Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 671W HOW TO WELD ALUM I NUM— RESISTANCE WELDING. USBurMines 1947 12min sd loan 671 W sh-c-tr-ad Describes a method by which parts fabricated from aluminum sheet and extrusions are welded under heat and pressure. The principle of two types of .spot welding machines are explained HOW TO WELD ALUMINUM — TORCH WELDING. USBurMines 17min sd loan 671 W sh-c-tr-ad Reveals the behavior of aluminum under the welder's torch and shows in detail the progressive steps necessary to make a good torch weld. Preparation of welding surfaces, proper manipulation of the welding torch and examples of torch welding of aluminum forgings, castings, sheet and plate are graphically depicted INSIDE OF ARC WELDING. GE 1942 6 pts ea lOmin sd color ea $52, loan 671 W (5h-tr-ad Produced by Raphael G. Wolff Studios. Each part is complete in itself and may be obtained separately Tlie various phases of arc welding are covered in full detail: 1 — Fundamentals; 2 — Flat position; 3 — Horizontal position; 4 — Alternating current; 5 — Vertical position; 6 — Overhead position INTRODUCTION TO OXYACETYLENE WELDING. JamHandy 1942 20min sd $66 671 W tr Importance of welder's job, his tools and equipment. Correct method to get proper flame, way to hold torch and welding rod. Instructions on finishing job and putting away tools MANUAL CUTTING A BEVEL— FREEH AND. Castle 1944 13min sd $23.60 671 W sh-c-tr Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying flimstrii) $1 Selecting a tip for bevel cutting; how to clean up a tip; how to adjust oxygen and acetylene pressure for bevel cutting; how to cut a bevel with minimum drag; and how to handle and operate the cutting equipment safely MANUAL CUTTING A SHAPE— FREEHAND GUIDED. Castle 1944 16min sd $27.88 671 W sh-c-tr-a(i Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Making a plywood template for cutting; how to make a tip guide device; how to position a template for cutting, how to use the guide device; and how to use a circle cutting device MANUAL CUTTING TO A LINE— FREEHAND. Castle 1944 21min sd $32.87 671 W sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 How to assemble an oxyacetylene cutting outfit; how to select the proper cutting tip; how to adjust oxygen and acetylene delivery pressures; how to adjust the preheating cutting flames; how to make a 90° freehand cut; and how to disassemble the cutting outfit. Safety measures are emphasized and demonstrated MODERN METAL WORKING WITH THE OXACETYLENE FLAME. USBurMines 1937 30min si loan 671 W sh-c-tr Produced by the Linde Air Products Company Reel 1 illustrates how acetylene, the fuel gas for the oxyacetylene flame, is produced by the chemical action of water and calcium carbide. Animated photography explains the construction and operation of oxyacetylene equipment Reel 2 shows oxyacetylene process In use. Illustrates value of oxyacetylene welding NEW HORIZONS IN WELDING. Harnlschfeger 1944 27min sd loan 671 W tr A very thorough film on production welding OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING LIGHT METAL. Castle 1944 21min sd $32.87 671W sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced by U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Assembling a gas welding outfit; how to adjust gas pressures; how to adjust the flame; and how to make a butt weld and a T weld in light tubing PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF DISTORTION IN ARC WELDING. LincolnElec 20min sd color loan 671 W sh-c-ad-tr Walt Disney production explains why metals expand and contract when they are heated and cooled, and how to prevent or control distortion. Mr. Shrink, the villain who symbolizes the cause of all distortion in arc welding, creates a great deal of trouble but is thwarted at every turn, and is even unknowingly put to work to overcome distortion in several cases SPOT WELDING. Castle 1945 20min sd $32.16 671 W tr Guide Produced by the U.S. Office of Education. Accompanying fllmstrip $1 Shows how to spot weld parts of an access cover, including setting up the machine, removing and installing electrodes, setting pressure, current and time controls, testing the setup and cleaning the electrode tips STORY OF A-C WELDING. GE 1944 35min sd color loan 671 W tr-ad Produced by Raphael G. Wolff studios . "A two part, all color film . . . which tells In detail the complete story of A-C arc welding and Its many advantages. Expert welders demonstrate the speed, flexibility and efficiency of the process on all types of joints. "Closeups of the arc and the molten steel show how the troublesome 'arc blow', so characteristic of direct current welding, is eliminated by the use of alternating current." Movie makers STORY OF ARC WELDING. USBurMines 1945 24min sd color loan 671 W sh-tr-c Sponsored by the Lincoln Electric Co. Previously titled "Magic Wand of Industry — Arc Welding" A simple yet complete description of the technique of arc welding Actual scenes in shipyards and plants, as well as drawings, depict the part played by each unit of the welding equipment in fusing metallic joints to make them in many cases far stronger than the metal itself. Because the fllm is designed for showing to all types of audiences, it covers the application of arc welding in many occupations, including shipbuilding, aircraft construction and maintenance, truck and automobile manufacture, track-repair work, pipeline construction, production of tanks, tank destroyers, bombs and the fabrication of huge units for hydroelectric power plants 521