Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 677-677.3 WHAT IS CLOTH? Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 677 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Collaborator: Florence M. King, University of Illinois By watching and listening to a mother teach her daughter, Nancy, about cloth, students learn the practiceil facts about fibers, yarns and weaves YARN AND CLOTH CONSTRUCTION. Coronet 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 677 Jh-sh-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: Florence M. King, University of Illinois Brings the carding board, the spinning wheel and the hand loom right into the classroom to demonstrate the processes of converting raw fibers into woven cloth, and high magnification photography of each process 677. 1 Linen IRISH LFNEN. IrishLinenGuild 1946 21min sd color loan 677.1 jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Hartley Productions Shows the making of beautiful Irish linens from the growing of the flax to the finished article. F\ill of ideas and ways and means of using linens in the home, how to properly set a table, etc. Of primary interest to home economics and women's groups 677.2 Cotton COTTON, EBF 1946 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 677.2 el-Jh-sh-c-a Guide Collaborator: Harriet L. Herring, University of North Carolina Tells the story of the making of cotton cloth, from the picking of the boll in southern fields to the packing and shipping of the finished cloth as it comes from the looms of a modern mill. Hand-picking of cotton is contrasted with the work of a modern mechanical picker COTTON— PICKING AND GINNING. Hoefler i 1948 llmin sd (Cotton ser) $45 color $80 677.2 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide The story of cotton from harvest to mill. Shows vast cotton fields in full burst of cotton, hand picking methods, picking by machines, ginning the cotton, scenes Inside the actual gin, experts classing cotton according to staple and grade, compressor at work in cotton warehouse, shipping by rail for domestic mills and by ocean freighter for overseas mills Based on information and technical data supplied by the National Cotton Council COTTON PLANTING. Hoefler 1949 llmin sd color (Cotton ser) $45; also color $80 677.2 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Shows operations involved in growing cotton; preparation of seed beds; cultivation by hand, mules and flame cultivation; dusting for insect pests by helicopter; plants and bolls at different stages of growth; and use of chemicals to defoliate before the harvest DEAR MISS MARKHAM. Modem 1948 26mln * sd color loan 677.2 sh-tr-ad Guide Produced by Herbert Kerkow Explains, In scenes of the Pepperell mills, how bed sheets are made from the raw cotton to the finished product. Other sequences describe testing process in the laboratory and the various differences in quality of sheets and sizes, shrinkage, threads per inch and strength of yarn KING COTTON. Rev. GM 1949 19min sd loan 677.2 el-jh-sh-c-ad "The film opens with scenes of cotton fields and cotton picking as a choir sings Negro spirituals. The development of the cotton grin is traced by comparing Eli Whitney's first crude model to the gigantic modern cotton gin of today. Next the story of cotton unfolds In a panorama of modern farming, science and industry. The use of cotton fibers for fabrics, linters for lacquers and plastics, and cotton fabrics for tires is shown. "The part played by cotton In the manufacture of the modern automobile, and even In building highways, is pointed out, and the film ends with an emphasis upon the part cotton plays in making our modern life safe and comfortable. Produced ... by Jam Handy Picture Service; sponsored by Chevrolet Division, General Motors Corporation." Georgia "Film opens with excellent material on Whitney and the growing processes." Collaborator IVIAKING COTTON CLOTHING. EBF 1946 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 677.2 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Isabel B. Wingate, New York University Tells the story of a child's cotton print dress from the designing of the original to the pressing and packing of hundreds of dozens of garments in a modem mass production garmet factory. Hand methods are contrasted with quantity production technique SAIVI FARIVIER'S COTTON. Castle 1938 32min sd $38.72 677.2 el-Jh-8h-c A USDA film "Very complete history of growth of cotton and best practices in production. Human interest approach used in presenting subject. Wife's efforts to counteract family discouragement over failure in marketing a poor yield. "Advice of county agent sought and followed. Better results after following advice with seed selection and its treatment as well as proper procedures of cultivation and harvesting. Winning prize and ability to Invest In home conveniences. Rather long for elementary school use." Collaborator SOIVIE PICKIN'. Castle 1946 18min sd $23.54 677.2 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad USDA production Photographed at the 1945 National Cotton Picking Contest In Blytheville, Arkansas. Slow-motion and close-up photography show how the experts stand, use both hands, "palm" the bolls, and make use of other techniques in picking cotton THREADS OF A NATION. TFC 9min sd (Cinescope ser) apply 677.2 el-Jh-sh-tr-ad Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "A very complete film on cotton from the fields to the finished fabric. An excellent subject on cotton. Good subject matter and well photographed. Very Interesting sequence dealing with old Peruvian methods of weaving cotton cloth." California 677.3 Wool GOLDEN FLEECE. AustrlNews&Inf 1941 lOmin sd $25, rent $1.50 677.3 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by the Commonwealth Dept. of Information for the Australian National Film Board "The wool industry of Australia: flocks of sheep with heavy coats of wool, washing of fleece while still on the animals, inside the shearing sheds, branding after the sheep have 525