Educational film guide ()

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676-677 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE PAPER FORESTS — Continued thru every phase — cutting trees, hauling them to rivers, coping with the spring thaw, driving the logs downstream to sorting bins, and finally arriving at the paper mill PAPER MAKING. Coronet 1941 20min sd $90 676 Jh-sh Collaborators: J. E. Hansen, InterAmerican Educational Foundation and Freeman Brown, University of Wisconsin Shows In complete detail the processes Involved in converting trees from the forests of the United States and Canada into paper. Starts with scenes of winter logging in Upper Michigan and then shows the conversion of the logs into pulp by means of both the sulphite process and the ground wood process The action of the digester and the bleacher are explained in animated drawings. The operation of the large paper machine as well as the calendering machine and testing *of the paper in research laboratories are shown. The paper is then followed to a large printing establishment to show how it is used in publishing a magazme SHORT COURSE IN PAPER MAKING. Glatfelter 35min sd color loan 676 sh-c-tr A rather technical film intended for those "who use printing papers Shows the complete manufacture of fine papers in a modern mill. Begins with the cutting of the trees from which the wood pulp is obtained and continues through each subsequent process. Such indirect processes as power and steam production, water filtration, laboratory testing and control, and reclaiming of unused materials are also presented TREASURES OF THE FOREST. Castle 1941 15min sd $21.40 676 Jh-sh>c-ad A U.S. Dept. of Agriculture version of a Swedish film, "Treasure in the Forest" Shows the cuttmg and transportation by sleighs, trucks, electric railways and waterways of logs to the pulp and saw mills; cutting logs into lumber and pulpwood; the manufacture of wood pulp, paper and viscose and the conversion of viscose into rayon fibres TREES TO TRIBUNES. Rev. ed ChicagoTribune 1943 30min sd loan 676 el-Jh-sh-c Produced by Wilding Picture Productions. First released in 1937 A new (1948) technicolor edition may be borrowed from Modern Talking Picture Service Shows the various steps required to produce a metropolitan newspaper. The scenes begin in the timberlands in Canada and end with delivery of the newspaper to the reader "Shows lumbering and paper making as well as the printing of the newspaper. Elxcellent for biology, chemistry, general science and social studies." Collaborator 677 Textiles. Weaving BASIC FIBERS IN CLOTH. Coronet 1948 ♦ lOmin sd $45; also color $90 677 eUJh-sh Guide Collaborator: Florence M. King, University of Illinois Imparts a knowledge of the major fibers which students can use as a yardstick to measure cloth effectiveness for each home use. The microscope magnifies fibers 100 times to demonstrate their comparative length strength, absorptive power, elasticity, heat conductivity, cleanliness and washability FACTS ABOUT FABRICS. duPontRayonDlv 1941 26min sd loan 677 jh-sh-tr-ad Describes yarns, constructions, dyeing operations and finishing methods used in making textiles. It also contains information on the c&re of fabrics, washing, etc. "The finest teaching film on fabrics we have seen." Collaborator FASHIONS BY CANADA. CanNFB 1946 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 677 sh-c-ad A survey of one of Canada's largest industries— textiles and clothing THE LOOM. Barr 1943 ll%min sd (Pioneer life) $40; also color $75 677 ei-Jh-sh-tr-ad Guide Also available in a black and white silent version for $30 A narrative of the many different tools used by the pioneer weavers to produce cloth for their needs Warp is twisted on the spinning wheel and skeined on the niddy-noddy. The skeined yarn is wound from the swift onto the warping-board and the chained warp is removed from the board to the loom The threading of the warp thru the heddles and reed is shown and weaving progresses LOOM WEAVING. Brandon 1940 lOmin sd (Handicraft instructional films) $40, rent $2 677 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Also available in a silent version ($30, rent $1.50) A girl student of the Universal School of handicrafts threads a small loom and, following a weaving draft, goes through the entire process of weaving a pattern MAN WHO CHANGED THE WORLD. TFC llmin sd (MGM miniatures) apply 677 Jh-sh-c Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "The story of the achievement of James Hargreaves, the humble English spinner, who invented the spinning jenny in 1767 thus laying the foundation for the 'machine age.' "The commentary describes this development in terms of its relationship to the conflict between man labor and machine labor." Advisory committee SPINNING WHEEL. Barr 1940 lOmin sd (Pioneer life) $40; also color $75 677 el-Jh Guide Also available in a black and white silent version for $30 Progressive study prints of processes are available with stories to supplement the film. Offered with film as a teaching kit at a special price There are detailed close-ups of carding, rolling curls, and spinning combined with study of the various parts of the "wheel" and the method of doubling the yarn for knitting as Grandmother teaches Elaine to spin TEXTILES. Filmsets Smin sd $12.50 677 ei-jh Guide Shows how silk, wool and cotton fibers are prepared and woven into textiles and then made into garments WEAVING HOMESPUN. Flory 1948 llmin sd (American folkways ser) $45, rent $2 677 jh-sh-c-ad Guide In colonial days cloth making was a vital task of every household. Even today in a section of French Canada a group of women still carry on this craft as part of their daily lives. The film depicts, step by step, the shearing of sheep, washing and carding of wool, spinning the thread, winding the skeins, dressing the loom and weaving a piece of cloth 524