Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 915.2-915.4 JAPAN. EBF 1938 30mln si $48 915.2 el-Jh-sh Guide Modern, westernized urban life contrasted with the ancient modes and methods that persist in farm areas. Public school life; religious ceremonies JAPAN. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 915.2 el-jh-sh Guide Shows the physical features of the country, its industries and culture, especially bamboo, rice, silk and pearls 915.4 India. Ceylon THE CHANGING FACE OF INDIA. FON 1948 lOmin sd $26, rent $1.50 915.4 Jh-sh-c-ad A steady growth of education, Industry and communications is developing India Into a great modern state. This film pictures some of the progress in town and country and the changes in habits and customs which accompany it COCONUT TREE (SOURCE OF WEALTH). FON lOmin sd $26, rent $1.50 915.4 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Previously released under the title "Tree of Wealth" The coconut tree and its importance In relation to India's economy. Not only does this tree supply food and drink, but the fibres of the shells are the base of some of India's most Important industries. The oil, the leaves, the shrub, the shell, In short, every part Is used to advantage The film also stresses particular problems of India's population DELHI. TFC 1943 lOmin sd color (Fascinating journeys) apply 915.4 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Paramount Pictures Corp. "A most significant visit to the ancient site of Delhi now occupied by the modern city. "Here Britains, Moslems and Hindus govern together, and the beauty which was once confined to tombs and temples is now spread over the entire city; and the public squares and fountains do not have their use limited to the aristocrats, but are open to all for entertainment and refreshment. "The commentary recalls the history of the city." Advisory committee EAST OF BOIMBAY. Modern 1941 30mln sd loan 915.4 Jh-sh-ad Sponsored by Dodge Division of Chrysler Corp. An account of the adventures of Armand Denis and Leila Roosevelt in India and Ceylon. From Bombay the expedition goes up Into the Himalaya mountains to a Tibetan monastery. There are shots of a festival at which the monks from the monastery perform a dance. Benares, the holy city, on the Ganges river, is next visited and some natives are seen bathing at the river's edge. We also see a native burial ceremony There follow various other religious ceremonies of India, and a view of the Taj Mahal. After a visit to Ceylon and Its capital Colombo, the film ends "Excellent auditorium film. Contains enough material on Indian life and customs to be used as teaching material." Collaborator HANDICRAFTS OF INDIA. FON lOmin sd $26, rent $1.50 915.4 Jh-sh-tr-ad Notwithstanding the competition of the machine, the skilled craftsmen of India weave gorgeous brocade, carve wood and Ivory, model clay and cut marble to produce triumphs of art, skill and patience "Fair on India. Good on crafts." Collaborator IN RURAL MAHARASHTRA. FON lOmin sd $26, rent $1.50 915.4 jh-sh-ad The country of the Mahrattas, who hall from Western India. The film shows them at work in the fields, their picturesque harvest festivals, a marriage festival and the yearly fair INDIA. Forum ed MOT 15min sd $55 915.4 sh-ad-forum Guide Here is the complex story of India — of the predicament for her 400 million people, of their grave social and political problems in an overcrowded land. The war brought to a head centuries of strife among the various dissident groups — and groups within groups — that make up India's conglomerate population INDIA— HYDERABAD. EBF 1940 15mln si $24 915.4 el-jh-sh Guide Street scenes in this principal native state open the film. Shots of the railroad station, train and passengers follow The state makes money and postage stamps and there are shots of both activities Sugar cane is grown for home consumption. We are shown their methods of plowing, planting, cultivating and of making syrup. Culture of rice and the growing of beans, peas, etc. is shown. Dry fodder is stored in underground silos Wash day presents some interesting sights. Rug weaving is a well-known art, as is special weaving with gold and silver threads. These people are adept at craft work such as embroidery, filigree and inlaid work In a Mosque courtyard a Mohammedan elementary school holds sessions. In the secondary schools the western influence is seen \n the athletic activities Students in the University commute by train and bus. Laboratory scenes In the university give some idea of the scientific preparation of these students, assuring progress to their country INDIA— MYSORE AND CEYLON. EBF 1940 15min si $24 915.4 el-jh-sh Guide A primitive method of getting water is first seen. Modern methods have replaced some primitive methods — a modern highway and a modern electric plant for Instance. Hydroelectric power has stimulated the development of local Industry, Glimpses of gold mining activities, of the manufacture of chemicals and of the extraction of oil follow The silk industry is outlined. We see cocoons and the raw silk is spun and woven. Native girls pick tea leaves. The leaves are carefully treated indoors. Coconut trees with native boys gathering coconuts. The hard husk \B removed and the coconuts opened with a special knife A native gathers betel nuts. A man peais off the bark of a shrub in preparing cmnamon. Shore line of Colombo with the waves rolling In and an attractive building Is shown. There are many street scenes in the capital city. Ships in Colombo harbor INDIA— PUNJAB. EBF 1940 15mln si $24 915.4 el-jh-sh Guide In this land of seasonal rainfall agriculture depends upon irrigation. Oxen are seen working a tread-mill. An irrigation ditch. A farm. Water is pulled up from an ancient well. A man carries a large skin bag of 589