Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 669.1 HEAT TREATMENT OF STEEL— ELEMENTS OF HARDENING— Cowtiwwed Shows how steel Is quench-hardened; how the structures and hardness of steels with different carbon content change at progressive quench-hardenlng stages; how the lower and upper critical temperatures of steel lire determined; and how an iron carbon diagram is constructed and what it shows HEAT TREATMENT OF STEEL— ELEMENTS OF SURFACE HARDENING. Castle 1946 14min sd $25.71 669.1 c-tr-ad Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Shows how steel is pack carburized; how steel is gas carburized; how a thin, hard case is obtained by cyaniding; how nitriding is used to obtain a very hard case; how steel Is flame hardened; and how steel is induction hardened HEAT TREATMENT OF STEEL— ELEMENTS OF TEMPERING, NORMALIZING AND ANNEALING. Castle 1946 22min sd $26.43 669.1 c-tr-ad Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Shows how steel is tempered; how tne structure, toughness, and hardness of a plain carbon steel change at progressive tempering stages; how steel Is normalized by furnaceheating and subsequent cooling in still air; how normalizing breaks IRON AND STEEL. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 669.1 sh-tr Show how the iron ore Is smelted In the blast furnace and becomes steel IRON MINING AND MANUFACTURE. Bailey 1941 15min si $25, rent $1 669.1 sh-tr Shows open pit mining near Marquette, Michigan, loading ore Into freighters, transporting it via Lake Superior and the "Soo" Locks to Detroit, where special machinery Is used to unload the ore. The blast furnace transforms the ore into pig iron. At the factory we see the Iron remelted in the cupola, molding, pouring, and finishing the castings ready for assembly MAKING AND SHAPING OF STEEL— BARS AND STRUCTURAL SHAPES. USBur Mines 1940 15min si loan 669.1 tr Made with the cooperation of the U.S. Steel Corp. Depicts ingot, after being heated to proper temperature in soaking pit, entering blooming mill, blooms being reduced to billets, reheating billets to rolling temperature, billet entering continuous rod mill, where it is converted into rods or bars of any desired size or shape. Shows forming of concrete reinforcing bars; structural steel beams, cutting beams to size and inspection MAKING AND SHAPING OF STEEL— FLATROLLED PRODUCTS. USBurMines 1940 15mln si loan 669.1 tr Made with the cooperation of the U.S. Steel Corp. Pictures flat ingot being moved from soaking pit to slabbing mill for manufacture of steel plate, rolling, reheating, rerolling, leveling, cooling, cutting to length and testing for hardness MAKING AND SHAPING OF STEEL— PIPE AND TUBE MANUFACTURE. USBurMines 1940 15min si loan 669.1 tr Made with the cooperation of the U.S. Steel Corp. Begins with scenes of a hot billet, previously rolled from steel ingot, being pierced for conversion Into a seamless tube. Illustrated further by means of animated diagram. Shows rolling to reduce wall thickness and increase length of tube, straightening, inspection and testing of tubes before shipment, and cold-drawing MAKING AND SHAPING OF STEEL— RAILS, WHEELS AND AXLES. USBurMines 1940 15min si loan 669.1 tr Made with the cooperation of the U.S. Steel Corp. Portrays shaping of railroad rails from billets previously rolled from ingots, heat treatment and end-hardening of rails for special heavy duty, and rigid inspection, including drop test. Shows forging of railroad axles to shape from rolled-steel billets, making of car wheels, which are first roughly shaped in huge presses, the hub punched, wheel reheated, roll-forging machine finishing tread and flanges, and wheel given final finish and inspection before going into service MAKING AND SHAPING OF STEEL— RAW MATERIALS. USBurMines 1940 15mln si loan 669.1 tr Made with the cooperation of the U.S. Steel Corp. Shows open-pit iron mining with steam shovel, crushing ore and loading into cars. Pictures underground mining — mine shaft, drilling face, blasting, crushing and sampling Iron ore, transporting it to docks, and loading and unloading lake steamers. Shows mining of limestone, essential in the production of pig Iron. Depicts making of coal into coke, an essential raw material in transforming iron ore into Iron Raw materials (iron ore, limestone and coke) are assembled at blast furnace, where smelting operation reduces them to molten Iron and slag. Shows operation of blast furnace by means of animated drawings. Reel ends with molten iron being transported to another shop for refining into steel MAKING AND SHAPING OF STEEL— THE MAKING OF STEEL. USBurMines 1940 15min si loan 669.1 tr Made with the cooperation of the U.S. Steel Corp. Shows scrap iron being charged Into openhearth furnace, mixing and pouring. Animated drawings illustrate operation of furnace. Depicts sampling for analysis by carbometer and addition of ferromanganese or ferrosilicon during process, tapping, pouring Into ladle, teeming" into ingot molds and sampling with pyrometer. Shows operation of electric furnace — Interior of furnace, slagging off metal, skimming, adding of ferrochrome, tipping furnace and pouring metal. Illustrates Bessemer process MAKING AND SHAPING OF STEEL— WIRE AND WIRE PRODUCTS. USBurMines 1940 15min si loan 669.1 tp Made with the cooperation of the U.S. Steel Corp. Steel billets, previously rolled down from ingots, are shown being rolled into rod In highspeed continuous mill, coiling rod in automatic machines, inspection, pickling to remove scale, and coating with lime preparatory to colddrawing into wire. Depicts pointing and pulling of rod thru dies for manufacture of wire, galvanizing wire by coating with zinc, and testing and Inspection of completed wire STAINLESS STEEL. USBurMines 1943 29mln sd loan 669.1 sh-c-tr-ad Made In cooperation with Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. Emphasizes waste and destruction produced by rust, and the enormous sum spent by mankind in combating this enemy. The 515