Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 915.5-915.91 GRASS — Continued Follows the migration of the nomadic Baktyari tribes across central Persia in search of the grazing lands which mean the difference between life and starvation to their flocks. The spectacle of 50,000 people floating and swimming their flocks across a treacherous river and toiling over a twelve-thousand-foot mountain range enlarges the scale of the film to that of an epic of the struggle for existence in its pastoral stage NATION'S SEARCH FOR GRASS. Knowledge Bldrs 1944 llmin sd (Story of civilization) $40. rent $2 915.5 sh-ad Guide Taken from "Grass" Herdsmen of Iran, their homes and their flocks. Each year they drive their flocks over snow-covered mountains to summer grasslands. 9 1 5.6 Turkey LET'S TALK TURKEY. Bray 15min sd (Rambling reporters) $40, rent $1.50 915.6 Jh-sh-ad Street scenes in Constantinople, worshipping at mosques, crowded markets and modern contrasted with old NEW TURKEY. EBF 1938 SOmin si $48 915.6 Jh-sh Guide The new Turkey evolving under the modernizing Influence of the Young Turks Is shown. Life in Ankara, the new capital. Rapid strides in industriaJizatlon. Agricultural activities 9 1 5.69 Palestine. Syria ASSIGNIVIENT: TEL AVIV. UPA 1948 21min sd color loan 915.69 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Paul Falkenburg. Narrated by Quentin Reynolds The screen diary of the daily life and work of a family living In the all-Jewish city of Tel Aviv DAY IN DAGANIA. UPA 15mln sd color loan 915.69 sh-c-ad-forum A visit to the first cooperative colony established in Palestine. This is the settlement which has served as the model for hundreds of colonies established with the aid of the United Palestine appeal In the Jewish homeland. The coperative system developed In Dagania places every member of the colony in a position of responsibility for the welfare of the entire group. Every man and woman has his or her chores to perform GATEWAY TO FREEDOM. NatCommLataor Palestine 1946 25min sd color loan 915.69 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Paul Falkenberg Describes how the Histadrut, Israel labor federation, has converted the small tradesman Into a productive worker. Today Palestine has Jewish farmers, ship builders, mechanics, stevedores, quarry men, mariners, artisans of all sorts and a host of other craftsmen. They are the builders of Israel HISTADRUT— BUILDERS OF A NATION. NatCommLaborPalestine 25min sd loan 915.69 sh-ad Pictures the work of Jewish laborers In Palestine, building the new Israel HOME ARE THE HUNTED. UPA 1946 23min sd color loan 915.69 sh-c-ad-forum Pictures the rebirth. In Palestine, of the displaced persons of World war II First-hand pictures of Palestine's stalwart youth carving out their new homes; of the Jordan river and its Industrial developments; of all the sweeping new vistas of Palestinian life HOUSE IN THE DESERT. UPA 1947 SOmin sd * color loan 915.69 sh-ad-forum Produced by Palestine Films "For 40 centuries there has has been no life on the 100,000 acres of the Dead Sea desert. Its soil is 17 percent Impregnated with salt (one-quarter percent makes soil infertile) and hardly 4 inches of rain fall there, even In a good year . . . Beth H'aarava (The House In the Desert), a self-supporting agricultural community of 150 families on more than 200 acres of fruitful land. Is witness today to the triumph of dream over logic." Film news PALESTINE. Forum ed MOT IBmin sd $55 915.69 Jh-sh-c-ad -forum The story of that rugged country, today 'ndergoing great agricultural and industrial change at the hands of some 570,000 Jews who are determined to mould it into a modern Jewish state. The film reveals not only the progress that has thus far been made toward modernization of the Holy Land, but also the problems to be solved and the obstacles to be surmounted before the Jewish people can achieve their objective PILGRIMAGE THROUGH PALESTINE. Li braryFlm ISmin sd $27 915.69 Jh-sh Many points of Interest are shown In the Holy Land, among them Mt Carmel, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Jordan river. Dead Sea, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives 9 1 5.7 Siberia SIBERIA. EBF 1937 30min si $ 915.7 Jh-sh Guide Developments In this vast country under U.S.S.R. policies. Schools, hospitals, collective farms, and the fishing industry. The Lake Baikal region. The primitive Buryat Mongolians. Tungus life in the Siberian tundra "Second reel excellent. Complete without the first." Collaborator 915.91 Burma WHEELS ACROSS INDIA. Modern 1940 SOmin sd loan 915.91 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced for the Dodge Division of the Chrysler Corporation by Armand Denis and Leila Roosevelt and presents an account of the Denis-Roosevelt Asiatic expedition The film opens with a few shots of children playing with an unusual boat and leopard kittens. This brings about a natural introduction to the family. The parents point out the path of their trip on a globe and then follows the exciting and unusual story There are many shots of beautiful pagodas and gem-encrusted temples in and near Rangoon in Burma. There are excellent shots of a most unusual water wheel made of bamboo and rotating on a teakwood axle. The expedition visits the once thriving but now dead city of Padaung A sequence is devoted to the odd "giraffe neck" girls and one girl actually permits the removal of the brass collar There are most interesting shots of legpropelled native boats used for transportation 591