Educational film guide ()

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914.436-914.56 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE LE RHdNE — Continued At Lyon it is joined by the Sa6ne and finally leaves the mountains to seek the valleys of the Midi 914.436 Paris A PARIS. IntFlmBur 1947 18min sd (Teach* ingr film ser) $67.50, rent $5 914.436 sh-c-ad Guide Produced in France by Jean Brerault for beginning French students Furnishes glimpses of the economic and cultural life of Paris. After a view from the air of rile de la Cit6, where Paris had its beginnings, we quickly pass into the thickest of modern traffic around the Place de I'Op^ra. Then we see in close succession railroad stations, an auto factory, the big early morning markets, department stores, different "quartiers" and points of interest about the city FOREVER PARIS. FrEmbassyInf 20min sd loan 914.436 Jh-sh-ad Descending from the top of the Eiffel tower, the beautiful and inspiring city of Paris is unfolded. From the river Seine to the Church of the Sacred Heart and the Madeleine to the Place de la Concorde and the Tuileries gardens — the film is a tour of historical landmarks LETTER FROM PARIS. IntFlmBur 1946 19mln sd $65, rent $3 914.436 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Les Actualit6s Frangaises Shows Paris in its everyday life with long lines of people buying rationed food, crowded subways, the Latin quarter, the suburbs, etc. In French or English LIFE IN PARIS. TFC lOmin sd (De la Varre travelogues) apply 914.436 Jh-sh Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "A descriptive travelog of the city of Paris stressing its beauty and showing principal buildings of the Louvre, Tomb of Napoleon, Notre Dame Cathedral, Versailles and other points of world wide interest. "The narrator provides unusually intelligent commentary, including historical data which makes this film useful for instructional purposes. "The effectiveness with which the film has captured the spirit of Paris makes thia subject highly useful for French classes." Advisory committee PARIS— CITY OF PEOPLE. Simmel 1948 llmin sd $49; also color $85 914.436 Jh-sh-ad Produced by E. and F. Croizat A story of many Parisian occupations, professions and small businesses . . . fiower merchants, news vendors, artists, etc. 914.5 Italy DAY IN VENICE. FitzT lOmin sd (FitzPatrick traveltalks) $25 914.5 el-Jh-sh Also available in a silent version for $25 Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "Impressions of Venice, with a short sequence on lace making. "There are views of canals, buildings along the canals, and gondolas and gondoliers . . . Rialto Bridge . . . the Doge's Palace . . . views of the arched doorways and the great staircase on which the Venetian rulers were crowned and St. Mark's Square . . . and St. Mark's Church. "Ethelbert Nevln's 'A Day In Venice* Is played by the accompanying orchestra. "Recommended for geography at all grade levels. Should be useful also In connection with art and social studies. The commentator includes Interesting historical material." Advisory committee DOWN FROM VESUVIUS. TFC 9min sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 914.5 el-Jh Produced by 20th Century-Fox "A portrayal of life in and about Naples, Italy, with Mt. Vesuvius in the background . . . Captions and orchestral music. Should be valuable for geography classes, grades 4 through 9, and some value for social studies in higher grrades." Advisory committee ITALY. Forum ed. MOT 1946 17min ed $55 914.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Story of modern Italy with emphasis on the chaotic condition of that vanquished nation at the end of the war. Includes sequence on Vatican City, politically independent capital of the Roman Catholic world THE PO RIVER VALLEY (ITALY). UWF 1949 20min sd (Earth and its peoples) $100, rent $6 914.5 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Louis de Rochemont Associates A picturizatlon of the development of many large cities and Industries fostered by the abundance of cheap electric power and skilled labor. It also presents an analysis of daily life in the village of Rivolta d" Adda, a farming community SIENA AND SIMONE MARTINI. 1947 Si/^min sd $46, rent $3 Gateway 914.5 sh-c-ad Produced by Contemporary Films, San Francisco No modern note intrudes itself into this picture of the ancient, walled Tuscan city of Siena, Italy and its 14th century atmosphere. Shows the beautiful but never-finished Gothic cathedral, and tells of Simone Martini, master painter of his time and of all time, who lived and did his work here. One sequence demonstrates the true fresco process. Background music Includes passages found in Sienese archives, probably never before recorded VENETIAN HOLIDAY. TFC lOmln sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 914.5 p-el-Jh Produced by 20th Century-Fox "Pictures a Venice which in architecture and spirit has changed very little since the Middle Ages. . . Captions and occasional action sounds, with a background of orchestral music. Recommended for geography, grades 1 through 3; should be valuable also in grades 4 through 9, and for classes in art appreciation and industrial arts at all levels ' Advisory committee 914.56 Rome ROME, THE ETERNAL CITY. Castle 1948 llmin sd $17.50 914.56 Jh-sh-ad Also available in a silent version for $8.75 The camera reveals age-old relics of ancient pomp and glory, the grandeur of Vatican City and the structures of mundane, modern Rome 580