Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 793.3-796 RITUAL IN TRANSFIGURED TIME — Cont. of movement is not a merely decorative factor; it is the meaning itself of the movement. In this sense, this film is a dance "The exciting product of Miss Deren's previous experiment in combining cinematic with choreographic interests. The film is conceived and executed in terms of continuous dynamic movement which enhances dramatic values in the physiological narrative. This is dance in its first meaning: its manifestation on film strikes with the impact of a discovery." Collaborator "Too esoteric for most, even with Deren's explanation." Collaborator SOCIAL DANCING, Coronet 1947 lOmln sd $45; also color $90 793.3 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: Edith Ballwebber, University of Chicago Teaches the waltz and fox trot, showing couples and individuals In basic box turn, forward pattern, cross-over and under-arm turn SQUARE DANCE MEDLEY. Official 1947 lOmin sd $25 793.3 el-Jh-sh-c-ad For lovers of the old-fashioned square dance. Such old favorite calls as: The Lady Around the Lady, Duck for the Oyster, Dig for the Clam, Hinky Dinky Parlez Vous STEPS OF THE BALLET. Livingston 1949 25min sd $76, rent $7.50 793.3 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by the Crown Film Unit for the British Central Office of Information Shows how a ballet in created. The basic positions, movements and steps are demonstrated and the choreographer, composer, and designer explain their parts in the planning of the ballet STUDY IN CHOREOGRAPHY FOR CAMERA. Deren 1945 3min si $15, rent $3 793.3 c-ad Movements developed and danced by Talley Beatty. In this film, the cinematographic space becomes itself an active element of the dance, rather than being an area In which the dance takes place. This results in a film-dance which could not be otherwise •performed' than on film "We have the beginnings of a virtually new art of 'chorecinema' in which the dance and the camera collaborate on the creation of a single work of art." John Martin: New York Times TWO CHINESE DANCES. ChinaFlm 1948 * lOi^min sd (Chinese Art film ser) $50; also color $85, rent $5 793.3 c-ad Miss Tai Ai-Lien presents two traditional Chinese folk dances — the Yao ceremonial prelude which is used at marriages and funerals and a solo dance drama called "The Mute and the Cripple." No dialog or commentary "Beautifully done. Highly specialized." Collaborator UKRAINIAN DANCE. CanNFB 1944 16min sd color $112.50, rent $5 793.3 Jh-sh-ad Music and dances are performed by the Ukrainian Canadians of Manitoba, largest Slavonic group in Canada. Ukrainians brought with them their native architecture, their thatched roofs, Byzantine domes and symbolic embroidery designs. Here we glimpse traditional pageantry, costumes, and danclnir 794 Chess CHESS FUNDAMENTALS. YoungAmerIca 1949 15min sd $48 794 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Lewis Baer Designed as an Introduction to the game, this film explains the fundamentals of chess and stresses the personal enjoyment to be obtained from It as a hobby 794.6 Bowling BOWLING SKILL. TFC lOmin sd (Grantland Rice sportlights) apply 794.6 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Paramount Pictures Corp. "Land bowling, spider or jackpot bowling, bowling duck pins, and bowling at the famous Sunset Bowling Center in Hollywood. A number of champions are shown. After regular bowling is demonstrated, trick bowling Is done by Gene Gagliardi. Ted Husing supplies the commentary. "Of value both as an incentive to this form of sport and as a demonstration of technique." Advisory committee TEN PIN TITANS. RKORadIo 9min sd apply 794.6 Jh-sh-ad Four of the nation's top-flight bowlers. Buddy Bomar, Mary Jane O'Donnell, Audrey Gersh and Nelson Burton, show their knowledge of the game 794.7 Ping-pong TABLE TENNIS. TFC lOmln sd (Sports parade) apply 794.7 Jh-sh-c Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "Table tennis, with experts playing In singles and doubles, Is shown here. After an explanation of the grip, the players demonstrate push shots, service, spin shot and return, forehand and backhand shots, and footwork. Highly recommended for instruction In table tennis." Advisory committee 796 Athletics and outdoor sports ALL AMERICAN WAY. ChlcagoTrlbune 1940 30mln sd loan 796 el-Jh-sh-c-ad "An excellent sports picture for any group. Brings out the importance of sports, as baseball, golf, yacht races, basketball, boxing, etc. in developing the American boys and girls of today. Shows cl.3an sportsmanship and the best of recreation. A thrilling film for boys and girls. Recommended from elementary grades up." Collaborator "A fair film intended to stimulate Interest among those who might enter the athletic contest sponsored by this newspaper." Collaborator CHAMPIONSHIP FORM. Sterling 1948 lOmin sd $17.50 796 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Also available In a silent version for $8.75 Shows Olympic champions setting world's records in high platform diving, pole vaulting, high jumping, etc. SPORT SPELLBINDERS. Castle lOmin sd $17.50 796 Jh-sh-c-ad Also available in a silent version for $8.75 Tuna fishing, high hurdling, broad jumping, pole vaulting, sand skiing, water skiing, sea sledding, rapids shooting, outboard racing, steeplechasing, jaloppy racing, and motorcycle hill climblnff 557