; not generating sufficient desire; neglect of prospect FACE IN THE MIRROR. JamHandy 1940 28min sd $22.50, rent apply 658.8 sh-tr-ad Theme centers around the idea that the salesman who would Improve himself must look fearlessly into a mirror with the attitude of "I wonder whether a buyer would buy from me." "An excellent film for retailing classes and sales training to show good and bad selling techniques." Collaborator HOW TO MAKE A SALES PRESENTATION STAY PRESENTED. Modern 30min sd apply 658.8 sh-c-ad "Here your sale* force, and all those involved In any contacts with customers, will be given . . . Intensive Instruction in the fundamentals of true salesmanship. From gaining the attention of the prospect, to arousing his interest, to convincing him of the worth of your proposition, to making him see his need for your product; this dramatic film charts the course of a successful sale; and analyses the steps which make It successful. Produced by Sound Pictures Corp." Business screen "Dramatizing the four-step organization formula for presenting a sales talk: 'Ho Hum,' 'Why Bring That Up.' 'For Instance* and 'So What.' For specialty and wholesale or Jobber salesmen. Excellent illustrations of actual sales presentations." California state dept. of educ. "An exceptional film for people engaged or interested in sales work." Collaborator HOW TO REMEMBER NAMES AND FACES. Modern 1947 30min sd apply 658.8 Jh-sh-tr-ad Dramatizes five ways to remember sales prospects' names and faces "Does a fine job of showing the importance of remembering names." Collaborator IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT. Bates 1939 30min sd $58.41, rent $3.50 658.8 sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Caravel Films "The problem of the retail salesman in reaching the buyer and gaining his confidence. Develops a technique in combatting the price argument by setting up other yardsticks than price only. Shows problems of retail merchant in getting salesmen to conserve and plan their time. Illustrates with a number of articles what Is meant by 'showmanship In selling.' " Collaborator "One of the best films on salesmanship that we have seen." Collaborator MR STUART ANSWERS THE QUESTION. Castle 1947 34min sd $41.83 658.8 sh-tr-ad Produced for the Office of Small Business of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce May also be borrowed from the field offices of the Dept. of Commerce A retail sales training film. It shows how Mr Stuart, the owner of a typical small retail store, found an answer to increased com petition In a buyer's market and how he corrected the bad selling habits which had developed in his store "A simple story but one which is crucial to the thousands of American retailers, most of whom are small business. . . Recommended to the owners, managers, and personnel of small retail stores; to schools with courses In retailing, associations, chambers of commerce, and other civic organizations In small communities." Journal of business ed. "A leisurely moving film showing how an owner of a small retail store Indoctrinates his employees with the idea of helping people buy. Too much talk and too little action." Collaborator SELLING AMERICA. JamHandy 1939 20min * sd $85 rent apply 658.8 sh-tr-ad Shows how Benjamin Franklin's principles of human association influence selling techniques and are helpful to all types of salesmen TWO CENTS WORTH OF DIFFERENCE. EberhardFaber 1940 38min sd loan 698.8 sh-c-ad "A picture on the technique of salesmanship. It Is one of the best In its field. It shows the operation and organization of a sales force. The film" also gives considerable Insight to the manufacture of pencils. It is recommended for commercial and guidance classes In high schools and colleges. The sound script Is unusually well adapted to the subject." Sam Houston state teachers college 658.88 Insfalmenf plan INSTALLMENT BUYING. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 658.88 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Albert Haring, professor of marketing, Indiana University A young doctor's experience in buying furniture on installments demonstrates to students some of the pitfalls of installment buying and encourages them to make a complete investigation of Installment credit, contracts and interest rates before making purchases In this way. Like Dr Harris, they'll learn to ask themselves three questions before buying on credit: 1) Is the article worth buying on installments? 2) Can I afford it? 3) Am I getting the best installment terms? 659. 1 Advertising PUBLIC RELATIONS. Forum ed. MOT 1948 17min sd $55 659.1 sh-c-ad Guide Thru the many changes in American life In the past twenty-five years a new profession has come Into being — the practice of public relations. Good public relations In business has become of prime Importance and it is the public relations counselor who is charged with the task of maintaining sound Inter-relations of business, government, labor and the public 660 Chemical technology CHEMISTRY AND A CHANGING WORLD. EBP 1940 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 660 Jh-sh-c Guide Produced In collaboration with Dr W. T. Read, Rutgers University. Directs attention to the significant role which chemistry plays in our modern world. Traces the steps leading up to the production of electric furnace phosphorus. Portrayals of the work of research chemists and chemical engineers from the inception of the Idea to the multiple uses of the completed product provide vocational Information 507