Educational film guide ()

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665.5-666.1 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE OIL FROM THE EARTH. Shell 1941 20mln sd loan 665.5 el-jh-sh-c-tr "Securing' raw material. The topographical structure of the earth. Methods of locating oil. Using the seismograph. Drilling for oil. The pipe line. Refining processes. Distribution. Uses. Excellent for science classes. Pupils ask that it be shown again." Collaborator "The finest overview of the oil industry that I have seen. Not technical." Collaborator "A good teaching film at secondary level." Collaborator PETROLEUM. EBP 1947 llmin sd (General science ser) $45, rent $2.50 665.5 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Lester E. Kllmm, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania With animation, maps ajid photography filmed from New York and New Jersey to oil fields in Oklahoma and California, the importance of petroleum in the modern Industrial world, as a fuel for transportation, heating and industrial manufacturing is stressed. The world wide political problems involved in distribution of the world's supplies of oil are discussed in the film PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS. EPS 1939 9min sd $30. rent $1.50 665.5 Jh-sh Guide "Opening scenes attempt to show how, through the action of geological forces petroleum may have been produced in past geological eras. The function of vegetable matter and diastrophic movements are stressed. "Subsequent scenes show how oil wells are drilled and how, the well once under control, the oil Is pumped to the surface and stored In temporary reservoirs. Before proceeding to the refinery, the oil Is dehydrated. "Final scenes show In animation how the petroleum may be separated into the various fractions by means of a 'batch' still, and suggest the possibility of obtaining additional gasoline through cracking processes. "The film does a rather good job of giving the auditor a feeling for the excitement attendant upon the opening of a new oil field, although a more complete treatment would have helped. However, in certain other respects the film is unsatisfactory. The method by which oil is produced in the earth Is incompletely developed. . . The film is unsatisfactory, also. In Its treatment of the refining process. "The reviewing committee agreed, nevertheless, that the film would probably have a rather high degree of Interest for high school students in connection with courses in chemistry or general science. . . The various scenes were clear, the sound quality was excellent, animated drawings were employed Judiciously, technical terms were either explained or their use avoided." Natural sciences panel PETROLEUM AND ITS USES. USBurMines 1943 42mln sd loan 665.5 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Made in cooperation with the Sinclair Refining Company Portrays the principal uses of petroleum products intimately associated with the daily life of an average American family — in this case, the Watsons Action scenes throughout the film explain the manner in which petroleum products are obtained and their application in family and industrial activities PIPELINE. Shell 1941 17min sd loan 665.5 Jh-sh-ad Produced by J. Walter Thompson Company New Englanders who handle giant ten-ton shovels "like teaspoons," Texans who navigate a "boomcat" as your son does a kiddie car. A picture of men and machine triumphant over snow, frozen ground and solid rock "Particularly timely now, when the practicability of oil pipelines over long distances is being widely discussed. Classes in general science, geography and social studies, from 5th to 12th grades, studying oil or transportation problems will find this movie very useful." Movie makers PROSPECTING FOR PETROLEUM. Shell 1947 * 23min sd color loan 665.5 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by George Pal. Narrated by Conrad Nagel, H. B. Warner and others Puppets show how tne crude methods of early oil prospectors have been replaced by highly sensiti re instruments "Should prove excellent for science classes, for its treatment in combining geological and scientific history in a highly interesting and an easily understood story. Althouph .'sponsored, film does not contain commercial plugs." Film world STORY OF GASOLINE. USBurMines 1948 * 23min sd color loan 665.5 jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced in cooperation with the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana Traces the story of gasoline from crude oil to finished product and explains in simple terms the complex structural patterns of petroleum molecules making up the fuel that propels millions of automobiles, farm equipment, airplanes and other internal combustion engines Thru animation the various hydrocarbon molecules come to "life" and separately explain their performances in gasoline. By use of distinctive colors in animation, gas, gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, light lubricating oil, heavy lubricating oil, and, finally, residual materials, are easily traced and identified as they fiow thru detailed refining diagrams STORY OF OIL. YoungAmerica 1946 17min sd (Canadian work and wealth) $40 665.5 Jh-sh-c Produced by the National Film Board of Canada The story of how oil is obtained from the wells of the Turner "Valley in Alberta. Oil is found in deposits of limestone & sandstone, and when the seismograph records this type of earth structure, drilling operations begin to locate the oil. A steel derrick is erected from which lengths of drill pipe are let down into the hole. The crude oil Is stored before being pumped to refineries to be separated Into its various products: gas, octane gasoline for aeroplanes, kerosene, wax, tar and many others 10,000 FEET DEEP. Rev. ed. Shell 1948 20min sd loan 665.5 Jh-sh-tr-ad First produced In 1942 Shows how geologists chart a region likely to bear oil and illustrates in particular how modern seismic exploration Is carried on Once a possible oil bearing spot has been located, drilling of the actual test well starts. This particular well is in the colorful Louisiana bayou country, which makes the operation unusually Interesting. The audience sees how the deepest drilling in the country is done in inaccessible swamps with boats and barges replacing cars and trucks 666.1 Glass CRYSTAL CLEAR. Modern 28mln sd color ♦ loan 666.1 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Sponsored by Fostoria Glass Co. An easy-to-understand type of explanation of how fine glass ware is made. This mcludes raw materials used for pressed and blown glass and all the various processes used for making different types of glassware. Pol 512